Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1018: 1018

After getting up early in the morning, Wu Hai, who had eaten steamed salted crab meat for the whole night in his dream, naturally prepared to go for a jog in high spirits.

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Yuan Zhou also finished washing up and went downstairs to exercise.

“Compass, compass, where’s your steamed salted crab meat?” That was the first sentence that Wu Hai said when he saw Yuan Zhou.

“I just woke up. I’m running and then I’m making breakfast.” Yuan Zhou answered concisely.

“That’s true. It’s too early now. I’ll wait a little longer then.” Wu Hai nodded his head and answered.

I’m not selling steamed salted crab meat, and I’m not treating you to it. ” While jogging, Yuan Zhou said earnestly.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to sell it. You don’t have to treat me to it. I’m just helping you taste it. I’m familiar with all kinds of flavors. ” Wu Hai said righteously.

“I refuse.” Yuan Zhou said straightforwardly.

“Boss Yuan, compass. Boss compass, how could you bear to refuse such a small request of mine?” Wu Hai caught up with Yuan Zhou and said.

“I have the heart.” Yuan Zhou said cleanly.

“Um …” Wu Hai choked instantly. But for the sake of food, he didn’t mind choking. Even if he choked, he would still eat.

While Wu Hai was working hard for his own food, Tang Xi, who got up early on the weekend, also packed up and prepared to go out.

As Yuan Zhou’s little fan, Tang Xi had always done her job well.

For example, last time, Yuan Zhou’s evaluation website first discovered that the person being attacked was Tang Xi. This time, she had a new discovery.

“I don’t know whether this person is worth boss Yuan’s help or not.” Tang Xi strode out of the house with a small brown bag on her back.

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Wu Hai didn’t notice that Yuan Zhou prepared a hodgepodge of fried rice and then sent it to the garbage dump every night. After all, he wasn’t that smart yet. But Tang Xi did.

Then, she saw the old man picking up the food.

As if they had a tacit understanding, Yuan Zhou set the dish down and then the grandpa came to pick it up again after a few minutes.

Of course, Tang Xi had also seen the grandpa cleaning up the garbage dump. However, there were too many swindlers now. Having read a lot of news, Tang Xi had already imagined a lot of social news. Thus, she made a serious decision to protect her idol Yuan Zhou.

After all, in Tang Xi’s opinion, Yuan Zhou was a silly man with a cold face but a warm heart. To be exact, he was too enthusiastic and thus could be easily abducted by human traffickers.

Therefore, Tang Xi was going to pay a visit to the old man who picked up scraps and do an in – depth investigation.

“Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling.” Tang Xi’s cell phone rang. She took out a cell phone with big ears.

As a qualified fangirl, Tang Xi even changed her ringtone to the same as Yuan Zhou ‘s.

“Good Morning, Sister Jiang.” Tang Xi said energetically.

The caller was Jiang Changxi. She was also the one who knew about Tang Xi’s action today.

“It seems like you’ve already left, little candy.” Jiang Changxi’s voice was a little languid and a little seductive.

“That’s right. I’m going to the first stop. I’m going to observe if the old man is like this in other places.” Tang Xi said enthusiastically.

“Little candy, you have to be careful not to let compass know. He won’t be happy.” Jiang Changxi reminded him seriously.

“Yes, yes. I know. I believe in boss Yuan. But I’ve checked a lot of news recently. I’m afraid that person will lie to boss Yuan.” Tang Xi also nodded and answered seriously.

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“Alright then. Be careful.” Jiang Changxi warned him repeatedly.

“I will. Don’t worry, Sister Jiang.” Tang Xi said.

“I know you know what you’re doing, little candy.” Jiang Changxi complimented Tang Xi.

“By the way, Sister Jiang, if that old man is real, I also want to help. I want to learn from boss Yuan.” Tang Xi’s tone was firm.

“Yes, yes. Little candy and compass are both kind children.” Jiang Changxi comforted him.

“Of course,” When Tang Xi heard that Jiang Changxi placed her on the same level as Yuan Zhou, she instantly puffed out her chest happily and proudly.

“Alright, I won’t say anymore.” Jiang Changxi said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Then, filled with a sense of honor, Tang Xi began today’s journey.

As for Yuan Zhou, he naturally got rid of Wu Hai as usual and went back to make breakfast.

Of course, today’s dish wasn’t Dragon Eye buns.

When it was time for breakfast, the grandpa appeared again with his grandson, Xiao Hu. This time, it was just the two of them.

“Xiaohu, today’s not a bun. It’s noodles that you don’t like.” The grandpa turned his head and said to his grandson with a smile.

“Did the good – looking uncle make the noodles today?” Xiaohu’s small brows were tightly knitted. He looked at Yuan Zhou with his big eyes and asked in a muffled voice.

“It’s the clear broth noodle soup. It’s not bad,” Yuan Zhou nodded his head seriously and then added after a pause.

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“Xiaohu, you have to believe me. This noodle is delicious. I want a bowl of it.” Xiaohu also pulled a long face and said to his Grandpa seriously.

It was obvious that Xiaohu still remembered the deliciousness of the buns and the dishes yesterday.

“Xiaohu, you didn’t even finish a bowl of noodles the last time we were at home. You even said that you hate eating noodles.” The grandpa exposed his grandson’s shortcomings without any hesitation.

“Oh right, and he’s making a scene and rolling around, not willing to eat.” The grandpa added with a smile.

“Grandpa!” Xiaohu looked at the old man angrily.

“It’s useless even if you call me. If you can’t finish eating here, you can’t come here for a meal next time. ” The old man said.

“Why?” Xiaohu asked with his head tilted.

“Because it’s the rule here. Can you finish it?” The old man said.

“Alright, I’ll definitely finish it.” Xiaohu said, feeling wronged.

“Okay. Two bowls of clear broth noodle soup please.” The grandpa began to order.

Xiaohu was sitting on the chair, waiting for his breakfast with a grievance. The grandpa was in a good mood.

Having eaten the breakfast prepared by Yuan Zhou and also taught his grandson a truth, the grandpa felt quite accomplished.

After the breakfast, Wu Hai didn’t pester Yuan Zhou. He knew that the steamed salted crab meat required time and thus he naturally couldn’t disturb Yuan Zhou now.

It was quite convenient that Yuan Zhou didn’t need to close the door.

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Each serving of ingredients in the system included seven Dongchang Lake crabs. Yuan Zhou had been practicing on them one by one.

He had just finished peeling a crab and hadn’t even raised his head when he heard someone walking into his restaurant.

“I’m sorry, this restaurant is not open yet. Please come back during business hours. ” Yuan Zhou said habitually.

“No, I’m not here to eat.” The person’s voice was deep and he didn’t sound young.

Yuan Zhou raised his head and found that he was indeed not young. He was an old man in his fifties.

He was wearing a gray suit, his white hair was neatly and clean, his face was wrinkled but gentle, and he was holding a black briefcase.

“What’s the matter?” Yuan Zhou said.

“I want to ask if the money box at the door is yours.” The man asked.

“Yes, it was suggested by a customer in my restaurant whose surname is MA.” Yuan Zhou said.

“Thank you to the customer with the surname MA in your restaurant, and thank you, boss, for helping me twenty years ago.” Seeing Yuan Zhou nod his head, the man paused for a while and then said.

“Thank you for helping me. Thank you.” The man’s thanks was very sincere and serious.

“You’re welcome,” Yuan Zhou was dumbfounded in the heart. How old was he 20 years ago? how could he help her? Did he get the wrong person?

He had a myriad of thoughts in his heart, but he answered calmly.

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