Sick collector (2)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi didn’t say a word, but the impatient “collectibles” spoke first: “Who are you and why are you bringing me here, do you know that kidnapping is a crime?!”

The young master’s sweetheart should not be very old, so he was tied up with young people in their twenties, the most impulsive age, and most of them grew up under the red flag of socialism without experience. No matter how dark they lived, they think that they can make sense everywhere, so they are more impulsive.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the appearance of this young master. The young master, who was beautiful and weak like a porcelain doll, was still a disabled person in a wheelchair, giving people the illusion of safety and harmlessness.

The young master’s eyes stayed on the speaker. Lu Yi noticed that the young master’s eyes stayed on the other person’s nose for a few more seconds. It seemed that this young boy’s value as a collection was his nose.

The young master opened his mouth to speak. It should be in the period of juvenile voice change, and his voice sounded a bit hoarse, but it was not the unpleasant male duck voice unique to boys in the developmental period, but the softness of the youth and the deep and clear voice of the youth, it could even be said to be the sound of heaven.

However, what he said with this good voice was not very beautiful. His rose-like lips slightly opened and closed: “It’s too noisy.”

The loyal servants stepped forward and sealed the young boy’s mouth with tape. In order not to destroy the beauty, the tape was specially made. Of course, the tape was easy to tear off by hand. So, they trapped the hands behind the boy’s back with shackles.

The things seemed to have been prepared a long time ago. Judging from the way the servants locked people and taped them, it was not once or twice.

Perhaps before this, this young and beautiful young master had already driven his subordinates to kidnap a number of such people, but whether those people escaped or ended up in the same fate as the original owner, Lu Yi did not know.

It was obviously not a wise move to speak rashly without knowing the details of the enemy and the fact that the enemy was strong and they were weak.

The boy who spoke at the beginning, with his hands tied behind his back, could only open his eyes and looked at the others with resentment.

He was not the only one who wanted to lose his temper, but these people came up with such a trick, and those who wanted to lose their temper immediately quieted down. In the face of unknown danger, as long as they were not stupid, they would not act rashly.

A boy with glasses and a gentle-looking man said: “My family has money, and if I go missing, the police will definitely find it, and it’s not good for you either. What do you want, money, or anything else, my parents can definitely give it to you.”

Seeing that this polite boy was not punished, several other people also said: “My family is poor, and you can’t squeeze any oil out of me even if you kidnap me. Please, let us go.”

“I live with my parents. If they find out that I am missing, they will definitely look for me everywhere.” They scrambled to persuade the beautiful boy with their own situation, trying to inspire a little sympathy from the other party, only Lu Yi was quiet all the way. Standing there, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence.

Because he knew very well that what the other party wanted was neither money nor was lacking money, no matter how much they said, it was a waste of words and it was meaningless.

Sure enough, after these people spoke, the young master was still stingy with his own words and only said one word: “noisy”. The previous speakers were all covered with tape, of course, because they didn’t struggle too hard, they weren’t shackled like the original one.

The servants did not carefully observe which person did not speak, so Lu Yi, one of the collectibles, was also faced with the situation of being taped. He stood there quietly and did not struggle.

But before the tape sealed his mouth, the young master said, “Wait a minute.”

Like a robot that heard an order, the movements of the servants stopped in an instant.

The young master raised his hand and pointed to Lu Yi: “You, come here.”

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More than a dozen pairs of eyes stopped on Lu Yi, which was somewhat different from the original owner’s memory, perhaps because he changed his strategy.

Lu Yi obediently stood over and stopped a step away from the other party. If he looked at it up closely, he felt that the young master was like a finely crafted work of art, too beautiful to look like a real person.

The other party looked at him for a moment, and then asked him, “Are you dumb?”

In fact, he knew that the people in front of him were not dumb. If many people disappeared in this city at once, it would cause a certain sensation and cause him trouble.

So before starting, he specially asked people to check the information. There were many people who were similar to his sweetheart, but some lived with their parents and wives, and some hold important positions.

The people he chose were all single otakus who held unimportant positions in the company or had no job at all.

For example, Luyi, who was wandering in a big city by himself, was working as an IT migrant worker. Although his salary was not low, for enterprises, they could always find a substitute for him.

As long as there was Luyi’s mobile phone, he could pretend to submit his resignation to the company, and then regularly sends text messages on behalf of Luyi to contact others, no one would notice his disappearance at all.

He had read all the information of everyone here, and he didn´t need to explain the situation by himself. He was also very clear. But Luyi seemed to be different from the data.

It was written in the information that Luyi was an introverted and somewhat cowardly person. He was not good at rejecting things that he didn´t like to do on weekdays, which was what everyone called soft bun.

A person with such a personality had never shown any fear since he came in. All people here were people with a herd mentality, especially Luyi, who had a weak personality and no assertiveness and should just follow others to “talk” to him.

Even if he didn’t get close to him, at least he should have shown his desire to talk, but the Luyi in front of him was too calm, and it was completely different from what the data showed.

Lu Yi’s eyes reflected the other’s delicate and beautiful face.

In the story, the young master said that tyranny was not tyrannical. He didn’t want to wipe out the life, and he didn’t have any interest in the collection except for the parts similar to his sweetheart. Just because he recognized this, Lu Yi was not so afraid. The only thing to protect were the original owner’s poor ears.

After all, no one could have imagined that there would be such a big pervert, piecing together the outline of a sweetheart from different people.

Lu Yi also thought about doing things like Luyi’s character, but after walking in, he changed his mind. He was very sure that this young master knew their information in advance, and when those were scrambling to explain his situation, the other party’s performance confirmed him even more.

He was a patient and calm person, and his acting skills were not very good. If he wanted to learn how to swear, it was easy for people to see his flaws. It was better to fight and behave differently to attract this young master´s attention

An ordinary collection was like a prisoner locked up in a prison. He may be locked up for a lifetime, and he couldn’t figure out the whole picture of the prison.

Although he could clearly see all the memories of the original owner before he died, the original owner didn’t know where the place was until he was kicked out of the manor, let alone find out the identity and name of the young master.

Lu Yi didn’t want to live his tragic life here in a hurry, he needed privileges.

Before the young master’s patience disappeared, he shook his head slightly: “No.”

When he said this, he showed his arrogance and dignity as a superior.


In the original story, before Lu Yi died, he only knew that he was a collectible in the eyes of the young master, and his value in the eyes of the other party was a pair of ears that were somewhat similar to the other party’s sweetheart.

But no one knew who the young master’s sweetheart was, at least Luyi didn’t know before he died.

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According to the madness of the young master, and the financial resources of the other party, it should be inferred that the sweetheart of the young master should be someone he couldn’t get in touch with, and there was no way to imprison him.

Otherwise, this person was too sick to collect puzzles, why didn’t he just bring in the master.

Fortunately, he won the bet.

The other party looked up at Lu Yi and asked him, “What’s your name?”

Although he knew that the young man in front of him was not his sweetheart, he was still confused by the similar temperament displayed by the other party, and he looked at Lu Yi with anticipation.

“Lu Yi.” Lu Yi said, reminding himself that he was Lu Yi, not Luyi.

“The name Luyi doesn’t sound good. From today onwards, you can change your name to Lu Si, the Si of missing1”

The person he liked had the word “Si”2 in his name, but he didn’t want to completely change Lu Yi’s name to the other person’s name.

He used a word for Lu Yi just to make it easier for him to think of that person when he read it.

Lu Yi thought to himself that 80% of the sweetheart’s name had the word “Si” in it, so he agreed: “Okay.”

In this case, he couldn’t bear to say bad.

His obedience didn’t please the young master. The other party looked at his face and said, “You don’t want to say okay, I allow you to tell the truth in front of me.”

Although Lu Yi’s face didn’t look like that person, his temperament felt very similar to him. Temperament was a very mysterious thing. He hoped to make the collection in front of him what he wanted.

Lu Yi asked him, “Then can you let me out, I don’t want to stay here.”

“Except for this.” The collectibles he finally found, how could he easily let go.

Lu Yi nodded: “Then I know.”

As he retreated, he caught a glimpse of the jealousy that others felt about him. The same victim, but only he was treated differently. It was natural for people to breed some ugly emotions at this time.

Although he didn’t understand, he couldn’t even call his real name, so what was there to be jealous of.

But there were only one or two people who were jealous of him, and most of them were normal. Before leaving this house, he needed an ally who will not leak secrets. Those who were jealous of him for such strange reasons were obviously not suitable.

After being examined by the young master, they were released from imprisonment.

The tape was removed from the collectibles´ mouth, and the handcuffs were removed. The servants led them to a gorgeous and spacious living room. There were eight chairs on the long table, four on each side, and on the dining table there were all kinds of delicious food.

Golden roast chicken, tender steak on the outside and tender on the inside, and beautiful desserts like works of art, exuding an attractive and rich aroma.

They were all young people who hadn’t suffered much. After being knocked out, they hadn’t eaten so far. they didn’t feel it before, now, when they smelled the aroma of the food, their stomach growled.

They were hungry and hungry, but they were still afraid and did not dare to eat indiscriminately. Who knew if the person who kidnapped them had poisoned the food.

Lu Yi’s stomach was also beating badly. He found the sink in the living room, washed his hands, took the lead and sat down to eat with chopsticks.

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The others watched silently, and after seeing that Lu Yi did not die of sudden poisoning, they also pulled out their chairs and sat down, and devoured it.

Hungry people eat everything deliciously, not to mention the food here was really delicious.

After the stomach was no longer grumbling, the person who grabbed the seat next to Lu Yi gently kicked Lu Yi’s stool with his foot: lowered his voice and asked, “Brother, do you know what’s going on?”

At this time, Lu Yi had almost finished eating, but if he didn’t eat, he was still sitting on the seat, which was obviously a bit strange. He added a small bowl of soup for himself.

Lu Yi answered him: “I don’t know very well, the only thing I can be sure of is that as long as we don’t die, our lives should be guaranteed.”

Several people wearing the same style of clothes were sitting together, and if you ignore everyone’s expressions, it looked like a gathering of friends.

At the beginning, he questioned the young master’s violent temper and said, “Let’s introduce each other, where are you from, where did you come from, and how did you appear in this ghost place?”

Anyway, it won’t be worse than the current situation, and they must join forces to find a way out.

First of all, he said: “My name is Zhong Mou, Zhong of Dumas3, I am a graduate of University A, a freelancer. I just finished an appointment with a very hot girl, when I woke up the next morning, I found myself in such a ghost place, what about you?”

Lu Yi said, “Lu Yi, I typed code, I was knocked out on the way home from overtime.”

Immediately, a boy with glasses raised his hand and said, “I was also knocked out halfway, but I am going to tutor and come back at night.”

His face was full of unease: “My parents only have a son, I don’t even have a girlfriend, that young master looks very sick, and he is still in a wheelchair, wouldn’t he be arresting us to match his organs something.”

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He always felt that he might have eaten this meal and woke up the next day with a kidney missing.

The next few people explained their situation. Basically, they were all single dogs, or even if they weren´t single, they were in long-distance relationships, and their occupations were relatively homely, so it was relatively easy to start.

A person who thought things negatively said: “We will die here and no one will find out.”

The violent boy yelled at him: “Don’t say such disheartening words, if he wanted to kill someone, the other party must have already done it, and would they serve you delicious food and drink?”

“Then why do you say we are here? Who knows if that boy is perverted, I feel like he is like a ghost doll in that kind of story, beautiful but eerie. If this is a dream, it would be nice.”

Several young people with different identities and different occupations started quarreling like this. Lu Yi noticed that the boy beside him had been silent and seemed much more stable than the others.

Maybe this boy would become his ally, Lu Yi thought to himself, but he still decided to observe it in secret for a while. It was also possible that the other party was a spy who was placed between them by the young master. His thoughts were too dark, mainly involving personal safety, and he had to think a little more.

After the last person put down the chopsticks, the servants who had left came in again: “Several gentlemen, please come here with us.”

Except for the beginning whey tied people with chains to prevent them from running around when they woke up and couldn’t find anyone else, and pasting tapes on them when they were too noisy in front of the young master, these servants were very polite to them, as if they really treating a guest invited by the host’s house, not some hapless kidnapped.

More precisely, it might be more appropriate to call these people servants4. After all, servants are hired existences, and they have their own thoughts and consciences, but these people completely obeyed the instructions of that boy, a bit like domestic servants specially trained in big families in feudal society.

Maybe this young master was a little more powerful than him. If he wanted to completely compete with the opponent, the best way may be to leave the city, or show more powerful value and seek the protection of the boss.

Lu Yi was not a person who recognized the bed, and the original owner did not have this problem, but because of his heavy heart, that night, he had insomnia for the first time, and he couldn’t sleep after turning over and over in bed for half a night, and it was nearly three o’clock in the morning when his body finally couldn’t resist drowsiness and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, he was woken up by a knock on the door. The first woman he saw yesterday walked in and told him, “You will have dinner with the young master later.”

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Lu Yi asked, “What about them?”

“Don’t go with them. This is the order of the young master. I don’t know why. Don’t ask more.” She looked different from the servants yesterday. Although she was not so polite, she was more popular. It looked more like a living person.

Lu nodded slightly: “Thank you.”

The other party glanced at him and seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a long time, she finally said nothing.

Perhaps it was yesterday’s performance that played a role. He was brought to his side by the young master, and he accompanied each other to dine, study, and attend classes like a friend.

Although there was no place like this castle from beginning to end, the other party, like other students of this age, had to learn everything, even more.

Different teachers came to teach him every day. After the class was over, the other party would withdraw. During the class, the teachers’ attitude towards the young master could sometimes be said to be very strict, but after the class, they would again revert back to the way Lu Yi saw them when they first arrived, they were respectful and even a little afraid.

Lu Yi stayed in this place for many days, perhaps because of his good performance, he was equipped with a mobile phone and a computer, but the signal of the mobile phone was blocked, and the computer had no network.

There were no novels for entertainment on the phone, no video screen, and the page was very clean. The only apps that could be used offline were the notepad and the puzzle games that came with the phone.

The computer was even more so. A computer without a network was of no use except for him to type.

The original owner was a relatively good migrant worker, but the code could only be used when there was a network, at least it needed to be implanted with a chip or the like. Lu Yi was not a great hacker, nor did he have that talent.

He can only wait and find out the details of the other party little by little.

Almost a month had passed, and he had changed from a dispensable collection to the all-around butler of the young master.

He basically knew what the young master had learned. The Lu family believed in elite education. When his peers were still playing mud and sandbags with their friends, he learnt various skills, music appreciation, and piano, cello, various musical instruments, calligraphy and painting…

Even if he was not completely proficient, he should get started, so that in the future, when he was talking with people from all walks of life, he could have a common topic, and when he attended various occasions, he could have good praise, so as not to lose the face of the Lu family.

These things were all things that he had engraved in his memory. Although he had changed his body and his techniques were a little unfamiliar, when he encountered those things, his memory would be awakened very quickly. At the beginning, he was like a beginner, but he was very quick to get started. In the words of Mr. Xu Musi, he was like a genius.

Lu Yi’s excellence won the favor of the young master, because the person he liked also had very high attainments in art.

However, the person he liked couldn’t type on the keyboard and engage in code, so when Luyi, no, when Lu Si appeared in front of him, he absolutely wasn´t allow to touch anything other than art.

Yes, after these days, Lu Yi finally knew the name of the young master, Xu Musi, adoring Mu, missing Si.5

It was said that because the young master’s mother had a thought in his name, his father named him this. But Xu Musi obviously didn’t come up with so many collections because of his mother who died early.

And Lu Yi was fortunate enough to see the photos and portraits of the other’s mother. She was a very gentle and moving beauty, and the eyes, nose and ears didn’t look like them at all.

He could be sure that the young master’s sweetheart should be a man of noble birth.

After staying in this manor for two full months, Lu Yi successfully helped a collectible to leave the manor, because he had more collectibles that look like the other person’s sweetheart, and that collectible was useless. As always, the other party was knocked unconscious, transported out, and when he woke up the next day, lying in his rental room, he might just think that what happened during this time was a fantasy.

Lu Yi didn’t expect the other party to find this place and rescue them.

On the 75th day after becoming Luyi, Lu Yi finally met Xu Musi’s sweetheart.

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