Great Dao Commander

Chapter 58

Great Tao Commander V2C58

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                              flee, Agarwood boat; shine, abstruse light;

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Zhang Yan killed Li WeiMing with a single blow and left immediately, with a flash of sword light, he got out of smoke. He ignored the flag streamers that fell on the ground, because there are more than ten disciples of the Bloody Soul Sect around smoke air, what's more terrifying is a monk in abstruse light realm is coming here quickly, once he gets entangled, he really can’t go. As for whether XieZongyuan can seize this gap and escape in time, it depends on Senior Xie himself. At this moment, everyone on Dragon Tooth Flying Boat couldn't see through the smoke and clouds. Liu Tao said solemnly, "I don't know if Senior Brother Zhang got it." Fang Zhen sneered: “ Is it so easy to kill that person? Childish! I’m afraid that he is already lost in the array at this moment." At this moment, a monk behind him pointed forward and shouted: "Look, the smoke is gone!" Everyone was stunned, and they all looked around. The main corpse smoke flag was not controlled by anyone, and the remaining sub flags stopped moving. Naturally, the smoke clouds began to slowly disperse. Liu Tao's expression turned around and shouted: "Senior Brother Xie, go away, Brother Zhang is done!" Xie Zongyuan made preparations as early as Zhang Yan rushed into the smoke cloud, Seeing this situation, there is no hesitation, with a wave of the card, the agarwood boat rose in the air, the boat swept across the air, rushing straight into the water column. Fang Zhen originally wanted to follow the boat,after just taking a step forward, he hesitated, he still didn't move in the end. He thought to himself:“How can the disciples of the Bloody Soul Sect have no successors? Xie Zongyuan is not wise, this is a self-defeating move, I shouldn't be buried with him.” 

However, the next situation was far beyond his expectations.

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Li Weimin was suddenly killed, as a result, the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect were at a loss for a while so that no one came up to stop Xie Zongyuan at this time, the agarwood boat rushed into the inverted water column smoothly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fang Zhen was dumbfounded, looking ahead incredulously, ” Xie Zongyuan managed to escape like this”, he couldn't help feeling regretful, if he seized the opportunity just now, maybe now he is free, but now……

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He looked at the bloody light flying in the sky, then looked at the disciples of the Bloody Soul Sect who were chaotically below. He made up his mind, Shouted:” Kill with me!”

He slid forward, jumped out of the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, flew straight to the direction of the water column, and flew away. the three monks behind him only obeyed his command, they did not hesitate to follow up. According to their original plan, the purpose of sending off Xie and Feng has been achieved, at this time, they should retreat as soon as possible, and avoid fighting head-on with the Bloody Soul Sect disciples who have the abstruse light realm cultivator. Then wait patiently for the monks from Azure Ocean Sect to come to rescue. But whether it's Liu Tao or Cheng An, seeing that there seemed to be no steps to get out of the demon lair, the hope of escape was right in front of him, and Xie Zongyuan and Feng Ming both walked so easily, they couldn't stand the temptation in their hearts, and the original idea was shaken suddenly. After all, it is too dangerous to be in the Demon Lair, and if you step forward, you might be able to get out of this place. Seeing Fang Zhen taking the lead and rushing forward, the two of them were fierce in their hearts and rushed forward. Fang Zhen also knew that this was the front line of life and death. If that monk in abstruse light realm caught up in time, he would not be able to leave. Therefore, he tried his best to urge the Five Fire God's Rings to open the way, and a ball of flames spilled out regardless of cost. Under the impact of his unreserved attack, not only did he blast through the clouds in front of him, but even the disciples of the Bloody Soul Sect had to avoid their sharp edges for a while, and they were all driven aside, and he was actually rushed all the way through. Seeing the inverted water column close at hand, he could escape from the demon lair in one more step, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. For a while, he couldn't help ignoring the others. At this moment, a blood line flew towards him. It arrived in front of him almost in the blink of an eye, and it was too late to react when he was shocked. With a "pounce", he screamed, and the arm holding the ring of the five fire gods was unexpectedly taken off. The blood line looped around that arm like a snake, and immediately ate the flesh and bones clean, leaving the magic Rings to fall downward. When the three monks behind him saw this, there was a look of fear on their faces. How could they care about Fang’s life and death, one by one, they rushed past him, trying to rush out first. With a flash of blood, one person appeared in front of the three of them out of  air. One of the monks didn't have time to dodge for a while, so he slammed into that person. With a "bang", his whole body burst into blood and flesh. Seeing the bloody light roll again, all the blood and flesh disappeared in a moment. The two monks behind them couldn't help but horrified. They quickly stopped their figure and looked up. They saw a monk wearing a red robe standing in front, looking at them coldly at the moment, with a gloomy and terrifying face. The two felt a strong sense of danger as they screamed, and they sacrificed the magic weapon in their hands together. Then a flying sword and a white stone go into the air together, and ran towards the monk at the same time. The contemptuous expression in Li Weide's eyes flashed by, his hands were wrapped around him, floating there, a bloody black light appeared on his body, and he swept it horizontally, and the two of them swept in together with the magic weapon, squeezing and pressing, and then their flesh was swallowed clean, leaving no trace. This is the strength of abstruse light realm cultivator! If Radiant Qi realm cultivator don't have a good magic weapon to protect, just use the abstruse light to sweep away, no one can live! Fang Zhen was frightened when he saw it. Although his lost Rings could be recalled, the opponent would never give him this opportunity. He was also decisive, and immediately gave up this unrealistic idea, turned around and ran away. 

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A sharp light flashed in Li Weide's eyes, he raised his hand and pointed forward, a blood line emerged from his fingertips, and it hit Fang Zhen's back . Fang Zhen couldn't help but rushed forward, his body shook, but he was unharmed, and continued to flee forward. Li Weide felt strange for a moment, and snorted coldly, said, "Do you think a precious armor can protect you?"

He didn't move, and two big, blood-filled hands appeared on top of his head. He stretched forward, and in the blink of an eye, he traversed a distance of more than 20 meters, and took Fang Zhen in his hand like a doll. Two bloody hands, one grabbing his head and the other grabbing his feet, lifted Fang Zhen up, and tore it to the sides. With a scream, he was torn into two pieces, and Fang Zhen’s soul floated out. The blood light scrolled upward, Li Weide was waiting to suck his soul away, but suddenly he felt a pain in his eyes, and saw a bright light, shielding Fang Zhen’s soul, and the blood broke with only one hit. The light drilled into the water column and disappeared in an instant. The magic Rings that fell on the ground also jumped in the air, flew off the ground, and went with it. Li Weide frowned, knowing that this person must have been protected by a powerful monk, so that his soul would not be destroyed, but he had escaped. He simply stopped thinking about it. He turned his eyes and fell on Liu Tao and Cheng An. Liu Tao was using the Danghai Tablet to press several disciples of the Bloody Soul Sect to the ground, but he felt that his body suddenly tightened, as if he was being stared at by something extremely dangerous. He had seen Fang Zhen's end just now, and knew that he couldn't run away. He sighed inwardly. Instead of looking at Li Weide who was rushing, he turned his head and looked on Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, and saw a blue light flying there, Liu Tao suddenly feel relaxed. A strong bloody aura surged up, and a bloody light went to the next scroll and swallowed him in, and another bloody abstruse light wrapped Cheng An in. Li Weide kept moving and went straight to the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat. However, after ten breaths of time, except for Xie Zongyuan and Feng Ming who had escaped, all the disciples of Azure Ocean Sect who attempted to rush out of the demon Lair were completely killed by him. With a flash of blue light, Zhang Yan stood still on the side of the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, his eyes were extremely calm, he had already seen all this clearly, he sighed slightly, turned his head and said to the nervous Madam Chen: "Madam Chen, go!"

Seeing Zhang Yan's calm expression, Madam Chen also calmed down. Because of her low cultivation level, she had been responsible for driving the flying boat. She did not go forward to fight, and she did not find her husband. She did not want to rush out. So now she have survived. At this time, after listening to Zhang Yan's care, she shook the card symbol in her hand, and the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat rumbling, speeding up quickly. Li Weide was rushing here. Seeing boat's speed getting faster and faster, his expression became more ferocious. With a wave of his robe sleeves, two blood lines flew out. The speed of these two blood lines was extremely fast. Zhang Yan had only time to get away, but Madam Chen couldn't dodge her body. With a "pump", the blood pierced her chest, and she fell to the ground with a scream, and the cards in her hand also fell to the ground. This bloody light pounced on her body and gnawed her whole body and essence clean. And the blood line that flew to Zhang Yan turned around in the air, and rushed at him again. At such a close distance, he had no time to do other actions, throwing something into the air, The two-winged shields lay in front of him. Hearing a "click" sound, the shield broke off, the blood line hit it, and blood line itself turned into a faint blood and dissipated. Zhang Yan took a few steps forward and picked up the card charms that Mrs. Chen had dropped. The dragon's tooth flying boat, which had been slowed down, speeded up again after being out of control. He suddenly discovered that the crisis had not been eliminated, so soon there was a "Qi Harbor Masker" which was sent into the air to sacrifice, and suddenly it threw him down. Sure enough, the blood line that was swallowing Mrs. Chen was originally dormant, but suddenly jumped up and ran up, but hit the beam of light. The light was extremely strong, and Zhang Yan stood still standing there no matter how the blood line collided. He raised his head and looked into the distance, and saw that Li Weide was still chasing after him. He sneered, and repeatedly urged the card attached to his hand. The speed of the flying boat became faster and faster. Li Weide watched Zhang Yan fly farther and farther, and finally stopped. He looked coldly at the dragon-tooth flying boat that gradually turned into a small light spot in front, and said coldly: "Wei Min, my little brother, don't worry, even if I chase the end of the world, I will kill this person and avenge for you!"

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