Chapter 36

Volume 2 - Chapter 36: At the End of Summer 5

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If it's a pajama party, then you've got to have girls' talk.

It was an activity that had a slightly different charm compared to the usual conversations in the clubroom, where there was permission to venture deeper into all sorts of topics.

"Hey, Megumi-chan."

Trying to take advantage of the atmosphere, Kyouya tried to bluntly ask a question that usually wouldn't be accepted.

"What is it?"

"Megumi-chan, you're a first year like me, right? How come it feels like you've been familiar with everyone in the club from the very beginning? I know you've been acquainted with Shion-san for a long time, but you and Kirara-san seemed to be on good terms already as well."

"Ehehe. Actually, I've been sneaking into the club since I was in middle school."

Megumi-chan stuck out her tongue with a mischievous expression, as if she were caught playing a prank on someone.

"Sneaking in...? Wait, from where?"

"The secret entrance at the back of the school. There's a hole in the fence."

The president explained. She still held the pillow in front of her, the same as before.

"Is that allowed?"

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"What's with your reaction? You're supposed to be impressed here. All the clubs use t, it's like a public secret we keep hidden from the teachers. This way we can recruit promising members while they're still in middle school."

"Now that you mention it, Mao was sneaking in while she was in middle school, too."

Shion-san chimed in. Kyouya couldn't look her in the eye while she was wearing her nightgown, so he glanced at her from the edge of his peripheral vision.

"Oh yeah! That was the worst, that time with Prez. I was so happy to finally become a full member when I got into high school; I worked up all my courage and went to apply, and Prez was so surprised! Said they thought I was still a long way from being in high school, told me they thought I was in elementary school!"

"Um... So, about that Prez then..."

Kyouya inquired, filled with curiosity.

To Kyouya, there had only ever been one "Prez", but that didn't seem to be the case for everyone else.

"We're talking about the previous club president."

Shion-san answered. It was just as Kyouya had assumed, as there was occasionally talk of this previous president.

"Ah, that's right. Kyoro's the only one who doesn't know. Prez graduated last year."

Seeing the president's nostalgic gaze, Kyouya couldn't help but feel a slight sting inside. 

Why did this sight cause him pain? While Kyouya was still struggling with trying to figure out the reason, he continued asking questions without putting much thought into them.

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"What kind of person were they?"

"A very kind person."

Megumi-chan replied. 

It must be a girl, Kyouya thought.

"A strong person."

Said the president. 

Kyouya had to reconsider. Maybe it was a guy after all.

"Someone with a strong sense of self."

Shion-san added. That one could go either way.

"Smelled good."

It was Kirara-san's turn to contribute. 

Kyouya couldn't decipher this description at all.

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"What? You wanna know what gender they were?"

Had it been written all over his face? Kyouya relented to the president's questioning.

"Well, yeah."

Kyouya answered honestly, and stared intently at the president's face, waiting for a reply. He was trying to extract information from what kind of reaction she would have.

"You idiot."

After the president had a good, long, melodramatic laugh, she quickly recovered and proudly proclaimed:

"When someone becomes the president, they have no gender!"

"Excuse me?"

"The president is the president, nothing more, nothing less."

"What the heck does that mean?"

Kyouya continued to interrogate the president, who gave a sudden string of indecipherable phrases.

"People are not born as the president, they must become the president."

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"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Of course not. How could you, not being the president yourself, ever hope to understand?"

The president stuck out chest proudly.

Kyouya couldn't really wrap his head around her words, but he could tell that they were likely words of wisdom passed down from the previous president.

And he could tell very clearly that Amatsuka Mao looked up and respected the previous president, and that it wasn't about whether they were a guy or a girl, that she idolized their leadership.

And that was why she tried so hard to be a good "president", even with her frail body.

But unfortunately, no matter what he still couldn't understand the previous president's sayings.

"Hmph, for a Kyoro like you, you're a year and two months too early to understand."

"What is that awkwardly specific and seemingly achievable amount of time supposed to mean? Normally you'd say a hundred years or a million years here to make me give up, right?"

"Shut up. I mean you'll understand if you try hard enough."

The president turned to face the other way.

Like the president said, someday he would understand, so Kyouya decided not to worry about it for the time being.

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