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Marriage Contract (9)

When Lu Yi pressed down, he whispered: “Close your eyes.”

The other party closed his eyes very well, his red lips pursed slightly, he was ready to kiss.

The two were very close, so close that the other’s long eyelashes could touch his cheeks, and his eyes reflected the other’s magnified face, and then there was a brief interplay of lips and teeth.

Very soft lips, with the taste of lemon mint he likes, the temperature is just right, very sweet, very suitable for kissing.

When he let go of the opponent, Lu Yi’s mind came up with such an evaluation. When he let go, the other party put his arms around his waist, close to his chest, trying to deepen the kiss.

But Lu Yi quickly returned to reason. He raised a finger to the other’s slightly moist lips: “The rehearsal is over, Mr. Yu.”

The man’s voice sounded in his ears, an unfamiliar name, letting Yu Ke calm down.

At that moment, he wanted to hold the other’s fingers and deepen the ambiguity between each other, but seeing Lu Yi’s handsome and calm face, reason made him give up this behavior, he let go of the hand that was holding Lu Yi, and stepped back and the other party ended this short and restrained kiss.

Western-style weddings do not involve the couple worshipping and then sending them to the bridal chamber1. According to the established arrangement, after this romantic kiss, the wedding ends here, so today their rehearsal also ended here.   

Because of that not long kiss, Yu Ke’s face was dyed with a beautiful pink, but Lu Yi was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty. He turned his head and glanced at the locked door: “Time is running out. It’s early, you can go back to your room.”    

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Yu Ke couldn’t help asking, “Is it the same when you kissed Fang Chuan? Polite and restrained?”    

Although the kiss was short, he could feel it, Lu Yi is not a novice, the movements are smooth and neat, and there is no jerky feeling at all.

This question is somewhat personal, but the two people have just kissed, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the air has not yet dissipated. Even if this is a rehearsal, treating each other coldly is a bit unkind.

 Lu Yi decided to answer this question face-to-face. He said: “No, of course not.”

The young man’s beautiful face looked even more lost, and his voice was like lemonade that had been soaked for a long time, with a faint bitter taste: “I´m really jealous.”

After saying such a bitter sentence, the other person’s face lit up again. “But I should be thankful that his taste is not very good, otherwise, I might have not meet someone I really like.”

This is obviously saying that Fang Chuan has no eyes, and expresses his love to him by the way.

Lu Yi’s expression was a bit subtle for a moment: “You seem to forget that one of the important reasons Fang Chuan ran away from the wedding was because he had difficulty facing you. In a way, Mr. Yu, you also caused the previous embarrassment. You are one of the culprits for this situation.”

With ten years of getting along, he could guess what Fang Chuan waas thinking now, because the person he liked returns, he wanted to flee in order to protect Yu Ke, otherwise his beloved person would be suppressed by the family’s elders, he bravely assumed all responsibilities, and except for leaving a letter stating that he had not been kidnapped to report safety, he did not tell anyone.

Yu Ke was a little embarrassed, but he quickly argued for himself: “But this is a mistake made by Fang Chuan. You can’t just sentence me to death because he likes me. You are a fair person, you can´t be unreasonable.”    

Lu Yi asked him, “For you, feelings should be reasonable?”   

Yu Ke was not the first person to express his affection, but feelings, this kind of thing is different from gold. Gold can maintain its value. Even if time passes and mountains and rivers change, it still exists.    

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The change in feelings may only be due to a word, a kiss, or even an inadvertent look. Its uncertainty is too great, and it does not need reason.

“Of course, the relationship does not need to be reasonable, but I think that since you have chosen me and I have agreed to this request, it shows that we have a special relationship. Any relationship is caused by fate, isn’t it? “

Lu Yi’s tone was rather cold, “In fact, I was irrational once in my life and chose Fang Chuan. As a result, I got the biggest humiliation in my life.”

All the facts are telling him. Proving him that there is no good end to being irrational.

Yu Ke said: “You’re giving up eating because you’re choking.”

Although he walks among the flowers and thinks that human nature is evil, he also believes in the existence of love and enjoys its beauty.

“Mr. Yu, I think you should realize that you are just my employee.”

 “But I think we can have a further relationship, don’t you?”

Yu Ke put his hand on his lips, and his eyes were bright. Looking at the other party: “You don’t hate me.”

Lu Yi is different from him. The other party is a very decent person. Although he said rejection, he just took a step and quickly retracted, but he was surprised.

If the other party can accept this kiss, it shows that there are many possibilities between them.

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 Lu Yi’s attitude was ambiguous and unclear. Every step seemed to tell him that you can go further. And Yu Ke has always been a person who likes to make progress.

“You just said that Fang Chuan was chosen because of irrationality. Then you chose me because of irrationality. Since you don’t hate me, why can’t we give it a try?” He took a step towards Lu Yi, but he didn’t retreat as he thought.

What Yu Ke said was wrong. In fact, he chose him because of his sensible behavior, but on this point, he felt that there was no need to argue with the other party.

He glanced at his watch again and reminded him: “It’s ten o’clock in the evening.”

Since they met, Lu Yi had looked at his watch many times. He was a very time-keeping person. Therefore, he also valued ​​the time concept of his collaborators.

Yu Ke glanced at the clock in the room. He didn’t quite understand why Lu Yi suddenly came up with such a sentence: “Yes, it’s ten o’clock now, what’s the matter?”

Lu Yi explained, “Unless you work overtime, at this point, it’s my time to rest. Mr. Yu, you interrupted my rest, and I think if you continue to entangle here, it will delay your time to recite the information.”

Lu Yi’s face had been completely taken away from that. With a gentle and ambiguous expression, the youth’s expression was calm and indifferent, as if it was not him who had just contended with Yu Ke.

Yu Ke couldn’t help feeling a little frustrated: “In your heart, there is only the contract. Is it so difficult to admit that you have a good impression of me?”

He has always been a love at first sight type player. Take the initiative to attack, break up is also simply and neatly, never procrastinate.

If you don’t appreciate it and feel like a personality seeker, let’s fish for the time being, he can definitely handle it. But for the first time in this ambiguous relationship, the initiative was in someone else’s hands.

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Lu Yi sighed, but his attitude was calm: “I never said I hated you, even I wouldn´t pick someone I hate for a temporary wife.”    

Playboys often have a fascinating charm, or It’s looks, talent, or money. Yu Ke himself is a very charming person, otherwise, it would not have been possible for Fang Chuan to think about him for so many years.    

There were good feelings, but it was like Yu Ke’s good feelings for him, which are based on the appearance and other external conditions. This kind of goodwill was too shallow, like a bubble, it will be broken with a touch.    

“Since you don’t hate it, or even like it, why can’t you give it a try?” Yu Ke asked unwillingly, men should be brave and decisive.

Obviously, when they met today, the other party was very decisive and pushed forward step by step, leaving him no choice. Still, Lu Yi became indecisive as soon as he encountered feelings.

Lu Yi looked at Yu Ke quietly for three minutes of his precious time: “Mr. Yu, we haven´t know each other for more than twenty-four hours.”

“For some people, as long as I see them in the crowd, I know if they are the right person or not”

He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with the things they talked about in such a short time, and even doing things like getting a marriage certificate, what’s wrong with falling in love after marriage?

“Yu Ke, I know you better than you think, but you don’t know me.” Lu Yi’s eyes were deep, “The objects I associate with you are not the same, and they are not as good as you think. Don’t try to play with fire”

When he spoke, he didn’t mean to flirt at all, but warned from the bottom of his heart: “Be careful to catch the fire.”


1 In a traditional wedding, the couple have to worship the parents and the heavens, and then the bride will be send to the couple´s room (the bridal chamber) to wait for the husband until the end of the ceremony.

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