Chapter 34

Volume 2 - Chapter 34: At the End of Summer 3

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"I brought everything we need for a sleepover! I have enough for everyone!"

Megumi-chan stepped off the taxi with more excitement than usual. In her two hands, she held four duffel bags in all. It seemed like they really were intent on staying the night. Kyouya's parents weren't around anyway, and he didn't mind, but it was going to be four girls alone in the same house as him. Kyouya was worried for a different reason than what would usually be the case; they really didn't see him as a guy after all.

Kyouya's room was occupied completely, everyone making themselves at home.

The clubroom was many tens of tatami mats in size while his measured a measly six. It was enough to make it feel quite cramped for the five of them. The distance between Kyouya and the four girls was also closer than usual, close enough to bump elbows. Kyouya had to be careful not to let his mind wander.

In order to distract himself, Kyouya frequently found excuses to leave the room, like serving the drinks and the snacks for everyone. He worked diligently at the jobs that usually fell to Megumi-chan.

Right now, Kyouya was bringing back a plate with five glasses of coke, and as he returned to the room—

"Ah! Prez, what are you doing!?"

The president was sneakily rummaging through the drawers in the corner of Kyouya's room.

"What am I doing? I'm looking through your house, of course. What else are you supposed to do when you go to someone else's place?"

Said the president, staying on all fours and turning only her head to flash a grin.

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"Please don't open someone else's drawers without asking. I'm fine with it, but please ask for permission first."

"What, so you have something that you'd rather not have us see?"

"No, I don't. I said I don't have anything! Ahh, come on, stop trampling all over people's privacy!"

"Shut up. You've been asking about our personal stuff non-stop recently, so we have a right to know about you too!"

"Well, whatever."

"This. Smells like photographs."

"Whoa, nice work Kirara! It's a graduation album!"

The president and Kirara raised the album above their heads as if beholding a great treasure, then spun around in circles and fell to the ground, beginning to slowly flip through the pages.

Shion-san and Megumi-chan, who hadn't been involved with the search, also crowded around them, unable to contain their curiosity.

Kyouya sighed as he joined them.

"Whoa, you're so tiny! It would be great if Kyoro were still this size today."

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"You were so cute, Shinomiya-kun!"

"I'm pretty sure everyone's cute when they're in first grade."

"Whoa, in just six years you grew this much, pretty cheeky when you're just a Kyoro!"

"That's normal. I was always the average height in my class across all of those years."

That was the end of the elementary school graduation album. Now they moved to the middle school album.

"Ah, I was getting bullied around this time."

"Huh? Really?"

The president's hand stopped suddenly in the middle of turning the page. Her expression became awkward and she shut the album with a thud.

"Well um... Uh, sorry for looking at it without asking."

Kyouya was surprised that the president actually apologized.

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He was just trying to give some context. Kyouya didn't think it would be taken this seriously, so he desperately tried to follow up in order to lighten the mood. 

"No no, I say bullied, but it really wasn't that bad... There were just some guys in my class that made me run errands and stuff."

"Oh. B-Being an errand boy, huh? Y-Yeah, that does sound like you."

Kyouya continued, trying to put the still stiff and awkward president at ease.

"But Yokomizo went and talked to them for me, so it didn't last long at all."

"Yokomizo? Who's that?"

"Hm? Have I not mentioned him before? He's my friend. We're in the same class. We're not that close though."

"Ahh! That guy you talked about before! You have friends!?"

"Is that something to be surprised about!? At the very least, I'm pretty sure I have more friends than you do."

Kyouya ignored the president, who was grinding her teeth, ready to bite, and turned his attention to the side.

"By the way, what have you been doing over there, Shion-san?"

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Shion-san was crouched down near the bed. She had changed into some casual clothes she borrowed from Megumi-chan, making her look younger than usual, and she was facing the other way with her butt sticking out. Shion-san jumped a little in surprise at the sound of her name.

"Um, well... The average male high school student would be hiding their secrets here. I read this in a book once."

"That's just a stereotype."

"No, but—"

"If I hide it in a place like that, my mom will find it right away."

"So you do have secrets! Did you hear that Megu? Boys are all filthy after all!"

"Hmm? Is the floor underneath the bed dirty? Is there a lot of dust? Should we sweep it up?"

"Prez, please don't corrupt my Megumi-chan. Shion-san, you too."

"I was simply following my academic curiosity and trying to see if I could find evidence for Freud's theories, that's all."

The location was different, but they all passed the time together the same as they always have in the clubroom.

Kyouya felt a little overwhelmed by the unusual event of becoming the topic of conversation, but he was glad that such a day would come as well.

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