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Marriage Contract (8)

Lu Yi thought about it for half a minute and replied: “Yes.”

“Actually… wait a minute, what did you just say, yes?”

Yu Ke, who was ready to be rejected, and wanted to come up with option B, was stunned by Lu Yi’s simple and neat word.

“I said yes.” Compared to Yu Ke’s pretending to be innocent and cute before, he really appreciates the unpredictable expression of true feelings by the other party.

The corners of Lu Yi’s lips curled up slightly: “As long as it is a reasonable request, I will consider it.”

He paused briefly and added: “However, for the rehearsal, we have to wait until after dinner. except for this matter, any other questions?”

“No, no more! Let’s go to dinner right away! I can’t wait to taste nanny Wang’s craftsmanship.” He could’t wait to rehearse right away.

Because there were guests at home, Nanny Wang specially cooked her own specialties, and the table was very rich.

Lu Yi is an only child. There are four people eating at the table, Lu Yi’s parents, Lu Yi, and Yu Ke.

Regarding the contract, Lu Yi called his father personally afterwards and informed him of the situation. Mr. Lu is a thorough businessman, consciously unable to think of a better idea than this, and can understand his son’s difficulties, plus he trusts Lu Yi. With Lu Yi’s vision, he would naturally not make things difficult for the “extras” he chose.

The three members of the Lu family are all very particular about life. Nanny Wang’s craftsmanship is comparable to that of a five-star chef. Yu Ke has a sweet mouth and a wide range of knowledge, he can say a few words to the topics Lu’s father casually said.    

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Lu Yi occasionally added a few sentences. Although he didn’t have much contact with Yu Ke, the other party’s opinions and certain aspects of accomplishments were indeed beyond his expectations. If there were no such surprise as Fang Chuan, they might have become friends in the future.

An unintentional embarrassment, an intentional flattery, coupled with Lu Yi’s help in the middle of adjustment, after a meal, it can be regarded as a good meal for the host and the guest.

After dinner, Lu Yi brought Yu Ke upstairs, and took out the key to open the door of a room: “This is a room prepared for guests at home. Today, you will sleep here.”

The guest room in front of him is very well decorated. The warmth, beauty and comfort are comparable to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, but Yu Ke is still quite disappointed: “Don´t I sleep with you?”    

He wanted to see what Lu Yi’s room looked like, just sleep. No, go in and take a look. It’s okay to hit the other party’s bed a few times and to get the other party’s breath.    

Lu Yi turned on the light in the room and put the key on the desk: “If there is no accident, you might live here forever.”    

If it was only the day before the wedding, Yu Ke could still bear it, but he heard Lu Yi’s words from behind, his eyes dimmed, and he stood at the door of the room and did not go in: “But we have obtained the certificate. We are legal a couple. If we have to cooperate, it would be better to sleep together, right?    

Newlyweds sleep in separate rooms. Isn’t this telling others that the relationship between the two of them is not harmonious?

To prevent the other person from thinking that he is too far-reaching, Yu Ke added: “I sleep well, I never snorted, nor grind my teeth or sleepwalk in the middle of the night, nor disturb you. If you mind, I can also just sleep on the floor. I just think it’s more conducive to the execution of the contract if I sleep in the same room. After all, that’s 10 million. If I didn’t perform my duties, I would be ashamed.”

He looks very sincere, and the suggestion is also based on the perspective of the employer. He looks serious, as if he doesn’t have any selfishness.

Lu Yi looked at him for a while: “That’s something afterwards. I will consider it after the wedding. You sleep here today.”

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Since he was five years old, he has slept alone. He was not used to and did not like sharing the same bed with others. Although Yu Ke is now his nominal wife, in fact, they had only known each other for less than a day.

He glanced at his watch again, and to be precise, it has only been 9 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds since they met.

Even the subordinates who have worked for him for several years will not be allowed to sleep in the same room with him during business trips, not to mention that the Lu family has more than seven vacant rooms.

Yu Ke didn’t talk about where to sleep anymore, only said: “Then we have finished eating now, what about the rehearsal? Let’s start now?”

What he was thinking about was the rehearsal.

Lu Yi looked at the bathroom in the room and frowned slightly: “Wait here for a while, I will ask Nanny Wang to prepare toiletries for you. By the way, if you can, please take a shower. It’s best to wash your hair.”

He was tossed at the club for a long time in the afternoon. Yu Ke had the smell of men’s perfume that he didn’t like, and his hair was all hairspray.

Yu Ke: …

Well, this young director Lu still has some shortcomings. But people are not perfect when they come. If you look at it this way, it means that Lu Yi is a man of flesh and blood.

After half an hour, Yu Ke spit out the mint-flavored toothpaste bubbles from his mouth after bathing, and rinsed his mouth with warm water, and contained a lemon-mint-flavored mouthwash. He looked at the mirror and showed a standard smile.

Very good, the teeth are white and neat, and the smile is full of contagiousness, but there seems to be something wrong.

Yu Ke lowered his head and glanced at his collar. As expected, the Lu family was very serious. Even the nightgowns were all of a well-deserved style, and they even had buttons.

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After thinking for a second, he stretched out his hand to unlock the second button of his pajamas, and pulled it down again, revealing his sexy and beautiful collarbone.

After finishing the preparatory work, he walked out of the room with slippers and walked all the way to the end of the second floor, and then knocked on the door: “Mr. Lu, I’m ready.”

Lu Yi opened the door from the inside and saw Yu Ke in his nightgown, with a serious expression said: “Mr. Yu, is this what you mean when ou said you´re ready? The rehearsal is not a trifling matter. If you decide to rehearse, I hope you can correct your attitude, for example, on clothing, do you plan to appear in front of guests in your nightgown the next day?”

He was not in the slightest tempted by the big beauty who came to his door, instead, he became stern because of the other party’s nightgown: “I am now beginning to doubt the authenticity of the professionalism you said.”    

Looking at Lu Yi in a suit and leather shoes, Yu Ke became stern. The white face flushed red: “Sorry, I didn’t think about it. Wait five minutes for me, and I will change my clothes immediately.”    

There is no point in arguing whether you have made a mistake in front of your boss or employer.    

Yu Ke flew back with her feet open, changed his clothes quickly at the speed of the military training period, and ran back quickly.    

This time the door was closed. After hesitating, he knocked on the door of the room.    

Lu Yi’s voice came from the room: “Come in.”    

Lu Yi was holding a pair of rings and a gospel book in his hand. He heard the door creaking and being opened by someone, and then gently closed by someone, and then locked.    

He turned his head and looked at Yu Ke who had changed his clothes. He didn’t say much. When the other party walked over, he stood up, then stretched out his hand and straightened out the other’s collar.    

“At the wedding tomorrow, do you want to notify your parents to come over?” There was originally a link at the wedding. As his wife, Fang Chuan held hands with his father, and then walked across the long red carpet and handed him(FC) over to him(LY).

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But the wedding between Yu Ke and him came suddenly, so what he thought was to be replaced by Fang’s family, but if Yu Ke wanted his biological parents to do this, he would not be unable to meet his requirements.    

He added: “The wedding may be broadcast in the media. Although it is not as exaggerated as the wedding of the century, your parents are likely to see it.”

When it comes to his parents, Yu Ke’s expression looks a bit low. “My parents died for some reason when I was eight years old. Later, I was raised by my uncles and aunts. Now I don’t have much contact with them.”    

Lu Yi was silent for a while, his voice apologetic: “Sorry, I didn´t know.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t know. It’s good news for me” No one liked to be picked on, and Lu Yi didn´t know himself much, which in fact pleased him a little.

“If you are interested, I will tell you personally in the future, but for now, let’s rehearse first.”

The young man’s low and sweet voice sounded in the room, like a long-lasting mellow wine: “Dear guests… Mr. Yu, do you take Mr. Lu for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

It was obviously just a rehearsal, not in the sacred church. Yu Ke was still inexplicably nervous, his palms were wet with sweat, and he solemnly said: “I do.”

He went on, listening. He felt a little trembling: ” Mr. Lu, do you take Mr. Yu for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

Lu Yi: “Yes, I do.”

As soon as Lu Yi’s words fell, Yu Ke couldn’t wait to say: “Next, Mr. Lu can kiss his bridegroom. “

Actually, this line was not quite right with the script, but it was too disappointing to correct the words now. The young man let out a sigh of relief, then took the other person’s face and kissed him neatly.

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