I just secretly sneer for Roland's comment for our castle maids. Just wait and see when our young maids come out and deliver the dishes later. You will have your eyes wide open and almost jump from its socket, Roland. That's what I'm thinking. So after Roland finished his laugh, I ask him a question

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"Mr. Roland, like what you said, there're only old, ugly and kids women in this castle. So, why you bother coming here? Why don't you go somewhere else and find women that look better than what we have in this castle?"

I'm speaking in a tone that everyone in the dining hall can hear that. And after I finish asking, there're some low laughs and giggle especially from Earl Stamfort site.

"You! What right you have to govern where I should go? I go wherever I want to go, you don't have to concern about where I'm going"

His face becomes red because the laughs from Stamfort side. Looking at him now is not much different with looking a pig.

"No…No…No…Of course I must concern with where you going because when you came like in this time, that's mean we have more mouths to feed in this lunch"

Some laughs come again from many places.

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"You! Do you think I come here, ask to eat your food? Countrybumpkin's boy! Your tasteless food is not even eligible to enter this noble mouth. You can keep your food and give it to Stamfort people, who knows, maybe they like your tasteless food"

I guess he ever eats some of our dishes during his visit here, and that was when salt usage restriction still applied in this castle. But what he just said makes me relieved, and that is what I expect from him to say. I'm not willing a bastard like him to taste the food that I painstakingly prepare for Earl Stamfort.

"Oh, but what people will say if you did not eat something for lunch when you here?"

"I don't like your tasteless food, so I came prepared this time. Rob, Ross, take the food that we just bought here"

Two of his guards that called Rob and Ross, stand up from his chair and go outside to take what Roland order to them. And they return with some boxes that seem filled with food. When they open the boxes, the smell of roasted pork meat and grilled chicken comes out from those boxes. I bet he must buy that on the way during his trip to our castle.

While laughing and pointing the food in the boxes, Roland talks to Earl Stamfort

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"Uncle Stamfort, if this Harvard castle tasteless food does not suit your taste, we willing to share the food we brought here with you"

Earl Stamfort only sneers coldly hearing that bastard words while Roland starts to eat the food he brings sloppily. There're even some food marks on his chubby cheek, oil and fat splatter everywhere each time he bites the food. I wonder if his father ever teaches him table manner. Watch him bite the roast pork make me thinking 'it looks like a pig eating pig' other words, it's looks like a cannibal.

Well, you want to humiliate us in our own house with food? Just prepare to drool until the lunchtime end, because I will not let you taste even a drop of the soup. I give a sign for Mrs. Martina to start to send the first dishes for lunch, the consomme soup.

"Honorable guest from Stamfort Castle, I apologize for such delay inserving the lunch, because it's already lunchtime, without wasting our time, please have some of our Harvard special dishes which will be served for you right away"

After I finish speaking, the first wave of young maids enters the dining hall, pushing the dishes cart that Charles made for me before. This more efficient than let one maid carry the dishes on the tray which need more labor to deliver the dishes.

The first dish that served during the lunch is consommé soup with soft bread for opening. The maids put the soup cup one by one in front of the guest from the cart. I am quite pleased with the maid's appearance. They wearing clean and neat maid uniform, although not made from expensive material and have a simple model but not make them look bad. Their body also looks clean and smell fresh, it seems the soap show its effect once again. The hair also arranged in simple braids by Carla and Claire which make them look more neat and attractive. Some of the Earl Stamfort guards, especially the younger one, see them without blinking eyes. This also enough to make Roland's group stop their eating and watch those maids with dropped jaws. Serve you right!

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After all of the guests get their respective bowl of soup, I invite them to try the taste.

"Honorable guests, since the soup already served please try the taste"

I just finished speaking when Roland already butt in by commenting on my soup

"Are you sure you serve a soup? Last time I try the soup in this castle I can't differentiate between soup and water…they all have the same plain taste…hahaha"

Luckily, no one pays attention to what he said. The guests open the soup cup lid and immediately a thick scent of consommé soup spread in the dining hall.

"Oh, what a beautiful color this soup had. It's like golden water"

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"The smell is so good….make me feel hungrier"

They get their spoon and scoop the soup from the cup and put in their mouth

"Ooohhh…the taste is so rich, even though it's only broth, the meat and vegetable flavor is so strong"

"So refreshing! Meat and vegetables mixed well in this soup"

Only in several minutes after being served, all the soup cup in guests' hand already empty.

"Good soup! So tasty….which fools said Harvard soup taste like water before?"

This time, Earl Stamfort himself said the praise. Roland Easton, who referred as the 'fools' by Earl Stamfort only can gnash his teeth while his face becomes red from anger when he sees and hearing the comments from our guests.

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