Earl Easton suddenly feels a headache. This is the same pattern with the incident in Royal Academy when Roland harassed a girl who turns out to be the fiancé of Earl Norman second son. He must be bullying any low-rank nobles son or daughter again without checking their background and ended being beaten black and blue. He's suspecting this one also not different from the previous one.

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"Hold right there. You should tell me from the start. Didn't you ask permission to leave castle two weeks ago to visit your fiancé? How come you return with a bruised face like that? Did you go somewhere else and create ruckus there? Explain to me in detail, young man, start since you leave the castle"

After getting expelled from Royal Academy, Roland spent his time wandering around and creating ruckus everywhere. That's why Earl Easton secretly delighted when his third son comes to him and asks him to make a proposal letter for a low-rank noble's daughter. He thought if Roland engaged and later married, he wouldn't fooling around and creating ruckus again, instead start taking responsibility as a man and a family head. He didn't hesitate to write that engagement proposal under his name for his third son and also give him a considerable amount of money as the dowry for the girl his son proposed.

"Yes, father…two weeks ago I indeed ask permission to leave the castle to visit my fiancé. I'm not going anywhere else and go straight to Harvard territory. Although I made some stops within our territorial area to rest before continuing the trip (well, actually to collect some pocket money from your subordinates). We crossed the border and take four days before I arrived in my fiancé's place"

"You did not create trouble where you stop, do you?"

"No, not at all, father. They all give a warm welcome at my arrival and even give some supplies for our trip when we depart (actually, they're afraid to offend father). There's no trouble at all"

"Alright…continue. What happens after you arrive there?"

"Well…when I arrived there, there's a party in the castle to welcoming a guest. I don't want to disturb their party and only request to meet my fiancé. But my fiancé's brother named Henry arrogantly rejects my request by saying his sister is busy at the party and not available. They did not even offer me to join the party nor even offer me something to eat or drink. We kept standing there just to watch them eat and drink merrily with delicious food and tasty beverages….."

Roland with his glib tongue starts twisting the truth about what happened in the Harvard castle, positioning himself as the victim and make him looks miserable.

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"Hold there. You said they kept you standing there without offering anything to sit, to eat or to drink. Is that correct?"

"Yes, father"

"That party is not last for the whole day, right? What happens after the party is over?"

"That party actually turns out to be a celebration for accepting the marriage proposal for my fiancé. Father, they ditched our marriage proposal because the other party offering a bigger amount of dowry for my fiancé. It's daylight robbery which snatches my fiancé from me. Father, I'm being the victim here. When I try to protesting this matter, they resort to violence by challenging me to a duel. Father, you know I'm not good at swordsmanship nor have the good constitution for a fight. This is simply bullying me to the core. When I refuse the challenge, they mocked me as coward and Easton all are useless people. I got angry because they sullied our names but in return, I get beaten until black and blue like this"

"What?? Didn't you already give your fiancé the dowry? How come they suddenly break the engagement and accept another proposal? I thought you'd gone there to discuss your marriage date with your future father in law"

Roland's face slightly distorted when his father asked him about the dowry. Actually, he already uses it for his own pleasure needs. But he comes with the answer rather quickly.

"Uh…They return my dowry while saying they don't need my small money. This is insulting us father! I know the amount you give to me as her dowry is not small yet they said that only small money. They treating us like a poor noble, father! They also prohibit me to enter Harvard territory anymore like I'm a plague"

Roland tries his best to incite his father anger by twisting every detail of the incident and make Harvard look bad in his father eyes. Unfortunately, his father still looks calm and listen to his story without showing any changes in his expression.

"You said other parties snatch your fiancé, yet you haven't told me who is the other party"

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"That's….the other party is Earl Stamfort's son, father"

"Hmmm…do you still have something else that you haven't told me?"

"The returned dowry money…I use it to heal my wounds, so I can't return it to you, father"

"That's enough. You can go now and don't leave the castle without my permission for a week"

"Father…Are you not going to take action? And why I'm being grounded?"

"Everything should be planned with a calm mind, not in a rush, and also this is not grounded you but make you rest properly and recuperate your wound, is that clear?"

"Yes, father…excuse me"

After his father dismissed him, Roland leaves his father's office dejectedly. His plan to make his father angry seems failed and he still grounded for a week.

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After his third son leaves his office, Earl Easton takes a deep breath and sighed while exhaling.


"Yes, Sir?"

"What do you think about what happens to my third son?"

"It's a well-made story, Sir"

"You think so? Well, you've worked with me for many years, of course, you know my family better than anyone else…get me one of Roland's guard that go with him on that trip. Make him come to my office immediately"

"As you wish, Sir"

Esteban leaves Earl Easton's office for a while and returns with a guard that accompanies Roland in his trip to Harvard territory.

"Sir, I'm bringing the guard with me"

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"Thanks, Esteban. You…are you with my third son on his last trip?"

The guard gives Earl Easton salute before replies his question.

"Greetings, Sire, Yes, I'm with young master Roland on his trip to Harvard territory"

"Good. Now tell me what exactly happens there"

The guard looks hesitate to tell Earl Easton about the matter happen in Harvard territory. Earl Easton can see his hesitation so he comes with an offer to him to lift his hesitation.

"Look, if you are afraid with my third son, I'll move your post to another position tomorrow. What's your name, are you married yet?"

This offer removes the guard's hesitation.

"Sir, I'm Ross and I'm not married yet"

"I'll transfer you from Roland's guard duty to border station officer tomorrow. Now start speaking the truth about what happened to my third son in Harvard territory"

With the guarantee from Earl Easton about his job, the guard start spills the truth about what happened there, which makes Roland return with a bruised face.

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