Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1017: 1017

After the dinner, Yuan Zhou tidied up the dishes and went downstairs again to practice the cooking method of the fresh crab.

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This time, Yuan Zhou picked the crabs that were the raw materials of the spicy crabs and used them to remove the crab meat.

When Yuan Zhou practiced, he used a spicy crab as the raw material and a fresh Dongchang Lake crab as the raw material. Only in this way could there be a comparison.

That’s right, he had to practice it once and then practice it again. This way, he could more accurately remove the complete crab meat.

All the crab meat was eaten up by Yuan Zhou after being refurbished in a fancy way. Of course, the shell of the crab was also not wasted. It was all fed to broth and his girlfriend.

Well, every time before he fed her, Yuan Zhou would taste a mouthful of the soup himself and only feed her after making sure it tasted good. Of course, this practice was also in accordance with the rules of the system.

Yuan Zhou had already delivered the soup to the grandpa three times. Each time, the soup was different. Moreover, he dodged the grandpa’s thanks with his robust body.

There was only one time when he failed to Dodge the soup. Naturally, Yuan Zhou explained it with the eccentric habit of a genius, saying that it was the leftover soup and then threw it away after filling it.

Before the old man could express his gratitude, he was interrupted by Yuan Zhou’s back view and footsteps. Therefore, he could only express his gratitude in his heart.

However, this time, Yuan Zhou received a Spotted Dog again. It had a cute and innocent appearance and a clean appearance.

Naturally, Yuan Zhou went to broth’s restaurant to show off again. However, this time, broth didn’t even raise its head. It probably knew that this was just a fake dog and that its status couldn’t be shaken.

This dog, broth, was not a good dog. It would return to the restaurant if it failed.

Of course, Yuan Zhou had also’ thrown ‘a bottle of mulberry jam. The Mulberry belonged to the peddler who had passed by the back door of Yuan Zhou’s restaurant.

“Shua shua shua,” Yuan Zhou waved the kitchen knife with his right hand in a small range and the shell of the crab was cut into two halves, revealing the crystal clear crab meat.

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Just when Yuan Zhou was holding his breath and practicing with rapt attention, the business time of the pub ended. The door of the Sergestes wall landscape was opened and the people inside began to come out one after another.

“Boss Yuan, are you cooking the crabs?” Wu Hai went up and stared at the crab in Yuan Zhou’s hand.

“This is probably practice.” Ling Hong rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Little boss Yuan is so hardworking.” The customer looked at Yuan Zhou with admiration.

“Let’s go, let’s go. Have an early rest, boss Yuan. ” Grandpa Jia waved his hand and said.

“I suddenly feel hungry.” Only Wu Hai said without blushing.

“Oh,” Yuan Zhou put away the knife and then the crab, directly ignoring Wu Hai’s drool.

“Take care, everyone. See you tomorrow.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head and then stood up to say goodbye to them one by one.

“See you tomorrow,” The customers all waved their hands at Yuan Zhou and then walked out of the restaurant consciously.

“Ta ta ta.” After a series of footsteps, only Shen Min and Wu Hai were left.

“See you tomorrow, Shen Min. Be careful on the road.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head to Shen Min and then said.

“Okay. Goodbye, boss.” After saying that, Shen Min picked up her backpack and walked out of the restaurant. Then, she started to jog.

After all, the last bus was about to arrive.

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“Zhi ya,” Yuan Zhou opened the partition and walked out of the kitchen. He walked to the door in two steps and only felt at ease when he saw Shen Min jump onto the last bus to the University town.

In the car, Shen Min also saw Yuan Zhou standing at the door and felt at ease.

“Young lady, you’re not afraid of working night shifts every day.” The driver said with a smile.

“Don’t be afraid. The boss is especially nice. ” Shen Min nodded and said with an embarrassed expression.

“Haha, you’re right. I heard that boss Yuan’s craftsmanship is very good. That person must be good too.” The bus driver nodded in agreement.

Shen Min, who was at the side, nodded her head in agreement. At this time, only Shen Min and two other white – collared workers who were working overtime were left in the car. She found a seat at random and sat down, waiting for the car to arrive.

“Why are you still not going back?” Not until the bus drove away and the tail lights were out of sight did Yuan Zhou turn his head and say to Wu Hai at the side.

“Uh – huh,” Wu Hai stroked his small mustaches and then said after clearing his throat.

“I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to eat the crab after practicing, so I stayed back to help you.” Wu Hai looked at Yuan Zhou with an eager expression.

“No need. I’ll only cook the crab tomorrow.” Yuan Zhou said directly.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. If I don’t eat the crab immediately, it’ll be fishy.” Wu Hai said with a serious manner as if he was discussing ingredients.

“The methods are different.” Yuan Zhou said.

“But you can’t take more than four hours to remove the crab meat. It’s only 12 am now, so it’ll take five and a half hours to remove it tomorrow morning. It’s definitely spoiled.” Wu Hai said primly.

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Yuan Zhou looked at Wu Hai and didn’t say anything. He just watched him perform quietly.

Suddenly, Wu Hai looked at Yuan Zhou suspiciously and then at the kitchen before asking with a bitter expression,””Don’t tell me you’re going to wait until I’m gone and secretly cook and eat it?”

Wu Hai’s manner of complaint was as if Yuan Zhou had done something unforgivable.

“I won ‘t,” Yuan Zhou was speechless in his heart, but he still said coldly on the surface.

“I know. You’re definitely going to wake up in the middle of the night to make it for supper. If it’s nothing, I can wait.” While saying that, Wu Hai prepared to go back to his restaurant and wait there.

Seeing Yuan Zhou’s indifferent face and no reaction, Wu Hai even started to greet him as if they were close,””It’s fine. Compass, you should go to sleep. I’ll just sit here and wait. ”

“Steamed crab in wine. I’ll make steamed crab in wine tomorrow.” After Yuan Zhou almost spat out a roll, he took a deep breath and then said expressionlessly.

“You should have said so earlier. The steamed crab really needs time. Then I won’t disturb you from your sleep, compass. See you tomorrow morning.” Wu Hai stood up neatly and then walked to his own art studio while saying goodbye to her.

Yuan Zhou looked at Wu Hai quietly without saying anything.

However, Wu Hai’s action of leaving was quite straightforward, as if the person who had stayed here just now was not him.

“I think Wu Hai must be too careless. What’s Wu Lin’s phone number?” Looking at Wu Hai’s back, Yuan Zhou was thinking of the matter of calling Wu Lin.

In this world, Wu Hai was only afraid of Wu Lin. After all, when Wu Lin hit someone, she really hit them and even hit them with great pain.

In Yuan Zhou’s opinion, Wu Hai just needed to be taught a lesson.

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After seeing Wu Hai off, Yuan Zhou closed the curtain Door conveniently. At that time, broth was already waiting at the door for The Night Watch.

“You’ve worked hard, broth. See you tomorrow morning. ” Yuan Zhou said to broth lying at the door.

After saying that, Yuan Zhou closed the door and returned to the kitchen. After tidying up, he went upstairs to wash up and go to bed.

Lying on the bed, Yuan Zhou closed his eyes peacefully and waited for the business of the next day after he woke up.

On the other side, Wu Hai didn’t close the window and prepare to take a rest until he saw Yuan Zhou close the restaurant.

“When I wake up, I might be able to eat steamed salted crab meat.” Wu Hai stroked his own small mustaches and said with a satisfied look.

“Hurry up and sleep.” Wu Hai started to count sheep for himself and looked forward to the steamed crab in soy sauce that would be served tomorrow morning.

Thinking of the steamed salted crab meat, Wu Hai fell asleep quickly. He had never thought that Yuan Zhou had never said that he would treat him to a meal.

Black Gold fish’s imagination was really scary.

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