Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Forbidden Catalogue

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At the clubroom’s circular table, Kyouya was looking at his cell phone.

He had been busily typing on his cell phone. It was perfect timing, and he had just stopped.

“Ah, can you print this on the computer?”

Kyouya asked to Shion, who was in front of the computer.

He lightly waved the phone in his hand at Shion.

“Oh, okay. I can do that. Can you send an email to me?”

As usual, Shion was practicing her chess against Mr. Pan-American Chess Champion. Kyouya thought he was a foreigner, but he lately has been using more and more crying emojis.

Kyouya sent an email to the clubroom computer.

The clubroom computer is a really old antique.

Was it the previous President’s? Or maybe the one before that one? Or maybe even one even further in the past? In a long line of presidents, at some point a gallant hero had dared to take it from another club. It was an antique with a shady history.

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It was an old model computer that barely connected to the internet, but it was connected to the printer for now.


Shion raised her eyebrow when she took a look at the list on the monitor screen.

What was on the screen was… a list filled with titles of light novels and manga.

“What’s this? Your personal recommendations?”

Shion asked with interest.

“Quite the opposite. It’s a list of forbidden books.”

Kyouya smiled as he responded.

“Forbidden books?”

Shion’s smooth, silky hair shook as she tilted her head.

“Yes. It’s for the President… you know how she doesn’t like to read books with stuff like kisses in them, right? I thought I might as well check out those books and putting them in a list. They’re filled with kissing or more daring kinds of acts. Stuff like that.”

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“M-more daring…”

“So, we’ll put all the dangerous ones on this list…? Shion-san? Are you listening?”

When Kyouya asked her, Shion suddenly snapped back to the moment.

“No, no, sorry, I was thinking of something. Wait, I only thought of it a little bit. No, sorry, forget what I just said.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying… Just print this out please.”

“O-oh, right.”

Shion clicked the mouse.

Kyouya went to the front of the printer and sat down, waiting.

He stared at the sheets as they came out of the printer.

One sheet… Two sheets…


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Kyouya looked at Shion. One sheet was fine, but Shion somehow printed two sheets.

“Huh? One sheet is enough. It’s just for the President.”

“Ah, no, that’s my copy…” mumbled Shion.

In the next moment, she burst into a lecture.

“I’ve always been interested in the literature on expression of psychology. In other words, I wanted to study the works of Freud and his research into how libido manifests itself during adolescence and influences behavior. Of course, I don’t have to tell you that each writer has his own prejudices. But in this case, to receive a good enough sample to constrain p to less than 0.05, we at least had take data from dozens of different written works…”

Cutting off Shion’s long lecture, Kyouya asked Shion a question.

“Um, in short, we can conclude that this list will be of use for you.”


Shion turned red as she bowed her head down.

When Shion starts to give long lectures, it means that she’s embarrassed. She tries to hide something behind her long lectures.

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In this case, she was really interested in the list.


Kyouya has the delicacy and instinct to know not to mention it.

Instead, Kyouya changed the subject.

“Let’s make this bookshelf the ‘Forbidden Bookshelf’.”

“I have to agree with you.”

Not wanting to return to the previous topic, Shion eagerly nodded her head repeatedly.

Forbidden Catalogue Bookshelf
Mao’s bookshelf exclusively for forbidden books.
Contains stuff like kissing and other risqué acts.
The last book of certain series are often placed here.

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