Godly Model Creator

Chapter 8.2

Chapter 0008.2    The cheating recovery medicine

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai



“Bro, did Sun Yaotian bully you again?” Su Ling raised her tiny nose; with some dissatisfaction she asked him.


“Nope.” Su Hao bitterly smiled while shook his head. “Just now I was practicing. As a result, I was injured.”


“Really?” Su Ling asked Su Hao while staring at him.


“En.” Su Hao nodded and comforted his sister, “Rest assured. You brother has a strong body. This little injury is nothing to me. You better go rest early. Tomorrow, we still have to go to school.”


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“Oh.” After making sure her brother was alright, she left the room. It was just that her mouth was still muttering, “Stupid brother, just practice makes you fall. Yet still wants to act like an adult.”


The corner of Su Hao’s mouth slightly twitched. He decisively chose to disregard her comment and then closed his eyes to rest.


At the centre of Jianghe city, inside a garden villa.


Chen Yiran was holding a ruler in her hand. With a very dark expression, she looked ahead. As for the legendary figure whom everyone in the school idolized him, Chen Yifeng, he just sat on a chair quietly and looked down. He dared not to move even a slightest. (T/N: Is this her sister or Asian mum instead?)


“Bro, you are so daring right?”


“No!” Chen Yifeng replied quickly, “Today it was just coincident for me to pass by your school.”


“You want to lie who? You still think I am a little kid?” Chen Yiran continued in a very angry tone, “You found Su Hao and made a move against him right? You already graduated so many years ago yet you still try to bully people.”

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“Love really makes one forgetful.” Chen Yifeng whispered the next sentence, “Once you have a lover, you start to put this old brother aside.”


“What did you say?!”


Chen Yiran immediately hit down on him with the ruler in her hand. With gas coming out from her head, she said, “I already said that Su Hao and I are not a couple.”


“Aiya, I know.” Chen Yifeng waved his hand. “Rest assured. I have already tested him. That kid passed my test. Next time when dad and mum nag you, I will absolutely be on your side.”


Chen Yiran had been angered till she became speechless. Other people’s view she could ignore but her very own brother, she could not help but to care about. “Next time, don’t you ever find Su Hao again!”


“Even if you ask me to go also I won’t do it.” Chen Yifeng rolled his eyes, “Find him for what? With my origin ability, I will be just bullying the weak. If I suppress my origin ability, I can’t beat him.”


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Hearing this, Chen Yiran secretly laughed at him. “You deserved it! This morning, I sparred with him. Under the situation of suppressing origin ability, I also could not beat him.”




Chen Yifeng was shocked. “This morning, you were sparring? Then you two….you two really do not have any relationship?”


“Of course.” Chen Yiran said confidently. Noticing Chen Yifeng’s facial expression, she finally understood. “It must be that Sun Yaotian that spoke about us from behind. His words, you still believe them!”


Chen Yifeng embarrassedly said, “It’s okay. It doesn’t matter anymore.”


“Who said it does not matter?” Chen Yiran then stood there silently while touching her forehead. “Oh my old brother, at first it was still okay, but your trip to the school was just like admitting our relationship in front of everyone. Next time when we meet, it must be so awkward. Even now, I still do not know how to face Su Hao.”


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“Weng, weng…”


Chen Yifeng’s wristband vibrated. With a change to a serious face, he then told Chen Yiran, “There is a call. It must be something important. I will go outside and answer the phone.”


Chen Yiran could only helplessly looked at her brother who left with a grin in his face. Again this move. You think I did not see that you pressed it yourself?


Stretching her body, Chen Yiran walked towards the window. With the moonlight shining on her body, the scene of being enveloped by the moonlight; created an illusion of a goddess.


For her, it was really a day full of unexpected events.


Su Hao’s skyrocketing improvement, Chen Yifeng’s sudden visit, the battle between Chen Yifeng and Su Hao, ar…..these two years hard work from Su Hao, was he finally rewarded? I wonder how far this guy can go.


Chen Yiran raised her head, filled with a smile full of hope. Even if she did not notice it herself, a seed quietly and unknowingly planted itself in her heart.

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