This sudden intrusion by Roland Easton really disturbing the lunch gathering that originally starts smoothly. The atmosphere in the dining hall suddenly becomes heavy with him around. Just a spark and the tension can become a fire engulfed the dining hall. Realizing the danger if the situation not brought under control, my father tries to calm down the guest and the ready-to-fight castle guards.

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But before my father have a chance to said something, Earl Stamfort already rise from his seat and turn his back to face this Roland Easton

"Easton's third son, you really have guts to act rude in front of my presence. Even your father still gives me a face when I'm around. Do you think this place is your playground?"

When he sees who just stand up from the chair, Roland's face becomes pale and answer groggily

"Uncle Stamfort? I don't know you were here. I'm just visiting my fiancé here and don't have the intention to act rude in front of you, please forgive me"

"Who's your uncle? I'm not that close with your father that makes you eligible to call me uncle"

"Ah, aren't your daughter will marry uncle Harvard's son? And I will marry uncle Harvard daughter. That will make us become a family"

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Tsk…what a glib tongue he had. I don't want Earl Stamfort bickering with Roland Easton, so I approach him and speak with low tone to him

"Uncle Edward, don't waste your breath for people like him. You're our honorable guest, let us handle this matter as the host of the place"

"Hmm…you're right Henry, please do accordingly"

Earl Stamfort takes a glance on Roland and makes a cold snort before back to his seat and order his guards to sit back again too. It's my turn to deal with this bastard now. With a plain expression, I take several steps closer to Roland.

"Ah, Mr. Roland, you came without notification. We currently have an important guest, so we can't give you a proper reception. Since it's almost lunchtime, how about get lunch together here?"

"You, Henry? I heard you got an accident, but you seem to look alright?"

I secretly sneer after hearing his question. Sorry to disappoint you, Roland, but your plan to dispose of me will never succeed. I won't let your plan goes smoothly.

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"Well, I do have an accident recently. But it seems God loves me so much which allow me to recover and I'm in good condition right now"

"Hmph…lucky you. I only have a matter with your ugly sister, call her here to meet her fiancé"

Really a rude guy! Insult my sister blatantly in front of me and my father. But…did he really not see my sister here? Did he have myopia or something wrong with his eyes? But if he did not recognize my sister, that's good and understandable, because my sister already changed so much since I take over previous Henry's body. Still, his words make me feel irritated.

"Mr. Roland, my sister is not your maid or servant who should come every time you called her. She's currently busy during welcoming Your Excellency Earl Stamfort in our territory. You can wait here until we finish, enjoy the lunch together or you can wait outside"

"Huh, you should call me elder brother since I will marry your ugly sister. And you should be polite to me because if not me, who else will want to marry your ugly sister. Fine, we will wait here, give us some chair and table"

This asshole….I really want to hit his face and make his nose flat with his face. He already called my sister ugly three times! And ask me to call him elder brother? In your dream!

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"You're not married my sister yet, so I will not call you elder brother. Servants, please bring extra table and chairs here"

I order some male servant to bring tables and chairs for Roland and his guards to sit.

Some servants come into the dining hall carrying tables and chairs for Roland and his guards. I secretly ask the servant to put the table and chairs a little bit far away from the main table in the dining hall. I don't want Earl Stamort annoyed with his presence.

After they all sit down, I pretend to welcome them too

"Mr. Roland, you must be thirsty after a long trip, can I send some water to appease the thirst?"

In other tables already arranged infused water for the guest. I don't want to be seen like discriminated Roland so I offer the same infused water for him.

"Wine! I only drink wine. Give me wine or nothing at all"

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This bastard…the wine is already prepared for the banquet. And he already drinks wine during lunch? Fine, since he wants to drink wine, I'll give him that wine. I speak to Mrs. Martina who standby in the dining hall, waiting for my order in serving dishes.

"Mrs. Martina, give him wine, but not that wine for the banquet. Just some cheap wine like that sold in the bar at castle town. Add water in the wine, one portion wine, two portion water. Also, send the old maids to serve him"

"I understand, young master. Can I add my spit too?"

"You welcome to do so, Mrs. Martina"

Mrs. Martina is smiling after hearing my order. She even gives me a grin before going to the kitchen. That's some progress after the kitchen revolution, she able to get a hook with me. Or maybe this Roland already becomes number one unwanted person in our castle? Looking at his attitude, it's not wondering if anyone in the castle will gladly accept any chance to humiliate him. I guess this Roland must using his father authority to bully our people when he's visiting our castle.

Not long after that, some old maids bringing the wine jars for Roland and his guards. After putting the wine jars on the table, they leave the dining hall.

"Hmph…there's nothing good to see in this castle. The women here either old, ugly, or still kids"

Roland commenting and when he finishes speaking he laughs loud with his guards. This fool is really insolent and impolite.

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