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I stand up lazily from my bed, my waist feel stiff like yesterday again. I think I have to make them take a turn with me, I can't imagine if I have to serve those girls together again for a long time. after putting my clothes on, I wash my face and go to the bathroom after that. A warm bath able to make me relax a bit, so after I feel refreshed I leave the bathroom and back to my room.

My three girls are already in my room and clean up there. They're changing the bed sheet and wipe the dust from the furniture. I took clean clothes from the wardrobe and change the clothes behind the separator. Clara and Claire giggling seeing me change behind the separator while Carina only dumbfounded seeing them both suddenly giggling without reason. I know if there's no Carina present they would be harassed my junior again. So I change it quickly, pick up the document that I borrow from my father and leave the room.

My father is already in his study room when I'm knocking on the door and enter. He only smiles wide while saying

"Good morning Henry, it's really good to be young huh?"

I only smile wryly while replying his greet

"Good morning father, I come to return these documents"

"Put that in there. So, last night who's your bed companion? Clara or Claire?"

"Both" I reply while scratching my head

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My father surprised hearing my answer before his laugh broken in the room

"HAHAHAHA…not bad Henry, not bad. A man should not only great in battle but also great in bed. Maybe I can expect a grandchild before your formal wedding"

I only smile wryly hearing his wish, sorry father, I can't grant your wish, at least not in this short time.

"Come and take a seat. I know you have something to say after reading those documents"

"Alright father, I will propose something that can bring benefit for us in long-term"

"Speak it out, son"

"After I took the documents, I saw some number decreased from its production and its storage. Because the product is agricultural and farming, I assume the product is lost due to rotten during storage and transport. So I want to propose for the road building and processing center on the production site. The road can make transporting good become faster and reduce the defecting product along the shipment and processing center will able to reduce the product from being a defect because overripe, like the tomato for example. The road also make merchant easier to come to our castle, make us easier to sell our goods"

"I see your point, but build road is not cheap and easy works"

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"I know father, but how if we start by collecting materials first? If each people in our territory can donate one bucket of gravel each day, we can build gravel road faster. The most road in our territory is the hardened soil road, which becomes a muddy road when rainfall. If we can upgrade the road into the gravel road, the road will still accessible after rain because no longer become muddy."

"Hmmm….that's a doable plan. I will consult first with each village chief before applied the plan. I guess they will not object this plan since they will be benefited most. What else, Henry?"

"In my plan process, we may need many carpenters and blacksmiths, father. Can we recruit more people with that skill in our territory? We already have a low tax rate, and maybe after our salt making plan working, we can also offer better food for them too"

"No problem. We focus on your salt making plan first. If this plan succeeds, then the banquet for Earl Stamford also a success, I think I can ask him a favor for labor force from his territory. Your uncle also will come at noon to meet you"

"I understand that father. I think that's all I can bring for you today"

Well, actually I still have many proposals for improvement but I keep them for a while first. It's too eye-catching if I suddenly bring so many proposals only a couple days after I recover from injury.

"Thanks, Henry, I'm glad you can come with the fresh idea every day. You'll be good ruler someday"

I smile wryly over his praise. After bidding goodbye to him, I leave his study room to visit my sister.

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When I come to my sister room, she's still combing her hairs after taking bath. Different from yesterday, she looks better now, although her cheek still sunken, there's rosy color in there. She also looks more energetic today, there's no black circle around her eyes too. Mushrooms that she eats yesterday rich with proteins which help recover her health.

"Good morning sis"

"Good morning Henry, I' glad you visit me again"

"Are you combing your hairs sis? Where's your maid? May I help you?"

"She's out doing some laundry works. Will you help me? Please do then"

I take the comb from her hand and start to com her hair. Her long brown hairs feel a bit coarse in my hand. I thought a shampoo will make her hair smooth and shiny, which will make her look better. I remember eggs also can be used for shampoo or liquid from Aloe Vera plants, but I must look for the ingredient first before making it as shampoo.

After combing the hair, I make two braids on each side of her head while left the hairs in the middle loosen. After making two braids I'm knotting them together using a ribbon. Well, I used to tie my sister hair so I know a bit about how to make a hairstyle too.


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"I'm done, sister. See on the mirror and tell me if you don't like it, I'll change it right away"

My sister takes a hand mirror and sees how she looks now.

"Henry! Is this really your works?" her voice fills with astonishment.

"How? Do you like it?"

"Very much! I don't know if you can do hair styling too"

"How about walk-in the garden sister? The weather is fine and you should go out sometimes"

"Okay, after eat what you bring yesterday I feel my body is better than before. I can sleep well and I'm also feeling energetic today. Let's go, Henry"

She grabs my hand and drags me out of the room. I just smile seeing her like this. Seems her sickly appearance yesterday already change into energetic one.

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