
Chapter 256.2

Ch256.2 - Let loose and fight!

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translator: xiin
editor: apricot

Wei Xiao’s eyes brightened and his lips curved as he watched the live broadcast. 

Who said that Pro only had the storm hunter.

Park Kyu-ji used his heavy blade to start the team fight, and the attack swept out, sending Yan Jiang flying from where he was blocking the way at the front.




An opportunity! 

Raindrops flew all over the sky. The agile and light figure stepped on raindrops, flying into the crowd. Y1 quickly focused fire on Kim Sung-hyun, but there were now two medicine warlocks behind him.


The squishy storm hunter’s health dropped to rock bottom with a whoosh, but it was then forcibly lifted up again.

Critically injured! Full health!

Critically injured again!


And his health was back!


In Glory, there would be a scarlet border flashing around the screen if a character was seriously injured. There was no way to imagine what Kim Sung-hyun’s screen looked like, with the scarlet fading and reappearing time and again…


Amidst such special effects, he still managed to accurately operate the storm hunter, avoid damage, deal DPS, and kill Quas and Pig! 

What kind of ability, skill, and absolute trust in his teammates was required to achieve such an effect?


Quas fell!

Piglet was killed! 

God Hai also failed to escape from the hunter’s rain arrows.

Park Kyu-ji tried his best to hold down Yan Jiang, creating enough opportunities for Kim Sung-hyun, Li Heran, and UU to go around the back and cut down the c-positions, playing out a perfect combo that shocked everyone!


They won the team fight! 

Pro won the fourth match!

When Victory lit up for the Pro side, everyone in the audience gave them a warm round of applause.



In the FTW conference room, Wei Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. 

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Little Ning burst out into passionate tears. “Wuwuwu…”

Brother Cai choked up as well. “Pro…”

They couldn’t speak, but the bitterness they felt in their hearts could be understood by everyone in the conference room.


Pro didn’t only consist of Kim Sung-hyun. Pro didn’t only have a marksman.

In this game, they were able to win against Y1 by showing strong cooperation within the entire team.

The haters scolded Pro and Kim Sung-hyun for being dominant on his own. They scolded them for not knowing how to play anything other than their four protecting one system.

For so many years, Pro had always adhered to the same system, all their progress tracked along this same path. 

Similarly, they were different from last year’s FTW. They weren’t like the old FTW who could only rely on Close.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Kim Sung-hyun’s brilliance had always been given to him by his teammates.

Kb atlr vjs, Ugb’r jmtlfnfwfcar tjv jikjsr yffc kbc atgbeut olnf qfbqif kbgxlcu abufatfg. 

Ktf obeg qgbafmalcu bcf ilcf-eq kjr atf bcf atja vfqfcvfv atf wbra bc ajmla ecvfgrajcvlcu yfakffc afjwwjafr!

Cyrbieaf agera, mbwqifaf agera.

Ktfs tjv ab ifa ub bo atflg qglvf jcv mbcmfla, jcv qgbafma ktbiftfjgafvis. Ktja kjr atf gfji Ugb!


2:2. Finally, they managed to usher in the match point game.

The audience, who had originally thought that Y1 would win with a big advantage, started switching sides one after another. They felt that this year’s Pro was very promising.


Fans who had originally hoped that Pro would win against Y1, then lose to FTW, also began to panic. This year’s Pro was different. Even just considering this new system, would FTW be able to break through it?

If FTW wanted to win the championship, sure enough, there were wolves up front and tigers chasing behind them. None of these big brothers were easy to mess with! 


BP for the decisive match began without delay.

This year’s teams had already whetted everyone’s appetite. They even felt that a BO5 game wasn’t enough, and started imagining how great it would be if it was BO7.

The scrolling comments in the live broadcast room: “Haha. Firstly, Glory would need to come up with more talents.” 

“The full-game BP in BO5 is already enough to make the coaching teams go bald. If they come up with a BO7, do you want to see all the coaches in Glory collectively standing on the roof?”

“Five matches aren’t enough, I want to watch them play seven matches!”

“I can’t imagine how they’ll play the seventh match with full-game BP…”

“Maybe the benched talents would be able to return to the field!” 

“Ha, just say that it’ll be like noobs pecking at each other directly.”

“That’s not necessarily the case. Don’t underestimate this year’s top four. I always feel as if they’ve got so many routines up their sleeves.”

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Regardless of what happens in the scrolling comments, the competition committee wasn’t about to change the competition system again. 

A BO5 game could already last for nearly five hours. A BO7 game wouldn’t end up testing the players’ talent pool but rather their physical fitness!

Playing a high intensity game for seven hours?

Who would be able to hold on!

It was fortunate that Wei Xiao didn’t see the scrolling comments. If he did, then he would definitely howl, “Close can; Close’s physical endurance is invincible!” 

Well, the great demon king’s physical endurance was really invincible.

Wei Little Xiao had an absolute right to speak about it in all aspects.



Getting back to business; many Pro supporters felt a chill in their hearts when the line-up for the decisive match came out. 

Y1 had too many different line-ups.

They played the soul warlock so well that everyone had forgotten where their real strength lay.

Captain Yan’s medicine warlock.

This was the system that Y1 used to target Pro to death. 


The fact that the medicine warlock was only taken out in the decisive match was enough to show just how much the emergence of the soul warlock had enhanced Y1.

Kim Sung-hyun closed his eyes briefly when he saw Yan Jiang’s medicine warlock.

Li Heran: “Let loose and fight.” 

Kim Sung-hyun opened his eyes again and breathed in lightly. “Mm.”


Let loose and fight.

In the final game, no matter whether they won or lost, Pro’s aura was undefeatable! 


Kim Sung-hyun had taken the gun launcher, which was a relatively flexible and explosive marksman in order to avoid the medicine warlock trading its life for his.

Li Heran also took the giant shaman so he could block steadily in the frontlines and protect his teammates.

Y1’s formation was even more stable. The divine warrior top-laner could resist damage and start team fights. The spirit mage in the mid-lane and storm hunter in the bottom lane were all strong in-your-face assault talents meant to target Kim Sung-hyun. Coupled with the medicine warlock support, everyone was already feeling heartache for Kim Sung-hyun even before the game began. 


In this decisive match, Y1 was bound to pressure Kim Sung-hyun to death.



The fifth match was unexpectedly calm. Neither side made any trouble before level six, and they continued to develop peacefully even after they had their ultimate moves. Small scale collisions were a bit touch and go, but First Blood never broke out. 

Such calm left people holding their breath, and the feeling only became more intense over time.

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It was too tense. Everyone knew that this was the calm before the storm, and everyone knew that this was gunpowder before a spark. Everyone knew that once a fight broke out, it would be a bloody battle of life and death!


There were waves surging under the calm. The ten people on the field who’d been fighting for more than four hours still maintained their state of absolute concentration. 

There were no mistakes in operation, no mistakes in game consciousness, and no fatigue showed in their state of being.

The exceptional quality of top-tier players was fully evident in these moments.


At the fifteen minute mark, First Blood broke out in the mid-lane. 

The person to win the first kill was Park Kyu-ji!

It was Pro!

And the one who gave out First Blood was actually Yan Jiang!


This scene surprised everyone, but it also made everyone more nervous.

Park Kyu-ji getting First Blood was of little significance to Pro, because Park Kyu-ji had always been a blue-collar jungler king who operated on minimal resources.

Yan Jiang giving out First Blood caused little harm to Y1. Having him die in battle would be more cost-effective than Hai dying, for example.

It seemed that Pro had the advantage, but in fact, Y1 had broken down the top lane defense tower. 


Sure enough…


Captain Yan’s head wasn’t that easy to collect. How could they take it without paying some kind of price?


The situation was becoming more and more murky. It was difficult to distinguish each side’s advantages and disadvantages. No one could be sure who would win or lose until the last minute.

The FTW conference room was so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

Everyone was watching the game intently. They had also played decisive matches before, but their last match with L&P was by no means like this match between Pro and Y1.

They had fought strongly until the end, regardless of loss or victory. 

Over here, they were planning strategies, operating, and calculating everything in sight.

It was hard to say what was going well or not; the only thing that remained constant was the tense mood in the air.

One bad move in this chess game could cause them to lose the whole game.

This kind of atmosphere where no one dared to breathe was even more of a drain on their mentality! 


Finally… Pro took action after the gun launcher finished three full pieces of equipment.

They were the ones who sounded the battle horn, but Y1 responded fearlessly.

One wave of fighting, two waves, three waves. 

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The early calm paved the way for the madness in the later stages.

From twenty two minutes onwards, the two sides fought endlessly in team fights.

Constant fighting, endless killing, and a constant exchange of firepower.


You take this wave, and I remain stable for the next. You force a team fight in the dragon pit, and I pick up the fight…

Such intensive back and forth fighting made the audience lose track of time, forget reality, and only remember the brilliant battle taking place in the holographic projection.


The special effects that covered the sky, and the fierce sound of gunfire and other system sound effects all seemed hot-blooded and full of passion.


In the last wave, when God Yan’s unique heartbeat play appeared in the holographic projection, everyone had a premonition that the end was coming.

The medicine warlock who couldn’t be stopped, who couldn’t be killed, the stealer of light who couldn’t be sanctioned.

When the announcement that Yan Jiang had killed Kim Sung-hyun rang out, everyone held their breath.


It was a rout that caused a landslide-like collapse.

The two old teammates from the Team of Gods fell at the same time.

But their outcome was very different––

Y1 was like a beast that had escaped its chains, pouncing frantically on Pro and instantly tearing at their throats. 

Pro, unable to cope, retreated urgently, but they were chased to their base by Y1 and were ultimately all killed.


The game was over.


Wei Xiao leaned back in his e-sports chair, his fingers trembling imperceptibly.

Lu Feng got up, his eyes drooping slightly. “Rest early.”


Y1 was now shortlisted for the global finals, and the holder of the other spot would be announced tomorrow. 


Who would be able to obtain this final ticket to the championship stage?!



Waldorf Astoria Hotel. 

Xie He looked out at the nightscape outside the window. Not even the slightest bit of light fell into the depths of his dark eyes.

A romantic and elegant female voice sounded out from behind him. “Can you really win the championship with this kind of faith?”

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