Sick collector (6)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


After saying these words, He Si’s smile gradually disappeared under Lu Yi’s silence.

He recalled what he had just answered, and even felt embarrassed for a while. He just chatted with others. If it was him, he would definitely not be willing to pay attention to him.

When he was tricked by the old man into going on a blind date, he was so venomous that the little girl could cry. At that time, he was quite proud, and without much effort, he could make the person he didn’t like back away.

The older he was, as long as he exuded the aura of not being near him, almost no one would come and annoy him. He was an adult, and he had more worries. Before approaching him, he would definitely weigh the consequences of annoying him.

But now, when he took the initiative to approach others, the conversation was so embarrassing that he himself felt that he was hopeless.

Thirty-three years in his life, it was the first time he was so worried that he would be alone.

Lu Yi really felt that He Si was too strange, he was not too young. When he said such embarrassing words, he didn’t know what was going on in his mind.

But in the end, the status of the other party was there. As Lu Yi, even if he didn´t like the guest, if there was a certain value to the Lu family, he would also show due courtesy.

And although he was not completely free, it was still thanks to He Si that he could come out from that place and obtain a relative degree of freedom. The other party didn´t know what kind of virtue Xu Musi’s well-behaved appearance was.

“Well.” He replied with a word, saying that he knew it, and he didn’t speak any more.

After all, what He Si said was really embarrassing, and he really couldn’t accept it.

Seeing the familiar building, Lu Yi said, “Wait a minute, just stop here, it’s already there.”

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The driver stopped the car by the side of the road, and He Si blurted out, “So fast?”

Knowing that he had asked the driver to drive slower, he just stared at the boy in the rearview mirror in a daze, feeling that he had only watched it for a few minutes, why did Lu Yi live there.

Lu Yi gave him a strange look: “The car has been driving for almost an hour, not too fast.”

He said thank you, opened the door and got out of the car.

He Si also followed: “That wait a minute.”

Lu Yi stopped, turned his head and looked at him suspiciously: “?”

He Si stepped on his left foot and lowered his head, feeling a little reluctant to look at Lu Yi: “That’s right, if it’s convenient, do you mind if I go up and sit?”

He thought that he was still very good, man, he had to go straight and frankly flirt!

Lu Yi rejected him: “The upstairs is messy and inconvenient. Let’s talk about it next time.”

He Si was disappointed in the first half of the sentence, but in the second half, He Si’s eyes lit up again, and he asked, “When is the next time?”

Lu Yi smiled: “If you are at Xu’s house tomorrow, we can still meet. Next time, when it is convenient for both of us, you can.”

He didn’t like others invading his personal space very much, but the place rented by the original owner Luyi probably didn’t know how many people have entered it, so it didn’t matter that much.

He refused He Si, one was to calm down first, and the other was because the original owner’s residence was really messy, and the owner of the house had not been there for a few months, it was really a mess.

Fortunately, his rent was paid once every few months, and he paid half a year’s rent before he was knocked unconscious, otherwise he would probably have no place to live when he came back.

Feeling a little too cold, he took the initiative to say, “If you don’t mind, let’s exchange contact information?”

When he was in the Xu family mansion before, he didn’t have his mobile phone with him either.

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He Si’s face brightened a bit: “Okay, give me your number.”

Lu Yi reported a string of numbers, the two of them saved each other, and then exchanged other means of communication.

For example, ball number and X signal, and so on.

After saying goodbye to He Si, Lu Yi opened the door with the key that Xu Musi had returned to him, and an unpleasant smell came from the surface.

Lu Yi threw away all the messy things very quickly, emptied the expired food in the refrigerator, and opened the window to breathe. He felt that the smell in the room was not so unpleasant and depressing, so he went back to the room from the living room.

When he opened the window of the room, he found that the boss He Si was still standing downstairs in his house looking at him. He waved to the other party. After doing this, he felt that the picture was a bit like the heroine in a TV series. When the protruding body was retracted, his smile also disappeared from his face.

He didn’t look out the window anymore, he closed the curtains, logged in to the original owner’s various accounts, and found that the original owner’s job was gone.

After being kidnapped, Lu Yi definitely had no way to show up in the company. After a few days of absenteeism, the original owner’s boss called directly, and the mobile phone was not in Lu Yi’s hands. In order to avoid subsequent troubles, the housekeeper directly asked someone to resign for him.

Great, now he had no additional source of income. In fact, this was something that Lu Yi expected, and he didn’t feel much lose.

Lu Yi searched for all the assets of the original owner. The other party entered this company as an intern in the second semester of his junior year. After getting his graduation certificate, he became a regular employee three months later. Now he had been working for almost a year and has saved about 40,000 yuan.

In order to not worry about their son saving money, the parents of the original owner gave him 100,000 yuan, and promised that if the son could save 200,000 yuan by the end of the year, the family would support him to make a down payment in this city and buy a house earlier.

Lu Yi planned to use this money as start-up capital. He was originally a person who didn’t like hype and didn’t want to expose himself to the eyes of the public, but in this life, he decided to be more high-profile.

Only if a person high-profile enough, when he disappeared, it could attract the attention of society. It was true that the Xu family had a great a career but Father Xu and Xu Musi could not cover the sky with one hand.

After registering the relevant software, Lu Yi started to operate it proficiently. He was busy until twelve o’clock. During this period, He Si contacted him. While he was doing data analysis, he was distracted from talking with He Si.

Although he didn’t know what He Si was thinking, it would still be beneficial to maintain a good relationship with the other party.

If the relationship between the two was good enough, he didn’t even have to worry about Xu Musi going crazy.

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The next morning, Lu Yi took his mobile phone and money and went downstairs for breakfast. When he got downstairs, he found a black car parked in front of him.

The window rolled down, revealing the old face of the housekeeper Ying Bo: “Get in the car, the young master said that I will pick you up, Mr. Lu.”

Ying Bo still had the same expression, but he didn’t seem to be very friendly to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi didn’t care so much, he still stayed in this city, or in other words, if he stayed in this country for a day, he probably couldn’t get rid of the Xu family.

Now that the transportation was so convenient and the network was so developed, unless he was isolated from the world and lead the life of a savage in the mountains, otherwise, as long as he left traces, depending on the financial resources of the other party, it was not impossible to find him.

Lu Yi, like before, accompanied Xu Musi to a day’s class. However, the way he dressed now was no longer He Si’s style.

If he wanted to “chase” Xu Musi, he couldn’t just be a stand-in, but to highlight his own charm and stand up as Luyi. Otherwise, it was almost impossible for a substitute to replace the main master.

Seeing Lu Yi’s new outfit, Xu Musi didn’t say anything. He thought about it over and over for a long time last night, always thinking that he wanted to go out, but he was very hesitant.

For him now, Lu Yi was the one who knew his inner secret, the one to whom he could share his emotions with.

Besides, Lu Yi liked him, and those who were liked could always be more confident. He asked Lu Yi to help him, of course, to verify whether what Lu Yi said was true or not.

After waiting for the end of the course, he asked the housekeeper to go out, leaving only Lu Yi. He sat in a wheelchair and looked at the tall and tall young man: “Uncle He is here today. Help me find out about his sexuality.”

Lu Yi thought about it. Yesterday, the other party shook his head and made it clear, but he couldn’t say this to Xu Musi: “I can do things for you, but…”

He paused, his expression gloomy: “You forgot, what I told you yesterday, you asked me to do these things for you, put me wherever, I am also a human, and I will hurt.”

When the protagonist in the TV series was provocative, he seemed to say something similar, he should not have read the wrong lines.

Xu Musi stood up from the wheelchair: “Is your love so cheap? It’s just for you to ask about his sexuality.”

Lu Yi said, “He’s your uncle, right? He’s seventeen years older than you. If he had a baby earlier, he could be your father. What’s so good about an old man, in your eyes, can’t you tolerate it if it was anyone else?”

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Xu Musi only stared at him with dark eyes.

Lu Yi’s expression was slightly painful. After a long time, he said, “I can help you, but if you are rejected, I hope you can give me a chance.”

Xu Musi clenched his fists and bit his lips with his white teeth: “I won’t be rejected.”

In fact, he had not bottom in his mind.

Lu Yi quickly replied to Xu Musi, confirming that He Si liked men. In fact, he already knew it yesterday, but the steps to deal with Xu Musi were indispensable.

Xu Musi gathered up his courage and asked He Si in a low voice when the two were alone: ​​”Uncle He, I have been very distressed recently. I seem to like men, but my father said that it is only normal for men and women to be together.”

He Si solved the junior and said, “Are you sure you really like men?”

Xu Musi nodded: “It’s true.”

“There’s nothing abnormal about liking men.”

Xu Musi asked cautiously, “Then do you like men too?”

He Si nodded: “Yes, I like men too.”

Lu Yi was a man, he liked Lu Yi, so he liked men, there was nothing wrong with this logic.

“The kind of love between men and women?”


He Si felt something was wrong: “Why are you asking this?”

Xu Musi looked at him with crooked eyebrows, and then said, “He Si, the person I like is you, like a man likes a woman.”

He Si was stunned for a moment, then rejected him mercilessly and neatly: “But I don’t like you.”

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