Chapter 32

Volume 2 - Chapter 32: At the End of Summer 1 

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Ding dong.

The doorbell rang.


Kyouya drifted lazily toward the front door.

He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, perfect for summer vacation.

Kyouya was the only person in the house right now; his parents and little sister had won an overnight stay for three at a hot springs resort in a raffle, and they were out enjoying their prize. Fearlessly staying by himself at home, Kyouya was in a position to fully enjoy his last few days of summer vacation. Kyouya was the type of person to finish his homework during the first few weeks with no rush and plenty of time to laze around afterward. 

The doorbell had rang just as Kyouya was absentmindedly watching TV and thinking about what to eat for lunch.

As he shuffled down the hallway, once again came the sound of the doorbell.

"I'll be right there!"

That second time seemed a lot more hesitant from whoever was ringing the doorbell. Kyouya opened the door, and...

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Standing in the doorway was Shion-san.

"Huh? Shion-san?"

It had been a while since Kyouya had seen the face of the older girl he so looked up to. He couldn't help but break into a smile.

But that lasted for only for a moment.

Kyouya thought that her usually dazzling visage seemed to be clouded over with concern.

"Shion... san?"

Kyouya furrowed his eyebrows.

He took a good hard look at her once again.

Kyouya could see from her face that she was greatly troubled by something.

"Please let me hide here."

"Excuse me?"

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Kyouya looked over Shion-san's outfit from head to toe. 

Her choice of clothing was unmistakably strange.

In the middle of this scorching 30°C heat, her whole body was covered by what appeared to be a long winter coat buttoned up all way.

What's more, she seemed to be wearing indoor sandals on her feet. It's almost as if she had recently escaped from somewhere. 

But the strangest thing of all...

...was the cup of instant noodles she held in her hands. 

"Please let me hide here."

Shion-san repeated the same words over and over again with a desperate look in her eyes.

"Um... Of course I'll help you, but..."

Kyouya promised, before turning to ask.

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"... Who are you hiding from?"

Kyouya glanced around outside the house warily, but he didn't see anyone else other than Shion-san.

"From my brothers."

"Your brothers?"

Shion-san came from a family of geniuses. Like Shion-san, a genius at games of all kinds, each family member was an expert in their own field. 

Kyouya had heard that Shion-san has a huge family, at least seven brothers in all.

"My brothers are so mean. They're ganging up on me to take away my cup ramen."

Shion-san protectively cupped her cup ramen in her arms as she spoke.


Kyouya had finally grasped the situation.

Basically, Shion-san had smuggled the cup ramen out of her house.

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She must have taken a taxi or something here, and she was probably wearing what she usually wears at home underneath the coat.

"C-Can you boil some water for me?"

Said Shion-san.

As Kyouya gazed at Shion-san, standing there with a helpless look on her face, his expression changed to match hers.

He knew exactly what he should do, just not what reaction he should be having.

"I won't bother you. I'll leave right after I'm done eating."

Seeing Kyouya not answer, Shion-san's face took on a more pleading expression.

"Just boiling water is fine."

"You can't eat with just that, can you? You need some chopsticks too."

Kyouya finally collected himself enough to form a complete sentence. 

Shion-san's face finally displayed the subtle hint of a smile. 

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