Couple weeks after the duel between Henry Harvard and Roland Easton in the Harvard castle training ground, which ended with crushing defeat on Roland's side and their banishment from Harvard territory.

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Earl Easton office, Easton Castle, East Area of Erathia Kingdom

A fat middle-aged man is sitting on his chair. The desk in front of him full with paper works and documents that need to be examined. His only assistant in the room busy help him sorting the urgent documents and paper works that need to examine first.

"Sire, these urgent documents need to examine and approved first. It's related to our international trade with the neighbor country, this one related to staff management, promotion and transfer. This one is about security matter in the border area. The rest in this side is less urgent but need to check, like tax reports, vassal's reports, domestic reports. And on the other part which least important paper and documents like a party invitation, recommendation request, petition for social matters, etc."

"Thanks, Esteban, I'll start with urgent one immediately"

Earl Easton start opens one urgent document that already arranged neatly in front of him, thanks to neat handling of his assistant, Esteban. He's still reading the content of the document before he gives his signature when suddenly the door is open and someone barging into his office.

"Father, you must avenge me!"

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Earl Easton frowned his brow after seeing who's coming. It's no one else but his third son, Roland Easton. Earl Easton has three wives and got seven kids from them. From the first wife, he got two sons, from the second wife he got one son and one daughter and for his third wife he got three daughters. This Roland is the third son he got after his second wife gave birth to his second son. As an Earl in the Erathia Kingdom, he got the power to give his children the best education they can get. So, all of his children were sent to attend education in the Royal Academy and Royal School, where only receive students from nobles only. His first son and second son already graduate from the Royal Academy and currently paved their career in the future. Except for Roland, the other kids, attend Royal School in the capital city.

Since Roland is the youngest son of his first wife, his first wife always pampers him since young. This spoiled kid furthermore grows into what Roland right now. Earl Easton barely can scold Roland for his misconduct since his first wife always overprotecting him. His first wife is not just an ordinary woman. She comes from a branch family of high nobles in the Erathia Kingdom, which make him can't dictate what he wants to do to Roland. But right now, his first wife is in the capital city, visiting her first son there. So, this rare chance to scold this black sheep of the family should not be missed.

"Hold right there, brat! Where's your manner to suddenly barging in, and not even knock the door"

Earl Easton said that while stared Roland coldly. Somehow he envies for those well-behaved manners from his subordinate's son that showed to him during his inspection to his vassal's area.

"Father! This is urgent! Please avenge my grudge and punish those who tainted your name"

"Everything should be done in a proper manner. You have something to say to me, then get out and start again from beginning properly"

Earl Easton already faced much trouble which brought by his third son. He's not hesitating to apply the strict method to discipline him when his first wife is not around.

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"Fine! If you don't want to hear it, I'll tell mom instead"

Got no good response from his father, Roland uses his trump card, his mother, as a bargaining tool.

"Up to you, your mother is going to the capital to visit your elder brother. You want to tell her, fine, just wait two or three weeks until she returns"


Realize he's powerless without his mother around, Roland suppresses his anger and tries to compromise with his father. He gets out from his father office and closes the door. After waiting for a moment, he knocks the door politely.

"Roland Easton wishes to meet honorable father"

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He's waiting for the reply from inside the door until he permitted to enter the office. After waiting for a minute, finally, there's an answer from behind the door

"Come in"

Roland opens the door slowly and enters his father's office. He sees his father still sit on his chair and watch him with a smug face.

"Father, I have something to say...."

"Hold! Where's the salute?"

Roland suppresses his anger that almost hit the ceiling again. Take a deep breath before giving his father a salute bow.

"Greetings father, I wish I have a chance to say something to you"

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"Alright, it seems you can behave properly if you try. Come closer and state your purpose"

Roland takes a few steps closer to his father's desk and start tells his purpose to visit his father.

"Father, I seek your help to avenge my grievance. I've been humiliated and beaten by someone"

Roland starts his story by place himself as the victim. Earl Easton glares at his third son, he already experienced with the trouble that he caused for him. The last incident involving Royal Academy made him pay a high sum of money just to bribe the Royal Academy commission to act as a mediator for conflict between his third son and Earl Norman second son, and also as payment to make him not expelled but resigned from Academy. Being expelled and resigned is a different matter, if news his third son gets expelled from Academy because sexual harassment getting widespread and become a scandal, it would give him great shame. So, Earl Easton always takes careful measure when his third son comes with his complaint like this.

"Which noble's son you offended this time? Are you not learning your lesson after what you've done in the Royal Academy, Roland?"

"Father! I'm not offending anyone from high-rank nobles. It's me who getting humiliated by this lowly baron's son. Look at my face, there are still some bruises on my face"

Roland shows some bluish marks on his face to his father. Henry throws Magnus to him very hard which makes many bruises on Roland's face. It's should be healed after a few days with proper treatment, but it still stays on his face even after one week after the incident. It's Roland intentionally not treating his wound just to show how bad he was beaten by Henry in that duel.

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