Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Feeling Cool

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“It’s hot…”

As summer break approached, the clubroom became boiling hot.

In the corner of the room, an electric fan was running. However, with all the hot air being circulated, it didn’t feel any cooler.

In the old culture club building, things like air conditioning obviously do not exist.

“President… That’s unfair…”

Lying down on the sofa with only her feet in a bucket of water, Mao was unfairly cooling herself off.

With her kneesocks lying around her, she stuck both of her feet in the bucket of water. Ice cubes were floating on top of the water in the bucket. There were a few more hours until more ice was created in the refrigerator in the corner of room. It seemed like an eternity.

Mao abused her authority as President as she lay there exhaustedly. It was hard to tell if she was dead or alive. Since she doesn’t respond, she really seems like a corpse.

“Kirara… Are you alive…?”

Kirara, who was pushed out of her usual sofa seat, sat on the wooden floor, grasping her knees.

She was staring blankly in the air.

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She also stopped bringing meat to her mouth for a while now. While Kirara absentmindedly stares at the air, Kyouya thought about how she was squirming around.

Megumi, being herself, was fanning her skirt hem.

That was to be the case, but Kyouya couldn’t confirm with his eyes. He could only hear the flapping of of her skirt.

“It’s so hot…”

Kyouya said out loud, not directed at anyone.

“How hot is it today?”

Kyouya muttered to himself, not expecting a response.

Directly stating the obvious out loud was Kyouya’s style. Mao would normally respond by saying, “You’re loud, shut up, I’ll kill you,” but that same Mao is now down for the count at the moment.

“It’s because the sun is shining in from the window.”

Shion said with a cool face.

“It would be great if we had curtains, but if Mao doesn’t apply for room furnishing, it’ll be troublesome.”

Kyouya weakly nodded. It was Mao’s duty. If Kyouya does it, she’ll get mad. He’ll be bitten.

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“Shion-san, do you not feel hot?”

Kyouya asked that to Shion, who seemed to be the only one not sweating.

“Hm? Ah, I think it’s because I have a cold body. See?”

Shion put her hand against Kyouya’s forehead. Her hand felt cool against his skin.

“Ah… That feels nice~”

Interested in Kyouya’s reaction, Shion reached out with her other hand.

“Like this?”

Shion put her hand against Kyouya’s cheek.

“Ah~ This feels good~ Aah~”

Shion, not limiting herself to Kyouya’s cheek and forehead, also touched other places on Kyouya’s body.

“Ah… yeah… This is… kind of… a workout.”


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Shion touched Kyouya’s shoulder, which caused him to giggle.

Kyouya lay down on the table, letting Shion to touch all over his body.

“How is it? Even a cold-blooded girl like me can be a little useful.”

“It’s nothing like that at all~… Shion-san feels nice~”

Kyouya responded strangely. However, because Kyouya was feeling good, Shion paid no attention

Shion brushed across Kyouya’s back and shoulders.

“Aah~ Shion-san~ Can you do the forehead~? Or the cheek~?”

Shion’s hands wouldn’t leave Kyouya’s shoulders.

“You’re unexpectedly strong, Kyoro-kun”

“No, it’s nothing like that~”

“Kyoro-kun really is a guy.”

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“Maybe so~”

Kyouya waited for a response, but Shion suddenly stopped.


Hearing that, Kyouya turned his head towards Shion.

“Sorry. I’m feeling hot.”

Shion was standing there with a flushed face for some reason.

Kyouya thought about the reason why she was blushing afterwards, but ended up not finding the reason.

Culture Club Building

Made of wood, the entire building is used by the culture clubs. Really out of date. You can even see the age all over the walls and floor. Because it’s charming and in a good enough condition, culture clubs surprisingly like it.


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