Chapter 35

Volume 2 - Chapter 35: At the End of Summer 4

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Night had fallen.

Kyouya sat restlessly in the living room corner. He crouched on the sofa while wrapping his arms around his knees. The TV played a show in the background, but Kyouya couldn't focus on watching it at all.

Everyone else was taking turns bathing.

During this time, Kyouya had to be more than 10 meters away from the bathroom, not because the president ordered him to be, but as a voluntary measure. The president was surprisingly unguarded about these things.

Megumi-chan had proposed that "We should all go in together", but just how large did she think Kyouya's bathroom was? Of course that was impossible for the Shinomiyas' working class bathroom.

And so, the girls split up into groups of two.

Shion-san and Kirara-san went first, and now it was Megumi-chan and the president's turn. The president won't let anyone other than Megumi-chan wash her hair, so the pairings had to be like this.

During all this time, Kyouya had been waiting patiently while staying outside of the 10 meter radius from the bathroom, but even though he could now hear everyone's lively chatter from his room upstairs, no one had come to tell him that they were finished using the bath.


Kyouya walked upstairs towards his room and tried calling out to the others from the other side of the closed door.

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"What are you guys doing~?"

Kyouya called out in what even he himself thought was a ghostly, creepy voice.

"If you don't answer, I'm going to cast a curse on you~"

He didn't get any replies, so Kyouya thought he would try something else. But he could tell from the laughter in the room that they hadn't noticed him at all.

"Hello? What are you guys doing in there?"

Kyouya opened the door to his own room and stepped inside.

"Ahh! Stupid Kyoro!"

Cried the president, who covered her body with a nearby pillow.

The girls had all changed into their sleepwear. Shion-san was the only one wearing her one piece nightgown, which was probably what Kyouya had saw under her coat earlier in the day. The image of the president's orange colored pajamas, Kirara-san's lemon yellow pajamas, and Megumi-chan's pink pajamas was burned into Kyouya's retinas. 

"A-Ah, s-sorry!"

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Kyouya quickly came to his senses and dashed out the door.

He slumped down to the floor, sitting with his back against the wall.

"P-Please put something on! If you're dressed like that, then say something!"

"What!? Knock before you enter, stupid!"

Kyouya held back the urge to protest that it was his own room in the first place.

In this situation, Kyouya would probably be found guilty under every conceivable justice system, whether in this world or any other one.

"We're having a pajama party! Would you like to join us, Shinomiya-kun?"

It was Megumi-chan, offering an invitation with her angelic voice.

"Hey, Megu!"

The president responded with incredulity.

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"This is obviously a no boys allowed situation!"

"But Onee-chan, aren't you always saying that Shinomiya-kun isn't even a boy?


Kyouya wasn't sure how to feel. Which side was he supposed to cheer for here? Kyouya noticed now how terrible it felt to be left out, sitting by himself in the living room while hearing the voices of everyone else happily chatting away. 

He didn't want to be left out anymore.

"Um... I guess I've always been, and always will be treated like an animal then. Is that how it is?"

He spoke in a heartbroken voice.


The president crossed her arms, deep in thought.

One more push.

Kyouya stretched out his neck so that his face could be seen through the crack in the door, and tried his best to look like a helpless puppy with big, watery eyes.

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This step was very important.

After a little while, the president uncrossed her arms.

"Then you have to be in your pajamas too. Then I'll you in."

"I usually sleep in my T-shirt and boxers though."

"Then no way."

"Aahhh! Wait, wait! I-I can get my dad's pajamas! Is that ok!?"

"One more thing."

"Just say the word! I'll do anything!"

"Go take a bath! No stinky sweat allowed!"

Kyouya couldn't contain his excitement. He sprinted to the bath and washed his body with unparalleled speed.

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