Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1016: 1016

“Receive your reward.” Yuan Zhou said straightforwardly.

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The system displayed,[the reward has been released. The host can receive it now.]

Yuan Zhou checked it carefully and found a glowing book in his mind. After opening it, the content of the book directly rushed into the depth of Yuan Zhou’s mind.

“A fragment of zhama banquet, steamed lamb with Willow?” With his eyes closed, Yuan Zhou watched for a long time before opening his eyes.

“So it’s one of the dishes of zhama banquet.” Yuan Zhou sighed.

By right, Yuan Zhou should be very happy to get a lost dish of a banquet. However, his current expression was far from happy.

This was because there was a clear sentence added at the end of the introduction of the steamed lamb with willow leaves. It was not available for sale for the time being.

“System, what do you mean by” temporarily not for sale “?” Yuan Zhou asked.

The system displayed,”the steamed lamb with willow leaves requires a large area to roast.”

“A place?” Yuan Zhou looked around the restaurant that was only 20 square meters and felt helpless.

Up until now, there were only 12 seats in Yuan Zhou’s restaurant, two of which were standing positions. The small restaurant was full of people during the business hours every day.

But even the flower rack at the side was still standing there, with no intention of moving.

If Yuan Zhou hadn’t already possessed the dignity of a master, this flower rack might have been occupied by foodies long ago.

Yuan Zhou’s own kitchenette was now filled with cabinets, even the ceiling was not left out. Moreover, the names of the ingredients were marked on each cabinet.

There was only one water tank in the restaurant, which was filled with all kinds of aquatic products and seafood. Fortunately, Yuan Zhou had covered it up all year round.

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If the biologists knew about this, they would go crazy. After all, how did freshwater fish live with deep – Sea fish, and how did sea crabs live in peace with Lake crabs?

This was simply in violation of Darwin’s theory of evolution, Newton’s physics, and Einstein’s theory of relativity. To put it bluntly, it was in violation of all human understanding.

There was a long box on the Azure stone countertop, which was filled with various seasonings and the seasonings made by Yuan Zhou himself.

/ please keep reading on MYB0XN0VEL(d0t)C0M.

There were also various stoves and small stoves for roasting the roast goose. There were also two refrigerators on the ground, one large and one small, used to store various ingredients that needed to be frozen.

On the wall were knife stands and shovel stands, as well as all kinds of kitchenware and pots. There was a dazzling array of things, but there was no free space at all.

This was simply using the space to the extreme.

“It looks like there really isn’t a place to make a barbeque rack for roasting an entire lamb.” Yuan Zhou said affirmatively.

However, Yuan Zhou changed the topic and directly said to the system,””That’s why I think I should expand my shop. ”

The system displayed,”the system has its own sense of propriety.”

“You scared me to death. I thought you were going to say that I have a brilliant plan.” Yuan Zhou couldn’t help ridiculing.

“But if we can’t get the reward, will there be any compensation?” Yuan Zhou said smartly.

“After all, this reward is for completing the mission.” Yuan Zhou added.

The system displayed,”the compensation will be released together with the reward.”

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“That’s good. I still believe in your standards, so Don’t Let Me Down, little comrade. ” Yuan Zhou said with a solemn expression.

This time, the system didn’t reply and directly went into hiding.

Having gained the upper hand in the exchange, Yuan Zhou hummed “little apple” happily and continued to unwrap the crab.

After all, the problem of the freshness of crabs had not been solved yet.

Time passed very quickly. Yuan Zhou was studying crabs during the free time in the morning and afternoon. As a result, it was time for the pub time in the evening.

As usual, Yuan Zhou first went to the garbage dump to put the dishes away before coming back. As soon as he came back, he met Grandpa Jia and Grandpa Ling who had just arrived.

The two of them arrived late. First, grandfather Ling was still busy and couldn’t make it in time. Second, Grandpa Jia was in charge of picking him up. Therefore, the two of them waited until this time to come.

However, Ling Hong had been waiting in the restaurant for a long time.

“Good day, you two.” Yuan Zhou said.

“Hello, boss Yuan.” Grandpa Jia raised his empty left hand and waved, greeting with a smile.

Grandfather Ling, on the other hand, looked at Yuan Zhou with a sharp gaze. When he didn’t find anything unusual, he nodded his head and greeted,””Hello, little boss Yuan. You haven’t been using the tea leaves carelessly recently, right?”

That’s right, grandfather Ling still remembered the herbal tea eggs.

For grandfather Ling, who loved tea as much as his life, this matter was not considered a thing of the past.

“No, I didn ‘t,” Yuan Zhou said with a righteous manner.

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“That’s good. Let’s go up for a drink. Young people should rest more.” Grandfather Ling looked at the faint blue color under Yuan Zhou’s eyes and said.

“Thank you,” he said. Yuan Zhou felt warm in his heart and then thanked her.

“Let’s go, class monitor Jia. ” Grandfather Ling nodded to Yuan Zhou and then turned his head to Grandpa Jia.

“Okay. Boss Yuan, you really have to pay attention to your rest.” Grandpa Jia also instructed.

Yuan Zhou nodded his head and then opened the door of the Sergestes wall landscape for the two of them. Then, the two of them entered the door one after the other.

The two of them had just entered the small building in the courtyard when Grandpa Jia came out again.

“Boss Yuan,” Grandpa Jia called Yuan Zhou who had not entered the kitchen yet.

“Grandpa Jia, what do you need?” Yuan Zhou nodded his head and took two steps forward.

“There’s nothing I need, nothing I need. ” Grandpa Jia waved his hand.

“Then what’s the matter?” Yuan Zhou said.

“Ling little six treated me to a drink today, so I thought I’d make some of my best dishes to go with the wine.” Grandpa Jia said.

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou listened to her attentively.

“This dish tastes pretty good. I brought you a portion, but I forgot to give it to you because I’m getting old.” While saying that, Grandpa Jia took out a ceramic lunch box and handed it to Yuan Zhou.

“Thank you,” he said. Yuan Zhou received it earnestly.

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“My specialty dish isn’t anything complicated. It’s just eggplant with green beans and chili.” Grandpa Jia explained with a smile.

“I’ve never eaten this kind of stir – fry before. ” Yuan Zhou took a look at the lunchbox and revealed a mild expression.

“We old people know how to stir – fry like this. In the past, there wasn’t much food, so these stir – fried dishes not only go well with wine, but also with rice.” Grandpa Jia said.

“Just in time. I haven’t had dinner yet. Thank you for the dishes.” Yuan Zhou said.

“That’s great. I won’t disturb you while you eat. I’ll go drink.” Grandpa Jia waved his hand with a smile, indicating that there was no need to thank him, then said.

“Okay, okay.” Yuan Zhou said.

With the slightly warm lunch box in his hand, Yuan Zhou watched Grandpa Jia go up to the second floor from the stairs and then went to drink happily.

“Stir – fried eggplant with green beans and chili? It sounds pretty good. ” Yuan Zhou looked at the White ceramic lunch box in his hand and revealed a smile on his face. Then, he turned around and went back to the restaurant.

Having returned to the restaurant, Yuan Zhou directly scooped a bowl of plain white rice and went to his room on the second floor.

“This kind of food should be eaten in your own room.” Looking at the dishes in front of him, Yuan Zhou thought to himself.

“Pa”, Yuan Zhou opened the lid of the ceramic rice box, revealing the purple eggplant cut into rolling blades, the green beans and the light green chili. The delicate fragrance of the eggplant and the spicy taste of the chili assailed his nose.

“Grandpa Jia’s cooking skills are also very good.” Yuan Zhou said lightly and then picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

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