
Chapter 256.1

Ch256.1 - Over the ten plus years of Glory, how many people had been left unreconciled over this?!

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translator: xiin
editor: apricot

** Park Guizhi now changed to Park Kyu-ji 


The storm hunter was going to be the jungler.



As a matter of fact, the storm hunter could indeed play the jungler position.

The skills could all be used quickly, it had high attack power in the early stages, and it also had enough movement skills. It was quite efficient when it came to running across the entire map. 

More importantly, the storm hunter was very suitable for ganking. It could catch people and hunt them down. As long as it was able to build up its farm as quickly as possible to put together the equipment it needed, even taking down the tanky and fleshy top laner talents wouldn’t be a problem!



Wei Xiao went through this line-up in his mind again and again, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt it was.

Now, it would depend on how Pro played it and how Y1 would counter it!



Pro had launched its ultimate move for the match point game, leaving the entire global audience in a state of both happiness and excitement.

Who cared whether they won or lost? Those who played well would always have the last word.


Pro’s four protecting one system had been criticized for a long time. Although no one could deny the strength of the other four players in Pro, it had to be said that Kim Sung-hyun was too dazzling and mentioning Pro was almost equivalent to mentioning Kim Sung-hyun, making him even more prominent than Close had been to FTW back then. 

After all, FTW had never managed any achievements in global events. As time went on, people only remembered Close and forgot about FTW.

It was different for Pro. They had entered the global four for three consecutive years and caught people’s attention as they were sufficiently brilliant globally. Additionally, they were really able to play with the four protecting one system, which left people unable to criticize them too strongly.


Anyone who drew attention would be scolded. Their routines had remained unchanged for three years, and they had always stopped short of the championship. This gave the haters something to hold onto, and they flamed the team until they were beaten up all over. 

They said things like: Kim Sung-hyun should go play the singles competition, why play the team competition?

They said: Li Heran was old and should retire instead of wasting a spot on the team.

They said, Park Kyu-ji should just get lost if he couldn’t play jungler; was Korea that short on junglers?


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As long as they didn’t win the championship, the scolding would never stop. It didn’t matter how many domestic championships they won, or how many times they broke into the global top four.

In e-sports, only that last crown mattered.



This year, Pro had finally come up with new tactics and routines. They were also struggling for change and looking for a breakthrough with their marksman line-up! 

There was no doubting that everyone was looking forward to their performance, and the commentators were also analyzing the possibilities in this routine.

As they analyzed back and forth, the disadvantages were also obvious.

Would the storm hunter’s jungling be smooth?

Was Li Heran’s soul warlock reliable? 

Could Park Kyu-ji resist the other side’s marksman in the lane?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ugb xcfk atf jvnjcajufr jcv vlrjvnjcajufr bo atlr ilcf-eq yfaafg atjc jcsbcf firf. Ktfs kfgf cbk tbqlcu atja atf regqglrf gfreialcu ogbw atflg ilcf-eq kbeiv rtbk rbwf gfreiar.

Cr fzqfmafv, atf rbei kjgibmx kfca bea jcv obiibkfv atf rabgw tecafg, jcv atf rqffv ja ktlmt atfs mifjgfv atf pecuif kjr nfgs ugjaloslcu. Pc Blw Vecu-tsec’r tjcvr, atf tlutis oifzlyif rabgw tecafg kjr jyif ab ulnf oeii qijs ab atf ajifca’r jylilas lc bgvfg ab rjnf alwf jcv foobga. 

At the end of the day, he’d started off as a marksman. Kim Sung-hyun could be considered the number one in the world when it came to ‘haggling over every penny’.

If he could be any faster, then he wouldn’t procrastinate; he would keep his skills cycling and never waste them. He maximized the most efficient way to clear the jungle, and when he was done, he unwaveringly went and pounced on the bottom lane.


When the storm hunter stepped on raindrops and dropped down, Y1’s marksman, Pig, was unable to react in time. 

The soul warlock arrived first. Li Heran predicted Pig’s movements, and knocked him away perfectly.

The death knight charged over abruptly in its light form and smashed a set of skills down. Then the storm hunter pierced raindrops with its arrows and scored a critical hit on Pig.

There was no need to mention that there was no one else near God Pig; even if Yan Jiang had been there, he wouldn’t have been able to protect him in this wave of attacks.


Pro took First Blood!

Pro, who’d been suppressed by Y1 for a full three matches, was finally able to feel a sense of long-awaited happiness.


Who said that Pro had no early stages? Who said that Kim Sung-hyun could only cling desperately to life to develop, and who said that the marksman could only rule the court in the later stages?

God Kim was using his strength to play the storm hunter and educate others! 

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After killing Pig, the storm hunter didn’t slow down at all. He invaded Y1’s top jungle zone and started snowballing resources and piling them up.

It could be seen that Y1 had been caught off guard in this round.

When faced with Pro, who had a new line-up, it was like Y1 was playing against a new team that they still needed time to get familiar and adapt to. 

It didn’t mean they were overwhelmed, but they did need to find a breakthrough point and reverse the situation.


Wei Xiao was so engrossed he barely blinked, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

This game had not only let him learn new tactics, but had also allowed him to discover Y1’s weaknesses. 

Sure enough, there was no such thing as a flawless team. Y1, which was as strong as an iron barrel, still had something they weren’t good at.

It was just that Yan Jiang was too good at camouflage and had covered up their shortcomings tightly so that others could only see a veneer of indestructibility.


It was good that they had shortcomings. 

Wei Xiao wasn’t about to let go of the slightest opportunity.

Lu Feng was also focused intently on the game, staring at the situation in the field without blinking.

He could see what Wei Xiao noticed, and anything Wei Xiao thought of, he could also think of as well.

There was no such thing as indestructibility, only persisting continuously in order to break through. 

Yan Jiang’s strength was due to an accumulation of experience built up over endless days and nights.



A support style soul warlock had its own key nodes at level six. Li Heran’s soul warlock showed a different play style from that of Y1 and FTW.

Wei Xiao used his soul warlock to fight in the jungle, relying on his own all-around skills. No matter who he attached to, he would be able to deal DPS that was more than just the sum of one plus one, and his ganking level was first-class. 

Yan Jiang’s soul warlock was similar to Wei Xiao’s, but he paid more attention to assisting his teammates and making up damage while giving his teammates the best environment in which to deal DPS.


Li Heran wasn’t like that. In this match, he was another storm hunter!

After level six, he attached himself to the storm hunter directly, and his interface was completely replaced with the storm hunter’s skills. Together with Kim Sung-hyun, they covered the whole canyon with raindrops, like stars in the sky. 


The former world’s number one ADC, singles champion, and strongest marksman who once ruled over half of Glory, who hadn’t been seen in a long time.

He retired due to injury, and his star fell.

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This legend from the past became a joke, but today’s Li Heran was no longer Pro’s support, and no longer the veteran who was dragging his ailing body along as he reluctantly continued to fight. In fact, he was no longer Pro’s so-called weakness. 

Right now, his eyes were calm and composed, his fingers flew over the keyboard, and the storm hunters killed people wantonly all over the canyon.

A real pair of storm hunters, flying true through the rain. They were the real kings of rain!


Did anyone still remember who the first person to fly in the rain was? 

Did anyone still remember who made the storm hunter famous all over the world?

Did anyone still remember who the first storm hunter champion skin belonged to?!


Li Heran! 

Not only did this scene bring tears to the eyes of fans in South Korea, it also affected the audience from other competition zones.



The current Close, and the previous Li Heran.

Over the ten plus years of Glory, how many people had been left unreconciled over this?! 


Y1, who was getting beaten up by the two storm hunters, recovered its rhythm in the mid and later stages.

Yan Jiang adjusted his team tactics and began to work on their operations.

They couldn’t win in lane ganking and were retaliated against when they tried to launch ambushes. There was high risk involved in snatching the dragon and jungle zones, so the optimal solution was to fight with guerrilla warfare and win through operations. 


The storm hunter had a fatal weakness, which was that it was weak in the later stages.

Most marksmen were weak in the early stages and strong in the later stages. The storm hunter was different; it was strong in the early stages, but it weakened gradually in the later stage.

As a talent that had difficulties participating in team fights, it was easy for them to have the tables turned against them in later stage team fights. 

Although Pro had two storm hunters and might be able to deal enough damage in team fights, this pair of storm hunters was essentially a single person. As long as Kim Sung-hyun died, both storm hunters would be gone.


Wei Xiao sighed lightly, “It seems that Captain Yan has found a way to deal with it.”

Lu Feng: “Not necessarily.” 

Wei Xiao tilted his head and looked at him.

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Lu Feng also looked at him, saying silently: Just wait.


Wei Xiao’s eyes curved with his smile and he took advantage of everyone’s line of sight to blow him a kiss. 

Lu Feng: “……”

He remained focused on the game and only pinched a certain Little Xiao under the table lightly.



Y1 really did recover their rhythm in the middle and later stages, taking advantage of their line-up that allowed them to forcibly start up team fights. Adding on Pig, who was able to deal more and more DPS with Yan Jiang escorting him the whole way, the storm hunters’ disadvantages of limited range and squishiness undoubtedly began to reveal themselves. 

Just as Wei Xiao had thought, once Yan Jiang’s skills were able to reach Kim Sung-hyun, two people would die at the same time.

It was difficult for the soul warlock to protect the storm hunter. Unless they were able to attack together and kill the other party, then they would get killed in seconds.

However, Y1 had already figured out their routine. As long as they were able to catch the storm hunter, they would definitely start a group fight and focus fire. No matter how high their DPS was, two people wouldn’t be enough to kill three or four others within two seconds.

Like that, Pro’s advantage was destroyed by Y1! 


The audience watched on, anxious and afraid that Y1 would end the game in this way, and afraid that a line-up as good as Pro’s would end up smashed. They were even more worried that the double storm hunter that had only started to perform with much difficulty would disappear once again.

To everyone’s surprise…

Li Heran came down from Kim Sung-hyun’s body. The soul warlock, which had followed the storm hunter for the whole match, left him. 

What was going on?

Was Pro giving up?

Were they admitting defeat?


The entire audience exploded in excitement!

The soul warlock attached itself to the mid-laner medicine warlock. With the acceleration buff that had whirlwind-like special effects, Pro rushed to the gold dragon pit like they’d just used a collective flash.

They’d guessed that Y1 was fighting the dragon and hadn’t hesitated to start a group fight.

This was the last round of team fighting! 

If they won, then Pro could retain hope that they would still be able to play in another decisive match. If they lost this fight, then it would be equivalent to Pro burying themselves in the semifinals.



The commentators were anxious. “Will the storm hunter be able to deal enough damage? Using the storm hunter in a team fight…” They were referring to the fact that there was a high chance that something would go wrong.

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