Sick collector (7)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Xu Musi’s smile stiffened on his face, his eyes lost their luster, and he looked more like a beautiful doll.

The bare nails were pinched into the palm of his hand. He looked at He Si and asked in an obscure voice, “Why? There is no one else by your side, and no one you like, right?”

Because he was prepared to be rejected in advance, although it was extremely uncomfortable, Xu Musi would not give up.

He Si subconsciously wanted to refute, he had someone he liked. But he remembered that his nephew didn’t seem to have a good temper. Lu Yi was Xu Musi’s tutor, and he didn’t know how long he would teach. Before the relationship between the two was established, and he could ask Lu Yi to give up the job, it was a bit too rude, and he didn’t want to cause trouble to Lu Yi for his own sake.

Seeing that He Si didn’t answer, Xu Musi’s voice was filled with urgency: “What do you dislike about me, I can change it?”

He Si recovered from his thoughts, just when he heard Xu Musi’s words, he decided to simply refuse: “You are too young, I have no interest in children.”

Xu Musi was stuck in his throat. He could change his personality, appearance, and even gender, but how would he change his age? Would he ask someone to change the age on his ID card to be older?

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When his mother gave birth to him and entertained guests, He Si attended the family dinner as the representative of the He family. The other party knew very well how old he was, and it was estimated that the legal age would not have much effect.

But Xu Musi still held a little hope in his heart: “How much is the age you think is suitable, do I need to wait a year, or two years?”

But He Si didn’t even want to give him this hope: “You are still young, look outside, there is no need on hang me.”

Xu Musi’s eyes were red: “I’m willing to hang! I don’t think you’re old either.”

He Si sighed, he didn’t want to be so heartless at first, after all, he was a nephew, but he didn’t like to hear Xu Musi’s words, what did he mean by being old, a man in his early thirties, it was obviously the best golden age, not old at all.

His expression cooled down a bit, as if it was covered with frost and snow: “For your father’s sake, I didn’t want to say so much. If you want to hang, it depends on whether I want to let you hang. Okay, I will let your father take care of your life’s important affairs. ”

He was not a good person either. If he really liked it, it didn’t matter how young the other party was. In their circle, old men and young wives were normal, not to mention the difference of seventeen years, but there were still people who dare to advocate true love.

He looked at the boy in front of him. After years of sculpting, Xu Musi lost his youthful innocence and became a little more refined. When he didn’t move, it was like a perfect work of art.

He admitted that Xu Musi was really good-looking and had a lively mind, but if he didn’t like it, he didn’t like it. If he really liked it, he wouldn’t worry about whether Xu’s father would blow his beard and stare, and he would definitely take the person away first.

Because of Xu Musi’s sudden confession, he left Xu’s house early. Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to say hello to Lu Yi, and by the way invited him to meet next time.

It was a problem to meet at Xu’s house all day long. He still hoped to be alone with Lu Yi. Anyway, after confirming Lu Yi’s sexuality, he had been frank with each other, and he could pursue it openly.

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Thinking of the young man’s face that looked a little indifferent but had a fatal attraction to him, He Si’s mood couldn’t help but improve.

Xu Musi also reminded him that while there was no one around Lu Yi, he must start early. If the other party liked someone else, then he really wanted to cry without tears.

He Si thought happily about men, but Xu Musi was not very happy.

He first confessed and was rejected. After He Si left, he was reprimanded by Xu’s father again.

At the age of seventeen, if he stayed in school, he would still be at the age of puppy love. After reprimanding his son, Father Xu wondered if he was too indulgent to Xu Musi. He stayed in the house all day, thinking blindly, and had a small social circle. There were few people in contact that he would fall in love with people he shouldn’t.

Seeing the portrait of his wife hanging on the wall, Father Xu’s heart softened again, and the other party felt a little guilty for his own tantrum: “It’s not that Dad said, you are young, ignorant, and what you don’t understand. It’s just called affection, and it’s normal to have such an illusion when you meet few people. In fact, it’s just a strong mentality, not really like. ”

Xu Musi was not the kind of rebellious teenager in middle school. On the contrary, he was very sober and knew exactly what he wanted: “Dad, when you were with my mother, you were only sixteen years old. Once my mother reached marriageable age, you quickly got the certificate. You’re married, and you changed the age on your ID card for my birth.”

Father Xu and Mother Xu were classmates, childhood sweethearts, golden boys and girls, and it could be said that everyone envied them very much.

If it weren’t for the deep affection, and with Xu Musi’s health so bad, Father Xu would not have to bear the pressure of the family and not marry another person after the death of his deceased wife.

Thinking of the time his wife and he had had, Father Xu fell silent, and he could somewhat understand his son. After all, it was his seed, a natural infatuation seed, like him.

But when he was himself, he could act recklessly, but as a father, he had to think carefully for his son and analyze the pros and cons: “It’s not that dad wants to pour cold water on you, your mother and I were in love with each other at the beginning, but you, does He Si like you?”

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To tell the truth, He Si was only three years younger than himself, and he called him a brother on weekdays. According to the power of the He family, if he became his son-in-law, he would not be at a disadvantage.

But He Si’s character could be the kind of master who never suffered a loss. If He Si liked his son, he would consider it, but the current situation was that his son liked the person, but the person didn´t like him at all, he also specially reminded him to beat his son, so that he, the old man, helped his son to put out his thoughts.

This situation was completely different from before.

“I don’t care about puppy love, you like it if you like it, but the son of the Xu family can’t be.”

Xu Musi looked at his father with a fragile expression: “I know, Dad, I know I shouldn’t like him, but I can’t control it…”

He gripped the arm of the chair tightly, shaking all over, looking like he was in great pain.

His voice became more and more choked at the back, and his eyes were full of tears, and it seemed that he couldn’t fall out. Anyone who looked at him would feel that this person was really pitiful.

Father Xu looked at his son, and since he was a child, the child had always been very sensible. It was after the death of his mother that his personality became more and more gloomy. Although he loved his son, he couldn’t accompany his son too much because of his busy career.

Over the years, this was the second time he had seen his son’s expression so painful and sad. The last time was at the funeral of his wife, Xu Musi’s mother.

Although Xu Musi’s tears did not fall, he still felt his son’s great pain. He was still a soft-hearted father after all: “There is really no way to take you, but you have to agree with me on a deadline. When you are eighteen years old, if you still can’t make He Si tempted, you will give up on him.”

Now that his son was still a little younger, he was not mad enough to let such a young son go on blind dates everywhere. When he reached about eighteen, he would be an adult, and when he found a suitable one, he would be in love for a year or two, and then he would reach the age of marriage.

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To be honest, he was still not optimistic about his son and He Si, but as a father who loved his son, he had no choice. He couldn’t resist Xu Musi’s tears. If Xu Musi really murdered and set fire, he would have followed behind his son and wiped away the traces left by the latter.

Xu Musi’s body trembled gradually less and less, and he whispered, “Thank you, Dad.”

Father Xu sighed, turned around and walked out, leaving Xu Musi alone in the huge room.

After sitting on the chair for a while, he took back all the tears that were about to be shed, and his expression changed from pitiful to indifferent.

After shattering several vases, the palm of his hand was cut by fragments, and looking at the bright red blood seeping into the palm of his hand, he seemed to feel no pain, and instead clenched his fist harder and harder.

When the blood flowed down his fingers, a warm hand held his fist. The young man’s voice was very gentle, but at this time there was a little bit of anger.

“Spread your hand out,” the man ordered firmly.

Xu Musi stubbornly held his hand tighter, but the next second, his hand was torn apart, and the blood-stained fragments fell to the ground with a clatter.

In the end, Lu Yi found the family medicine box and dealt with Xu Musi’s wound.

His movements weren’t gentle, and the force was enough to make you feel pain.

After dealing with Xu Musi’s wound, he said, “Some of the people who came with me committed suicide.”

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