Sick collector (8)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Xu Musi didn’t want to care about this kind of thing, but Lu Yi’s tone was heavy and his expression was serious. He looked at the bandage on his hand and asked casually, “Who committed suicide?”

Lu Yi looked at his expression, Xu Musi’s face did not fluctuate, and he did not feel any guilt for these wrong things he did.

He said, “It’s Lin Miao, he couldn’t stand the boring life here and committed suicide.”

Xu Musi searched around in his mind and found Lin Miao, a boy who looked very sunny and lively, at least that’s what the information said.

But the information was not completely credible, at least Luyi was a lot different from the information.

“So, is he dead?”

“He was found in time, so he didn’t die.” Lin Miao committed suicide by cutting his wrists, breaking the China bowl in which he was eating, and then when he was cleaning up, he secretly hid a sharp shard and committed suicide when the servants were not paying attention, bleeding all over the place, when he went, the scene looked very tragic.

“Since he’s not dead, let him have a good rest these days.”

Lu Yi persuaded him: “People with depression tendencies are very easy to commit suicide again. This time they are rescued once, and what about the next time.”

Realizing that in the heart of Xu Musi, whose moral standard were not high enough, human life may not be so precious, and the law was only a tool for him to protect his rights and interests.

When the words came to his lips, he changed his words: “If he is left behind, if someone dies in the Xu family, it will still bring trouble to the Xu family. That Mr. He doesn’t seem to like trouble. ”

When he mentioned He Si, Xu Musi’s ears moved. He raised his head and stared at Lu Yi with dark eyes: “If that’s the case, then send him out.”

Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and continued, “Can I go and see him off in person?”

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Xu Musi was keenly aware of something. He and Lu looked at each other and judged the truth of Lu Yi’s words from the other’s eyes and micro expressions: “Are you familiar with him?”

“I’ve known him quite well since he came in.” Lu Yi almost never lied in front of Xu Musi. If a person wanted to lie, there would always be some subconscious movements.

Xu Musi was a very sensitive person, so if he told a lie, he was likely to be seen through by the other party.

So, Lu Yi didn’t lie, he just concealed part of the truth.

Xu Musi couldn’t see any trace of lies from Lu Yi’s eyes and expressions, and Lu Yi’s tone was indeed very frank.

He lowered his head and saw the bandage on his hand again. Forget it, for his own sake: “You can send him, but remember, don’t say anything you shouldn’t say.”

Lu Yi was a special case. He went out in He Si’s car and knew his name and identity, so he asked the other party to come back.

As for the other collectibles, most of them only know that he is the young master.

This time, when he sent Lin Miao back, he would definitely take a detour, not allowing the other party to see the scenery outside the car.

In fact, what he originally thought was to knock Lin Miao’s head unconscious, but since the person was already weak enough to lie down, he would just take advantage of the night and send it out when he was asleep.

Anyway, he could see the situation clearly in the rear-view mirror, and he would arrange for someone to sit in the back seat of the car. If Lin Miao wanted to sit up, he had to press the person down again.

Xu Musi was willing to let go. It was a very big improvement. Lu Yi suppressed the surprise in his heart and tried his best to keep himself calm: “You can’t touch the water for your own wound these days. If you want to take a bath, would you like me to help?”

Xu Musi couldn’t help but glance at Lu Yi, obviously not expecting the young man in front of him to say such shameless words: “No need, I can do it myself. ”

He remembered that Lu Yi had a coveted heart for him. Although he didn’t hate others’ admiration for him, and even enjoyed it, it didn’t mean that he could easily surrender himself.

He hadn’t even seen He Si’s body, so how could he give Lu Yi an advantage in the first place. Thinking of this, his pale face was stained with a touch of red, and his voice was a little embarrassed: “What are you still doing here, since you want to send him, quickly send him out, and go out before I regret it.”

Lu Yi left a few words of relationship, turned back three times in one step, and withdrew reluctantly.

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It was only after pushing it to the toilet where there was no camera, the expression on Lu Yi’s face changed greatly, and he slowly adjusted his emotions.

Ten minutes later, he tugged at his collar and walked straight out.

On the night Lin Miao committed suicide, Lu Yi accompanied Lin Miao, who was asleep in the back seat of the car, out of the mansion.

Of course, the argument for other collections was that Lin Miao was disposed of.

Otherwise, one suicide would set such a precedent, and the rest would commit suicide every day. As Lu Yi said, the Xu family could actually solve this kind of trouble, but if it broke out, the negative impact would still be very big.

In order to prevent other people living here from having the same thoughts and going out, they must not tell the truth to the rest of the collection.

Lu Yi could have said that, but his current position was not stable enough. And because of all kinds of hints to Xu Musi, his current status was actually very embarrassing, and he couldn´t act willfully.

The driver of the Xu family took Lin Miao to the house that the latter bought.

When leaving, Lin Miao’s hand suddenly grabbed Lu Yi’s hand, and then wrote two repeated words on Lu Yi’s palm with his little finger: “Thank you.”

Lu Yi pulled his hand back and left the room without looking back.

Among the several collections, Lin Miao was the one who was closest to him. During this period of time, Lin Miao was indeed very depressed, but it was not exaggerated to the point of committing suicide.

Moreover, although Lin Miao learned to draw, hid parents were doctors. Since childhood, he had a good understanding of various meridians and was very measured.

If he could be free, he didn’t mind being cruel to himself. Of course, with his current strength, there was no way to retaliate.

Lin Miao raised his injured hand with a gloomy expression on his face, just wait, sooner or later he would get his revenge back.

After sending Lin Miao away, Lu Yi did not return to the Xu family’s mansion, but returned to his own residence.

In fact, his residence was also monitored by the Xu family, but living outside was completely different from living in the Xu family’s mansion.

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Even if he was determined, he would not like the feeling of being controlled by others and having no way of controlling his own life.

While numbing Xu Musi and giving the other party the illusion that he liked him, Lu Yi also worked hard to develop his career.

He didn’t want to do something like industry for the time being. He didn’t have that much capital in the first place. If he wanted to invest, he had to devote himself to it for several days in a row.

It was impossible for him to be like this.

When he was at the helm of the Lu family, he knew very well that it was too easy to strangle a newly developed small business if the capital had accumulated to such an extent.

Stealing the other party’s ideas, and then using several times the investment, the same framework and content, a service or product provided cheaper, then the customer would choose the cheap and high-quality product, they wouldn´t care that this thing was originally made by who created it.

He didn’t want to develop on his own, so he was just to cut off the Xu family.

It was better to keep accumulating capital, and then slowly contact those who were beneficial to him, or wait until Xu Musi had a certain trust in him and his scope of freedom expanded, and then quickly develop his own business.

Lu Yi was busy on this side, and on the other side he had to appease Xu Musi, throwing smoke bombs from time to time. In addition, he also worked hard for the entertainment rights of other collectibles kidnapped by Xu Musi.

If they couldn’t contact the outside world, games, books, etc. that didn’t need to be connected to the Internet could be used to pass the time for these people.

What he could do now was very limited, so he could only do his best to make those people have a better life. Otherwise, if he didn’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me1, he would feel guilty and uneasy.

Besides Xu Musi, He Si was obviously one of Lu Yi’s headaches.

He Si’s attitude towards him was actually very respectful. He admitted that if he was in this position, he really might not be able to let the other person down like this.

Just like when he and Yu Ke, in the contract marriage between the two, he had always been the leader. Sometimes, his attitude could even be called arrogant.

But He Si was not like this. The other party treated him like a spring breeze, and he was very considerate of him everywhere, very gentle.

If it were a little girl or a boy who had not been in love, it would definitely fall quickly.

After all, He Si said that he was thirty-three, but he had a very young face and looked twenty-seven or eight at most. He was mature and stable, and especially respected the ideas of his juniors.

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No, it couldn’t be said to be a junior. The other party was playing down the problem caused by the age difference between the two people. For example, he firmly refused to admit that they were two generations, he could call him brother but not uncle.

He had been asked several times by the other party, and every time he was so ambiguous, unless Lu Yi was a nerd who didn’t understand the style, there was no way he could not understand what He Si meant.

When He Si invited him out for a dinner, Lu Yi asked very bluntly, “Mr. He, do you like me?”

He Si was drinking tea at first, and was struggling with how to break it. As a result, Lu Yi suddenly said such a sentence, which made him almost choked to death by the tea. He coughed violently for a while, and his expression changed.

The inexplicable shyness in his heart broke out, and he was coy for a while, neither affirming nor denying: “This is all for you to see.”

This sentence was actually a disguised confirmation of Lu Yi’s guess.

“Mr. He, your performance is very obvious.”

He Si coughed twice: “What about you, what do you think, are you willing to accept me and be my boyfriend?”

In fact, he had a great desire to spend his life with the other party, but at present, it was too urgent.

Lu Yi’s lips moved: “I think, we are not suitable.”




Jev Kaez's notes:

1 'I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me', is a proverb from " Book of Jin Biography Thirty-nine", which means that although I hate Boren, I don't want to kill him; but because of my resentment, Boren was killed, and Boren's death was indirectly related to me.

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