Great Dao Commander

Chapter 59

Sky covered by abstruse light; cloud turns to bloody red

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In the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, Zhang Yan sat cross-legged in a pavilion on the second floor, his eyes narrowed, look at his body inwardly, refine the metal seed and fire seed of abstruse light. The two gleaming lights are now getting stronger, the light shines through the inner organs, and it seems to be able to come out soon.

At this moment, Su Yang who was patrolling outside suddenly yelled: "My lord, he is here again!"

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“Again?” Zhang Yan slowly stopped cultivate, his expression was not unexpected. Sixteen days have passed. As soon as he almost stopped and cultivated for a while, Li Wei De would find his foothold and pursue him again. These days he has been chasing, chasing, stopping, and Li Wei De seems to never give up if he doesn’t kill Zhang Yan. But as long as he can't catch up with Zhang Yan, it doesn't need to care too much. The only trouble is that the his actions have delayed Zhang Yan’s cultivation progress. Although the two lights of gold and red in his chest are now beginning to take shape, he would have been able to cultivate to the realm of Abstruse Light within half a month at the most. Due to such a delay by Li Weide, the time has been abruptly prolonged by about twice. The only thing that puzzled him was that it had already passed the first day of December, and the gate of the sea eye should have been reopened. Ming Cang Sect would sent monks with higher cultivation levels to rescue them as expected, at least send someone down to check it out, but now that no one has come down, even Zhang Yan can't think of a reason for this situation. He can't figure it out and simply doesn't think about it. Even if he is being pursued, he will be able to enter the Abstruse Light Realm in at most seven days at his own cultivation speed. Then come back and fight with him again! He picked up the symbol and gently urged it with magic force, and the flying boat galloped up. But this time, it seemed that his speed of urging the flying boat was a little slow. Li Weide, who was still far away, suddenly had a burst of blood on his body, and his speed suddenly accelerated. He narrowed the distance between each other, and his sleeves shook. Two blood lines shot out from the cuffs and rushed up. As soon as they approached Dragon Tooth Flying Boat they seemed to smell some fishy flies, and they automatically rushed towards Zhang Yan. Seeing that the bloodline that can swallow flesh and blood rushed towards him again, Zhang Yan waved his hand, and two flying swords soared into the air to greet it. With two "puchi" sounds, after the flying swords collided with the blood line, the LingQi attached to it was immediately melted and turned into a pile of vanilla iron, and the blood line was also faded away. Zhang Yan smiled slightly, after repeatedly fighting with Li Weide these days, he also figured out the characteristics of this bloodline. This thing will actively swallow things with LingQi, but the difference is that if the flesh and blood is swallowed in this process, then they will be nourished by nutrients and will actively seek food again, and if they encounter a magical artifact, after removing the LingQi on the magical artifact, the blood line itself will be consumed completely and no longer exist. Zhang Yan doesn’t have anything else, but there are a lot of flying swords. In addition to the flying swords and purple gold bronzes from the Wang Pan, there are more than a dozen of them that House Wang paid for when he redeemed Chixia Island. Fly Sword is now all taken out by him to block the bloodline. Anyway, after having Star Swordballs, he no longer needs these things. Seeing that the two blood lines disappeared without a trace, Li Weide also felt a pain in his heart. His blood line is a "bloodworm" condensed from the blood element power. It can not only defile the magic weapon and dissipate LingQi, but also devour flesh and blood and feed back to himself, no matter how great your magical powers are, you can only avoid the edge. But so far, he has only practiced thirty-two blood worms, and a single bloodworm needs to sit in the blood pool for three months to make up for it. At first, his blood worms broke Zhang Yan several flying swords. He thought that the Zhang Yan was already poor. He didn't know that Zhang Yan was very extravagant. He tried his best to resist with flying swords that could be used as lower-grade spiritual weapons. He kept throwing it out like scrap metal, causing him heavy losses. The muscles on Li Weide's face twitched, and with the two losses he had just lost, he has now lost a total of fifteen blood worms. At this moment, he suddenly felt distressed and cursed bitterly. He had to stop and watch Dragon Tooth Flying Boat go away again. Zhang Yan smiled lightly, as if he had been expecting it. After several fights, he also knew that Li Weide had a scripture that could make his speed soar in a short period of time, but it seemed to be very exhausting, and it takes at least three days to catch up. It seems that there is a period of time for recovery. So this time hiding in, he can spend another three days in peace. Sitting back in the cabin, he called out and said, "Where is Su Yang?"

"Yes, My Lord, I am here." Su Yang quickly floated over, and now his body is gradually becoming stable, except that his lower body is still floating in the air, exposing the virtual reality of the spiritual body, but his appearance is no different from ordinary people. But Zhang Yan knew that without the physical body and the nourishment of essence, he would not be able to cultivate like an ordinary monk. As for which step he can get, it can only depend on his own good fortune.

"Listen to me. This time I will try to break through the realm. There is no room for loss. You need to pay more attention to it. Do you understand?"

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"Yes, my lord, I will never dare to be negligent." 

Zhang Yan nodded, waved him to retreat, and urged the flying boat to fly all the way, and finally found a higher slope stone to stop.

He looked around and saw that there was a wide field of vision, even if it was dangerous, he nodded and re-entered the practice of concentration. For the next five days, maybe Li Weide was planning some other method, but he didn't come to him again, so he was able to cultivate purely and intensively. But this time, although he avoided strong enemies, he encountered difficulties in his cultivation. The Abstruse light in his chest has ceased to increase with his repeated condensing, but he has never been able to take the last crucial step forward. It is like a pool full of water with a heavy cover on the top. No matter how hard you try, you can't get out. He had to stop, thinking about where the problem was. At this moment, a shout came from outside: "My Lord, the man is here again." Zhang Yan nodded, and after all, the time is almost the same. If the opponent doesn't come again, he’s afraid Li Weide will give up chasing after him. He picked up the sign and shook it, and the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat floated up from the slope and drifted away again. go. But this time, he showed a look of surprise and found something different from before. Zhang Yan didn't know what assistance Li Weide had received, and his speed was a little faster than usual, but he maintained the speed that he could get away without overly forcing him to come up or leave. He just dangled not far or near. What is he doing? 

"My Lord, there is someone ahead!" Su Yang suddenly shouted. 

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Zhang Yan turned his head and saw the three black-clothed monks flying here from three directions, releasing blood soul from a distance. It seemed that he was trying to encircle and block him, so he understood what was going on! After the two have been chasing for so many days, Li Weide roughly also knew that Zhang Yan did not dare to go deep into the Demon Lair, but only circled in a certain area, so he thought he had understood Zhang Yan's law of action, and arranged a few Blood Soul Sect monks in advance. The road is blocked, and it only takes a while to catch up and kill him. In all fairness, Li Weide's method can be considered effective, but he has wrongly estimated the threat of ordinary monks to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan smiled coldly, took out the "Qi Harbor Masker", pinched the method, and sacrificed it on the top of his head. Under a ray of light, he protected the whole body in it. Instead of hiding, he steered the flying boat instead. Hit the few Bloody Soul Sect cultivators. Several blood soul rushed down one after another, lashing at him, but they were all bounced away like a wave hitting the reef. When the first monk saw  Dragon Tooth Flying Boat rushing towards him, the body of more than thirty feet plus this speed, would it be worth it if he was hit? Suddenly he was shocked and hurriedly hid to the side, but Zhang Yan, who was standing on the bow of the boat, bit the card symbol in his mouth, holding a big beast-faced sword in both hands. At this moment, he saw him hiding and dropped the knife in his hand. He cut him into two with a click. As soon as the flying boat rushed past, it smashed its flesh and blood, and rushed to the next Blood Soul Sect disciple without any stagnation. The Bloody Soul Sect disciple couldn't help being shocked, turned his head and fleeing desperately, and was soon caught up by Zhang Yan, roared, spit out the card symbol, and cut it down with a single knife, smashing the monk with half of his head and shoulders. Zhang Yan grabbed the card symbol again, waved it in his hand, and tried to kill the third monk again. The last Blood Soul Sect saw Zhang Yan killing two fellows with one knife. He was so frightened that he shouted again and again: "Senior Brother Li, help me, brother, help me!" Li Weide gritted his teeth and leaped forward, rushing up extremely fast. Zhang Yan looked back, not surprised but delighted, a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, " can't help it finally?" Standing with a knife in one hand, he looked up to the sky and laughed. With a urging of the card symbol, the dragon tooth flying boat was getting faster and faster, and soon disappeared. Li Weide chased him for a long time, and finally had to give up helplessly. Hearing Zhang Yan's laughter seemed to be still echoing in his ears, his face was pale with anger, and he roared wildly, "Damn Junior, I will kill you!" Zhang Yan has already gone far enough, so naturally he can't hear his roar but he frowned again, he had clearly accumulated enough abstruse light. Why couldn't this last obstacle rush through?

Try to think about what else he has overlooked, and explore the reasons in detail. We don't know how long it took. Finally, his eyelids twitched, and he thought of a very possible reason... Could it be due to divine conscious? With this idea, the more he thought about it, the more possible he thinks. The "Taiyi Golden Book" takes two ways of metal and fire. These two elements have their own fierce and high meanings, but they are the way of forge ahead, but these days, he practice in the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, and avoid all the way from the left to the right. Seemingly dangerous, but in fact safe and sound, with a retreat in his heart, naturally he can't inspire the thought of death in his chest. In this way, the divine conscious does not match, and naturally it will not be able to reach the state of being one with the mysterious light, and it will not disturb the situation, so that this last step can never be completed. 


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“The way of mine is to face the difficulties and stand up after breaking!”

There was a sense of determination in Zhang Yan's eyes. He recalled the map in his mind, and then urged the flying boat to fly to the southeast. After a while, he found a cave with only entrances and no way out, and got off the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat. Live in directly. 

This is his own way, he will face a ruin! 

Li Weide can catch up in three or five days at most. If he can't make this step, he will die!

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