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I'm still half-awake when I feel my junior was wrapped by something warm and damp. The candles in my room already extinguished only some moonlight that sneaks through ventilation holes bring some light in my room. I'm not feeling any clothes on my body at all. Damn those girls, did they strip me naked when I sleep? When I open half my eyes, I see a naked girl with blonde hair riding my junior by up-downing her hip over it. Faint splash sound can be heard from her crotches.


"Ah, hey Henry, …ah… finally wake up…ah" she answering while uttering moans from her mouth

I haven't said any words again when a lip already sealed my mouth. Ah, this must be Clara, since Claire still moaning. Her tongue invaded my mouth aggressively until almost make me choke my own saliva. At the same time Claire moving her hip wildly, I can feel her warm cave twitching and clamp my junior tightly, a warm liquid gushes and soaking my junior, and not a long time after that she's laying powerlessly upon my chest. I startled when a hand pulls my junior from Claire's cave and stroke it gently and after that another warm and damp cave swallowing my junior.

Ah, that must be Clara turn. Since Claire is still lying on my chest, she rides my junior with her back facing my face and her hand holds my knees. From a slow thrust, she's gradually increasing her speed. I pull Claire closer to my face so Clara will have more space to ride my junior. I watch Claire face that now rests on my shoulder. Sweat fills her forehead and her thin mouth open a little releasing panting sound. After wiping the sweat from her forehead with my hands, I lay her to my side, and after I'm no longer have Claire upon my body, I try to sit and hug Clara from behind. My hand starts to fondle her breast from behind while my mouth makes a little bite on her neck and shoulder, which make her moan more. Unlike Claire who makes loud moan during the intercourse, the way Clara moaning is more like a whisper. And while fondling her breast, I whisper to her

"If we have a child, I'm sure our kid will grow into a healthy kid since her mother have a lot of milk here"

She blushing when hear what I say, but she still able the answer it calmly while moaning

"Argh…argh…I already have a big baby here"

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Hahaha…that's true, one of my favorite part of her body is her big and round breast with its perky nipples, and I love to lick and suck it whenever we have intimate time.

"Consider that a training for you when you have a baby later," I said that while squeezing her breast a little harder which make her released a low shriek.

"Henry! You naughty baby!"

I'm only chuckled hearing her protest

"Let's change position, this big baby is thirsty for your milk"

She only nodded shyly and we change position with she lay on the bed and I'm on her top. After re-entering my junior into her damp cave, I start to thrust it back and front while my mouth busy sucking her nipples. Sometimes I snap the nipples with my tongue which make her wriggling.


I keep sucking her nipples and thrusting my junior until I feel her cave wall contracting, twitching and trembling. I'm thrust my junior faster until her cave grip my junior tightly and a warm liquid gushes and soaking my junior. Unlike Claire which has an explosive and devastating orgasm, Clara's orgasm is quite peaceful, only the changes in her cave's grip and her arching back showing she reach he climax.

"Are you feeling good?" I'm whispering that in her ears

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She only bashfully nodded. So I pull my junior to change its nest in Claire's cave. Claire is still recovering her strength when I'm charging her. I pull her leg wide and rest it on my shoulder, slowly I place my junior head in her cave entrance. Slowly I push my hip down and my junior slowly entering Claire's cave, after that I pull it back until only the head left before push it back again. I do it again and again until my junior body all swallowed by Claire's cave. I wrap my arms around her neck to make her head a bit shifted up which make me able to kiss her thin lips. I start to move my hip while kissing her. She also responds to it by hugging me and reply my tongue play in her mouth.

There are no moaning sounds from Claire's mouth since it's locked with my lips only splashing sound from Claire's cave can be heard in my room. It only takes 10 minutes to bring Claire back on her peak again. She tries to set her mouth free and moaning but I never let her do that. I suck her tongue hardly while thrusting my junior faster which make her twitching and wriggling under my hug. Her body squirm like want to break free from my hug but I tightened my hug. Unable to make her upper part of body move make the movement on her lower part become wildly. Her hip moved like stirring my junior while her cave muscles grasping my junior like a clamp, which makes me aroused and makes my thrust deeper and faster. Her nails buried deep in my back before her hand gets loose and her eyes become white. Her cave twitching endlessly which make me cannot endure anymore and blasted my seeds in her womb.

With a howl, I released all my seeds in several shots. After that, I panting heavily over Claire listless naked body. Sweat dripping like a river from my forehead I feel like I can muster any power anymore. Clara who watching our battle only chuckled while taking a towel to wipe my sweat

"My oh my, look at what you doing Henry, you make her faint…poor Claire"

I only smile wryly at her. She sits with her knee folded showing her white thigh. She pats her thigh while saying

"My baby, you must be tired. Come sleep in mommy lap"

Wow, she really into this role-playing character. She really plays her mother role splendidly. Maybe I should take her into another role player, nurse-doctor or nurse-patient maybe. Since she already invited me, why should I refuse? I drag my tired body and lay my head on her lap.

"My poor baby…you must be thirsty, here some mommy milk"

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She saying that while lowering her back, make her big breast right in front of my mouth. Since she's playing a good mother role, I try to be a good baby too. I grab her breast and suck the nipples strongly. Sometimes I pull the nipples from my mouth and tickle it with my tongue which makes her writhing in pleasure.

"Ugh..yeah…suck it more my baby…ugh"

Well, I never bored to play with her lovely breast, moreover, the feminine scent from her crotch also make me relax. I keep doing sucking and licking her nipples until her body suddenly shuddered and wriggling and her hand hug my head tightly and her breath become heavy. I able to raise my head after her hug loosened and the trembles are receded. With an innocent look, I stare at her and say

"Mommy, do you still have more milk"

While chuckled she answers my question

"I'm sorry my baby, all mommy milk have sucked dry by you"

We laugh together after she saying that. I raise my head from her lap and make her lay beside me. After that, I hug her and she hugs me until we fall asleep again while hugging each other.

The sunlight that breach from the window wakes me up from my sleep. I still hug Clara in my sleep while Claire also hugs my back from behind. Can be said I'm sandwiched between two girls in my bed. I can feel their big breast pressed against my back and my chest. I want to enjoy this moment a little longer but today I have many things to handle, so I have to wake them up.

"Clara, wake up, the sun already rise"

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I wake her up while patting her bouncy round buttock. Not only patting her butt, I also caressing her cave to stimulate her

"ummm…a little more…feels good"

She's speaking while her eyes still close. What? She asks for more? Since my junior still in the high stand under morning glory, I just insert it in her already damp cave and thrust it in high speed while my mouth attacking her lip. She seems surprised by this sudden attack but responds it well. Her tongue twisting my tongue back whiles her hip start to move according to with my hip movement.

Our activities seem to wake up Claire who joins the fray by kissing and biting my neck and shoulder. Under attack from front and back, I can't hold longer and release my seeds in Clara's cave. Her cave is twitching welcoming the arrival of my seeds. After releasing my seeds, I'm lying powerless in my bed, both girls already take a position on my side and kissing my left and right cheek.

"Girls, please…let me rest for a while okay"

"Okaaay Heeenry" But they still kissing my face and my body.

"Girls…if Carina wake up and not see you there, she'll come here you know"

Hearing what I'm saying they stopping their activities and wear their pajamas, still before they leave they give me a kiss first.

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