Godly Model Creator

Chapter 8.1

Chapter 0008.1    The cheating recovery medicine

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai

*This chapter is hosted officially only at http://yorasutranslations.com


He returned home to notice he was alone, his family had yet to return. Su Hao organised the star grass neatly. Looking at the beginner recovery medicine in his right hand, he felt a burst of excitement.


This little item, actually costs 10 thousand star dollars!


Opening the bottle which contained the liquid, it looked like the traditional oral cleansing solutions. From the blue bottle, an unusual type of fragrance permeated throughout the room. Su Hao was startled. Such a fragrance could actually begin re-energising his origin energy.


As he was ready to drink in one motion, Su Hao abruptly stopped his action.




“I can’t drink this now!”


Of course consuming this recovery medicine would be able to restore all of his origin ability energy but…..that was it! His progress in advanced cultivation would only increase by a tiny bit. As for his current strength, it did not bring any benefits at all.

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But…..what if he used in other way?


Su Hao then thought that mastering advanced cultivation would be an extremely difficult task as of now. Why not start it from the beginner level first? This bottle should be enough for him to master beginner origin ability cultivation. This should definitely increase his pitiable origin ability by leaps and bounds.


After he had set a clear goal, Su Hao kept the recovery medicine. He then continued practicing fighting techniques in order to familiarise every move and type available.


After his family members reached home, during dinner, Su Hao once again copied his sister, Su Ling’s beginner cultivation ability. As usual, an additional card appeared in the middle of his mind, beginner origin ability cultivation card.


After finishing his meal, he went straight back to his room.


Su Hao took a deep breath. Opening the bottle, he drank all the liquid in one shot.




Once the medicine entered into his body, a violent energy instantly burst throughout his body. His body became really uncomfortable. A trace of blood could be seen flowing from his mouth. With both fists tightly gripped, his body kept shaking.


“Damn! What is this shit!”

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“Beginner recovery medicine is definitely most harmless. As it is according to the Origin Ability Association standard, should not be giving any harm to the consumer.” Su Hao could easily recall the description of this medicine from the textbook. Compared to the current immediate impact, it was totally different.




Su Hao splurted out blood. He then half squatted on the floor while clenching his fists till the nails penetrated his skin.


“I have been cheated! Poison?”


As Su Hao was in the middle of an absent mind, he suddenly noticed his origin ability suddenly started to rise rapidly. It was the same as the impact just now, violent and rough with such monstrous rate.


“Beginner origin ability cultivation, activate!”




The gray card in the middle of his mind instantly turned bright. One percent, five percent, ten percent…..the energy seemed to be inexhaustible. The progress of the card was extremely fast.


In exactly 10 seconds, Su Hao’s body re-entered that uncomfortable state again. Beginner origin ability cultivation, complete!

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His mind’s capacity seemed to forcefully expand. The originally small space began to expand again. Su Hao’s origin ability energy limit was increased and the recovery speed went to another level.


Beginner origin ability cultivation; all students which are focused on by the school must master this course. This was because it is the minimum requirement for the college entrance. Score: 100 points!


“I mastered it!”


Su Hao pleasantly said. However, the next moment, the pain felt by his whole body dragged him back to reality. His body’s origin ability was still skyrocketing!


“This degree of recovery already exceeds any recovery medicine available in the market right now.” Su Hao withstood the pain and began his analysis. Looking helplessly at the progress of his origin ability which was rapidly rising; his emptied energy was now back at full tank!


“Advanced origin ability cultivation, activate!”




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Since his origin ability kept growing, Su Hao directly started to activate the advanced cultivation card. In about 10 seconds time, the medicine’s effect gradually slowed down. As for the advanced cultivation card, the progress had gone up to a full 10 percent!




Su Hao grinned to himself. This was indeed not bad; such rapid progress. However, he would not dare to experience such thing any time soon. If the side effect was to reach such a degree every time, he was afraid he would die from the side effect before having any breakthroughs.


Standing up, Su Hao had aches all over his body. He wanted to get back on his bed and lie down. Then, as he took a step, he suddenly faltered.




Su Hao crashed down onto the floor and displayed the word ‘da’. (T/N: 大)


“Deng, deng, deng!”


Sound of footsteps could be heard. Su Hao’s room door was suddenly opened without any warning. His sister, Su Ling rushed into the room in a panic and was shocked. “Bro, what happen?”


Su Hao bitterly smiled.


Su Ling then came closer to help him stand up. Su Hao could only clenched his teeth due to the intense pain. After lying on his bed, only after laying down did he feel much better.

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