Chapter 33

Volume 2 - Chapter 33: At the End of Summer 2

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Kyouya let Shion-san into his house and boiled some water for her.

"I'm pretty sure it was around here... Ah, here it is."

Reaching deep into the cupboard, Kyouya pulled out a single package of cup ramen. Glancing at the expiration date, he could see that it was just barely expired, completely fine according to Shinomiya family customs. 

Shion-san, on the other hand, was timidly, deliberately, pouring out the soup and vegetable packets into her own cup. She probably hasn't had any instant noodles since the first time she tried them, so her movements were stiff and awkward.

Kyouya focused on making his own instead of reaching out to help her.

The two of them added their boiling water at the same time, finished cooking at the same time, and picked up their chopsticks at the same time.


The only difference being that Kyouya had started eating a little before Shion-san, who was saying her pre meal prayers. 

Kyouya sat across from Shion-san, who was intently concentrating on her meal, and began slurping his own noodles.

Ding dong. The doorbell rang once again.

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Kyouya hoped it wasn't just some salesman as he walked toward the front door.

Before he could even reach the entrance, the doorbell began ringing over and over.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong. It was a barrage of ringing. At the end, it became so fast that the sound blended together and sounded more like dingdingdingding. 

Kyouya didn't know who it was, but they must be very impatient, just like the president.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

He opened the door, and right away—

"We are the GJ-Bu!"

Bam bam bam, a girl crashed in with an intense momentum.

Kyouya would know that voice and that tiny figure anywhere.

It was indeed the president.

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"What the heck, is this Kyoro's house?"

The president stood at the entrance, glancing back and forth and saying strange things.

"If you didn't know that it was my house, then whose house were you trying to barge into?"

"I dunno. I just followed Kirara's radar."

Kirara-san was here as well. She raised one hand in a GJ-Bu salute.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Club activities!"

"Ah, you're keeping secrets from me again!"

Kyouya had no idea what the GJ-Bu's club activities consisted of. If there were someone absent from the clubroom, then usually they were secretly doing club activities. Kyouya was still a provisional member, so no one had ever taken him along.

"You're the one keeping something interesting secret from us!"

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"No I'm not. All I'm doing is eating ramen."

"Liar. The radar is reacting. There has to be something interesting happening here."

The president said while pointing to Kirara-san's hair.

Just as she said, Kyouya could see Kirara's ear-shaped cowlicks twitching. Maybe.

"I'm coming in."

The president kicked off her shoes and ran quickly down the hallway. Chasing after her, Kyouya asked.

"What do we do during club activities, anyway?"

"You're still a provisional member, so it's a secret."

"Is that seriously what you're going to say while barging into someone else's house?"

"Ah! I found Shii!"

The president announced in a loud voice while pointing to the noodle slurping Shion-san who jumped in surprise.

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The president did say she was looking for something interesting.

This beautiful girl who was eating instant noodles while wrapping herself in a long winter coat in the middle of summer could probably qualify as interesting.

"What is this? A pajama party?"

The president lifted up Shion-san's coat. 

"Ah, no, this is..."

Shion-san quickly pulled her coat back, but Kyouya had seen a glance of the thin, pink fabric underneath. It was probably the hem of a nightgown. So she was wearing her sleepwear underneath the coat, after all.

"Unbelievable! Call Megu and tell her to bring our pajamas!"

The president stood in a commanding pose and shouted her orders. Unfortunately, her orders fell on deaf ears with Kirara-san who stood idly with a blank look in her eyes.

The president cleared her throat with a cough, then took out her own cell phone and, having no choice, made the call herself.

It looks like Megumi-chan was going to show up as well.

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