Godly Model Creator

Chapter 7.1

Chapter 0007.1    The era of darkness

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai


After passing through the quantum scanner of the city gate, Su Hao for the very first time in his life stepped out of the city! Unlike the lively city, here it was just a deserted place, full of killing intent and a quiet atmosphere which made one’s hair stand.


Su Hao had a glance at his surroundings. He dared not to run aimlessly. Instead, he took out a map which indicated his destination and walked accordingly.


Three miles, was really not that far.


After passing through the Zhong Yang avenue, he reached a mountain trail on the right hand side. A few bends later, Su Hao finally reached at the destination described in the task. After he was able to find the quest location, Su Hao began to search for the grass. Half an hour later, at a relatively remote corner with grasses reaching waist height, a star grass was hidden among them.


After a careful and cautious observation for a moment, he did not notice any beast presences.


“This is strange. Didn’t they say the chances of encountering fearful beasts are close to 100%?”


Su Hao wrinkled his eyebrows. Heading down the mountain, travelling through the mountain trail until he reached the foot of the mountain, his body was in a cautious state. Somehow, he could not shake off this feeling that something unexpected may appear behind him.




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Su Hao suddenly rolled forwards. A sharp claw flashed from the side and cut through where he was mere moments ago, the strike instead landed on a tree next to him.


“Ka cha!”


The tree instantly snapped.


Su Hao then looked back. A werewolf like beast stood in front of him with a withered body which look like firewood. With a pair of red eyes and sharp claws, he could smell a thick bloody scent from it. With Su Hao’s 180 points in theoretical basis, he still could not recognize this monster in front of him.




The beast howled for a moment. In an instant, it jumped out and with its sharp claws aimed at Su Hao’s throat.


Su Hao subconsciously wanted to evade it but soon he calmed himself down. Evading was not just simply useless.


If he wanted to survive and leave this place, killing is the only way out!


“Ge Dang!”


Su Hao’s left hand grasped the wrist of the beast, barely avoiding the glistening claws. With a twist of his body, his right elbow was firmly launched towards the beast’s chest.


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As soon as the sound travelled through the air, Su Hao felt like he was hitting a plate of iron. However, the beast was indeed affected by his strike and stepped backwards.


Su Hao was unyielding. With quick footsteps, he immediately grasped the beast’s right arm. The beast figure who was retreating was unexpectedly pulled forwards. While avoiding the sharp claws, he then utilised the pulling momentum for an even greater strike.


Rising up, his figure appeared to be floating as he rotated, a flying kick was precisely directed down at the beast’s skull.




The beast who had received a kick on its head was somehow dazed. Su Hao then took this opening to strike it with a kick again, making it fly over.




The beast surprisingly stood up as if nothing had happened. With a growl and a red light flashing in its eyes, it was as if he had undergone some transformation from its anger.


“Damn it!”


Su Hao cursed loudly. “If I can’t identify this beast, I would not be able to find its weakness.”


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The beast rushed forward again. Su Hao immediately reacted with a counter attack. Basic fighting techniques were flowing flawlessly from his hand, with a continuous set of moves, punch by punch on its body, which made the beast keep retreating. Too bad its skin was really tough and thick. Every time it was hit until it fell on the ground, it would instantly stand back up.


“Such a good thick skin!”


Out of nowhere, Su Hao’s mind suddenly made a move. It has always been known to him that he was able to create a character model. Then what about…… a beast model?


When he thought of this, Su Hao then focused his sight at the beast.


“Model analysis, start!”




The surroundings started to become illusionary. The world seem to have stopped moving completely. When the model establishment in his brain completed, it instantly shocked Su Hao. This was because the model which he saw in his mind was not any beast but a person!


A thin physique middle aged man with a wretched appearance appeared. Around him, there were two cards floating around.

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Su Hao had a quick glance at the cards; beginner origin ability cultivation and beginner alienation.


“What is this? It is indeed a beast but why is the model I saw a person?” Su Hao was now in a panicky state.


This is wrong!


Beginner alienation!


With his mind, Su Hao selected the card beginner alienation. The card establishment was unsuccessful. This would conclude that beginner alienation was this person’s origin ability.


At the origin ability firm, he received intelligence that a beast usually frequented the bottom of the mountain….with 180 points of theoretical basis, he was not able to recognize this beast…..the establishment of the model analysis was instead a person…..




A light flashed in Su Hao’s eyes, he finally understood the current situation.


The being in front of him was definitely not a beast but a human. He had used his origin ability to disguise himself as a beast. This man had very vicious thoughts!


After he clearly understood the situation, Su Hao was able to calm down completely. Since it is a human, it would be easy for Su Hao to handle it.

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