
Chapter 255

Ch255 - It was better to kiss than to talk, and kissing a few times was better than just kissing once.

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translator: xiin
editor: apricot

Y1 won a point in the first match, the battle of freedom! 

Although it had been expected, there were also unexpected elements to it.

Y1’s amazing start had left the audience confident that Pro would lose, but when faced with such a disadvantageous situation, Pro was still able to stabilize their mindset, close the gap in farm, and even get a quadrakill. It was enough to leave the audience churning with excitement.




When compared with the soul warlock’s crushing suppression from the early stages, Kim Sung-hyun left more of an impression with his prowess in turning the tables from a disadvantageous situation.


Everyone felt a sense of regret that Pro had lost. It had been such a good turnaround, and if their opponent hadn’t been Y1, then Pro would definitely have won.


Then again, if it hadn’t been Y1, then how would Pro have been beaten up like that in the early stages?


The first match was over, and the second match began immediately.


The director swept the camera over the contestants. Wei Xiao paid more attention to the Pro side, and sure enough, Kim Sung-hyun was sitting stiffly upright, and the corners of his mouth were tense.

It was impossible to become depressed from losing a match. They would only become more and more courageous.

He was originally from the Team of Gods and was now the world’s number one ADC. It was impossible for his mentality to collapse like an avalanche due to a defeat in a single match.




In the camera, Kim Sung-hyun seemed to be saying something. Of course, the onlookers couldn’t hear what was being said, but they could see that everyone in Pro was in high spirits.


Kim Sung-hyun said only that.

They’d almost managed to turn the tables and had almost won. They’d almost carved out a road to victory for Pro amidst such a desperate situation! 

Li Heran: “It won’t happen again this time.”

They wouldn’t fall short again during this match!


The BP segment officially began. Pro didn’t hesitate at all before sending the soul warlock into a ban spot. Although they could only ban it once, Pro had to win this match, and they had to win back one point. Otherwise, it would be too stressful for them if they had to deal with a 2:0 score. Y1 didn’t just have a soul warlock line-up, but it wouldn’t be any easier to play against them if they let the soul warlock out for two matches straight. Instead, doing so might really end up pushing them into a dead end. 

Still, Y1 wasn’t only limited to the soul warlock line-up. Their line-ups were so numerous that it left people dizzy, and it didn’t matter to them if the soul warlock was banned. After all, when they won the championship last year, the soul warlock had still been just a thought in the developers’ minds and hadn’t even been created yet.



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After BP ended, Pro’s determination to win was evident in  the line-up that they’d taken.

The elemental shaman and gold hunter. They’d once again snatched up the talents they’d used in the battle of freedom and obtained the same line-up they had used in the previous match. 

Y1 had also gone with an assault team. Their line-up was so in-your-face that it made people’s scalps feel numb.


The debate in the scrolling comments was lively. “Continue the suppression, Y1! Y1 is still a big daddy in the early stages of this match.”

“Pro’s really good. Is this them getting up again from their loss?” 

“The elemental shaman and gold hunter combo is Pro’s pride. They have to prove themselves.”

“Ahhhh, if they really lose again, Pro is going to be done for.”

“Although I’m not interested in Pro, please don’t get wiped out 3-0. Laozi’s ticket was really expensive, okay?”


Brother Cai acted honestly in this match and didn’t have any intention of betting at all. Of course, he’d also hidden his watch early on and completely forgotten about the previous bet.

What bet? A healthy FTW was one that rejected pornography, gambling, and drugs!

Wei Xiao was too lazy to bother with this stingy vegetable and turned to look at Lu Feng. “Captain?”

Lu Feng said firmly, “Pro.” 

Wei Xiao was amused. “What if they lose again…”

Lu Feng glanced at him. “You want Y1 to win?”

Wei Xiao hurriedly shook his head. “No, no, no.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Oe Mfcu: “Tbe kjca Tjc Aljcu ab klc?”

Qfl Wljb gfjiis mbeivc’a tbiv yjmx jcswbgf jcv ijeutfv bea ibev. “Jjqajlc!”


Oe Mfcu ibbxfv jkjs ab kjamt atf ujwf.

Qfl Wljb qea tlr tjcv ecvfg atf ajyif jcv kjr mjeuta fnfc yfobgf tf mbeiv wjxf jcs agbeyif. 

Qfl Wljb ilmxfv atf mbgcfg bo tlr ilqr jcv ajcuifv atflg olcufgr abufatfg.

Lu Feng was a little forceful when he held his hand, causing Wei Xiao’s heart to tingle sweetly. It was no wonder that they said that eating vinegar was beneficial for one’s physical and mental health. When his boyfriend was jealous, it was great for his physical and mental health… cough.


Close didn’t jinx anyone in this match, and Pro managed to win a point! 


Pro was still badly beaten in the early stages. There was no problem with Park Guizhi’s jungler play, and he was one of the country’s top-level junglers. Unfortunately, God Hai wasn’t only there for show, being a player who’d slaughtered his way up through thousands in the European competition zone. He was strong, and dealing with a blue collar jungler like Park Guizhi was too easy.

This was especially the case with strong marksman line-ups. Park Guizhi wasn’t focused on developing, and there was no support by his side. Both his vision and efficiency in clearing the jungle was greatly reduced, and it wasn’t his fault that he was unable to hold up in the early stages.

Fortunately, Pro was able to remain stable during the middle stages this time. At present, there was no support that could compare with the soul warlock’s strong ganking ability, and now that Pro had experienced it, they wouldn’t give Y1 another chance to get the better of them. Once they made it through the middle stages and transitioned to the later stages, Pro, who had much better farm and equipment than in the previous match, would truly become invincible. 


Kim Sung-hyun’s firepower was on full blast, and it was filled with the intention of revenge, especially in the last wave of group fighting. Reasonably speaking, he shouldn’t be offloading a ton of damage to Yan Jiang, but maybe it was because he was too angry from the last game or because Yan Jiang deliberately positioned himself to take damage and give his teammates the opportunity to cut in. Kim Sung-hyun simply didn’t do anything else, shooting out six arrows in a row and dealing a terrifying amount of explosive damage that took Yan Jiang’s life away!

Even though he also suffered from a sneak attack by Hai and lost his life, he had a resurrection totem and was fearless. He stood back up, took down God Hai with two arrows, and at the same time, used lifesteal to recover all his health. He continued shooting indiscriminately, beating Y1 up until they were aced.


After pushing down the crystal, Pro heaved a sigh of relief. Fans in South Korea burst into tears and shouted out their names. There were also those who’d come by plane to watch in person, and their shouts and waving light boards almost overwhelmed the tens of thousands of spectators at the scene.

Fans who would chase their teams all the way like this were true love fans, real, die-hard true love fans.

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The director was always keen to make trouble, and would aim the camera at the losers every time. This time was no exception, and the camera showed Yan Jiang. 

Wei Xiao, who was watching the live broadcast, tsked.

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows.


Wei Xiao felt his hand loosen. He blinked, then said hurriedly, “I just think that Captain Yan is starting to get serious.”

Brother Cai didn’t seem to be afraid of death and asked, “You’re able to understand Captain Yan’s unpredictable expressions?” 

Wei Xiao: “………………………………”

White Cabbage, I’m going to beat you to death if I end up sleeping in the guest room!


Lu Feng released his hand. 

Wei Xiao tried to grab it. “I don’t understand him, I don’t understand anything!”

Lu Feng’s eyes didn’t shift at all.

Wei Xiao coaxed him quietly. “I really don’t.”

Brother Cai was sitting right next to him; how could he still not get it? His heart pounded, and he didn’t dare say another word. 

If Wei Xiao suffered later on, then wouldn’t he die a miserable death within FTW?

His life mattered. He would make less mistakes if he spoke less!


Lu Feng wasn’t really angry and was just playing with him. After Little Lunatic Wei spoke several sentences quietly, he was willing to hold hands again. 

Little Ning seemed to have noticed something from the other side and turned to look over.

Chen Feng glanced at him. “Watch the game. Both sides are at the peak of the industry.”

Little Ning immediately sat up straight and was well behaved as he watched the projection. Any strange idea he might’ve had was all gone.

Stuff like how Brother Xiao and the captain seemed like little lovers or the way the tone Brother Xiao used to coax the captain sounded like that of a girlfriend… ah, no, no, there was a problem with his brain and he should dye it. God Ning, it was time to dye his hair a new color! 


Wei Xiao had actually understood the situation quite accurately. Yan Jiang was very serious in the third match.


As the soul warlock had already been banned once and because Y1 had the first choice in this game, Y1 locked in the soul warlock directly.

There was no need to point the camera at Pro in order to imagine what their expressions were like. 

The first match had really left them with a big psychological shadow. This soul warlock was too difficult to tangle with!


Having gained experience from the first match, would Pro repeat the same mistakes?

Well, the one who didn’t ‘repeat the same mistakes’ turned out to be Y1. 

In this match, Kim Sung-hyun’s frost hunter was different from his gold hunter. In the early stages, the gold hunter had almost no combat ability, and there would only be a qualitative leap in DPS output after he finished three full pieces of equipment, so the frost hunter was in a slightly better situation. It had good DPS and soft control skills in the early stages, which allowed it to provide some support in fights that broke out in the middle and lower jungle zones.


Therefore, compared with the battle of freedom, Pro was much more stable prior to level six, and they didn’t collapse too badly. Unfortunately, they still had no way to counter their opponents after dragging things on to level six. Encountering the soul warlock while clearing the lanes was really enough to give people headaches as big as a cow’s head, and this close combat set-up was originally already enough to cut people down to the point where their emotions were entirely disarrayed. In addition, one plus one created an effect bigger than two, so this set of moves really left them with no way to adapt.


So, the reason why it was said that Y1 didn’t repeat mistakes from the past was that they didn’t give Pro a chance to rise up in the later stages at all this time.

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The frost hunter had considerable advantages in the early stage and was stable in the middle stages. Relatively speaking, it meant that there would be some sacrifice in its DPS in the later stages. In fact, it was still high, but it wasn’t quite as explosive as the gold hunter.


The soul warlock targeted the frost hunter right from the beginning, from the start to the end, mercilessly smothering this match to death. 


It was now 2:1.

Finally, they were ushering in the match point game!

The two teams took off their headphones and went back to their respective backstage lounges. 


In a BO5 game, there was a half-time break lasting nearly 15 minutes after the third match.


FTW, who were watching the livestream, also went to take a break.

Wei Xiao pulled Lu Feng outside with him and finally found an opportunity to coax his boyfriend. 


It was better to kiss than to talk, and kissing a few times was better than just kissing once.


When he went back to the room, Little Ning blinked his eyes a few times. 

Wei Xiao knew that it was his own fault; the skin on his mouth was thin and turned red easily.

No matter how reckless his nature was, he could still get shy. Wei Xiao cleared his throat and said, “There was only one cup of watermelon juice left, and I drank it all.”

Ning Zhehan: “Oh…”

So it turned out that drinking watermelon juice could also dye one’s mouth red. His pool of strange knowledge had increased once again. 


The Pro lounge was very quiet. Except for the warm voice of their coach speaking, the players themselves didn’t speak.

This continued until it was about time to return to the game. Kim Sung-hyun set down his water cup and said lightly, “Let’s try it.”

It was just three words, but everyone present understood what he was talking about. 

The coach’s eyebrows furrowed. “It’s the match point.”

Kim Sung-hyun looked up at him. “Every game after this will be a match point.”

Their coach paused.



The fourth match was a match point, and the fifth match would also be one.


Pro, who had lost two matches, already had no way to retreat!


Li Heran looked down. “Alright.”

Park Guizhi also sucked in a breath. “OK!”

Their coach sighed deeply. “Okay.”


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Pro’s final card, an immature new routine, was taken out for use at such a critical moment.

But would they have another chance in this season if they didn’t take it out now?

If they couldn’t win against Y1, then how could they make it to the finals?!

Since marksman focused systems were being targeted by Y1, it was better to fight for their lives out of desperation and forge a new path! 


Everyone grew nervous at the start of the fourth match.

On the FTW side, they were also holding their breath. Although they hadn’t yet played against EVE, it didn’t prevent them from paying attention to their next opponent.

They had to win the semi-finals, and winning the finals was even more important. 

Their next opponent was EVE, and who would be their opponent after that?

No matter who it was, it would be a strong opponent. They would earn a lot by pondering this game carefully.


The crowd didn’t notice anything unusual during the BP segment. 

This full-game BP mode was a significant test of a player’s talent pool. No one was surprised when Kim Sung-hyun took the storm hunter.

God Kim’s storm hunter was also at a high level. Although Pro didn’t use it often, it had been used to win the championship when he was in PFTW.


It was strong enough, but its strength also depended on whether or not Pro had an appropriate line-up to support it.


What was relatively more surprising was that Li Heran took the soul warlock.

Who would’ve dared to think that this new talent for the season, a support talent like the soul warlock, would become such a big hit?

The crowd didn’t have much expectations towards Li Heran’s soul warlock. After all, not everyone was Yan Jiang, and they were very clear on Li Heran’s talent pool.

The soul warlock was likely to follow the storm hunter the entire way. Li Heran was also good with the storm hunter, and it was a talent that he’d used to win the singles championship with in his early years. 


Park Guizhi had picked the death knight, and their mid-laner was once again using a support and control focused talent. It seemed that Pro’s current line-up still revolved around Kim Sung-hyun.

This perception remained until they entered the game, and everyone stared with wide eyes at the skill that Kim Sung-hyun had taken.

Kim Sung-hyun’s storm hunter was using the jungler skill! 

The jungler in this match wasn’t Park Guizhi, but Kim Sung-hyun!


After two years, Pro had finally walked out of an absolute ADC system and come up with a new routine.

The audience talked amongst themselves, curious about this new lane allocation. It had to be known that Glory had position requirements; this was where FTW and IN had kicked up a fuss before. 

The director released the position list that their coach had submitted before the match in the corner of the screen.

Top-lane: Divine warrior.

Bottom lane: Death knight.

Jungler: Storm hunter. 


Kim Sung-hyun was really taking the jungler position, and he was jungling with a marksman talent.


Wei Xiao’s eyes lit up as he watched the live broadcast, having unexpectedly found a new routine.

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