Godly Model Creator

Chapter 7.2

Chapter 0007.2   The era of darkness

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai


Su Hao began to start his offense again. With countless consecutives punches directed at its chest, dull metal sounds were being produced. Unfortunately, Su Hao’s fist began to feel some traces of pain. However, without the slightest of hesitations, his next strike was still directed towards its chest.


One fist! Two fist!


One fist! Two fist!


The more Su Hao hit, the faster his offense. The beast somehow did not seem to be affected by the punches.






The beast was again brought down. Su Hao suddenly rose up to the sky. With a step on the tree behind, he rose up higher and then instantly dropped down to strike from the air.

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With such a heavy blow, a figure flew up. A “puff……” sound could be heard from the beast. It then started to vomit out blood while the red light on its eyes began disappearing.


The beast’s hair began to fade which then revealed a wretched middle aged man wearing shorts. With his eyes not showing any hint of life, this was a clear sign that he was dead.


Su Hao wrinkled his eyebrows! This man was so daring to disguise as a beast to rob people. He deserved to die!


However, this made him completely awake. Su Hao had really underestimated the darkness of this era. If you want to survive in this world, you must not only be wary of beasts but also humans!


With a drop of the fluid, the man completely disappeared. Su Hao then looked around. Since this man kept appearing here everytime, this man must have hid somewhere dark to observe.


In just a few moments, after exploring the surroundings, about a mile away, Su Hao found a small cave. In the cave, there were many surveillance equipment and dozens of star grass!


“Dozens of…. This bastard had actually killed many people!” Su Hao did not touch other stuff. He only took the star grass with him and destroyed everything else. Then he started to head back to the city.


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His strength had indeed been reduced from fatigue. Thus, on the way back, Su Hao needed to be extra cautious.


Once he reached the city, Su Hao appeared to be relieved. Looking at the bundles of star grass at his hands, he showed a trace of a smile on his face. This trip, although it was dangerous, it was indeed worth it.


When he reached the origin ability firm, the sky was already dark. The firm however, was still bustling with people. When Su Hao entered the firm, a group of people at one corner began to quiet down.


“Hey, isn’t that the boy from this afternoon? He came back alive?”


“In his hands….star grass! He has so much!”


“Wow, this boy was able to find the location of the star grass? He is indeed very lucky.”


“Yea. If I knew, I would have gone there this afternoon. This cheap kid.”


Many people in the firm talked with a tone of envy. They seemed to believe that if they had gone to take this task instead, all these gains would have been theirs. Su Hao just ignored them and went straight to the counter to report his task’s completion.


The registrar which saw that Su Hao had come back alive was greatly surprised. However he still professionally helped Su Hao to register the task’s completion. Then, he handed a bottle of blue coloured medicine to Su Hao.

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“Origin ability restoration medicine….” Su Hao was somehow filled with excitement. Facing the registrar, Su Hao asked, “Can you help me to get the information of the man who gave this mission? I believe you can see with your own eyes I have a lot of star grass here.”


The registrar shook his head. “Our customer’s information is absolutely kept confidential. Since you requested my help, I will help you ask about it the next time he comes.”


“Many thanks.”


Su Hao grinned and headed outside the firm.


Just when he headed out of the firm, a huge stature unexpectedly blocked his pathway. Su Hao raised his eyebrows, “Anything?”


The man then smiled, “Kid, you have so much star grass. Even if you keep them, they will just be useless to you. How about this? Why don’t you sell them to me for 100 star dollars each? I want all of them.”


“100 star dollars?” Su Hao smiled. Looking at this confident man with an origin ability of 6 points, Su Hao instantly made his move without any signs.


Surprise attack!

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Su Hao’s figure suddenly appeared closer to the man and directly attacked the man’s chest. Once punch, two punches! With a rapid bombardment, the man’s chest felt really tight and he had difficulty breathing.


The man furiously sent a blow towards Su Hao. Su Hao sneered and quickly grabbed the incoming fist.


A shoulder throw!


A flying kick!


A rising kick!




The huge body of the man fell on the ground. Su Hao clapped his hands and immediately sped away. For such people, he was too lazy to bother with them.


When Su Hao left, a few people who had paid attention to him instantly scrapped any ideas.


Although this kid’s origin ability was only 5, he had already mastered advanced fighting techniques. With such a series of ultra-fast blows which they couldn’t even clearly follow, who the hell wanted to mess with him?

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