Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 537: Chapter 537

Chapter 537

What do you mean by that? Yu Dong asked as she looked at Ye Liu with a frown. What was up with him this time? Why was he calling himself useless? She lowered her head to look down at the accounts book but before she could take a look at the calculations, Ye Liu hurried over to her side and shut the book down with a crisp bang, startling her so much that she blinked her eyes in surprise and raised her head to look at Ye Liu before asking, Whats going on, why are you acting like that?

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Ye Liu bit his lower lip at Yu Dongs question, he wanted to tell her the truth but he was worried that just like Brother Li, she will snap at him. So, he lowered his head and shook his head as he said, You dont have to worry about me, I will be fine j..just leave this book for a while and we willwe will do something nice, what do you say?

There is something inside the book? Yu Dong sensed the peculiarity in Ye Lius attitude, he only acted like this when he wanted to hide something from her. If not his tongue would be sharper than anyone she knew, so what was he hiding this time?

Liu, you know that the more you try to hide it the more I would want to know, so why dont we stop the haggling and you let me see whats wrong? Yu Dong threw a straight ball as she tilted her head with a sweet smile and pulled the notebook towards her.

Why do you have to poke your nose in my business? snapped Ye Liu, his face heating up as he pulled the notebook away from Yu Dong and haughtily raised his head. I am fine, didnt I tell you? You dont need to worry. Just eat your dinner and go to sleep, I have a lot of work to do.

Yu Dong pulled the notebook back towards her and narrowed her eyes as she said, But I want to see whats in the notebook, I am a curious person, to begin with, if I dont see what you are hiding from me then I will not be able to sleep.

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YouDong Dong, Ye Liu pulled the book away from her and then threw his entire weight on the notebook before saying, I dont want to show you, am I not supposed to have a secret or two?

Ohho, its a secret? Yu Dong raised her brow as she clenched her fingers tightly around the notebook and smirked at Ye Liu before smiling slyly. Then I want to know even more.

Ye Liu was afraid that she will see just how incompetent he was being at the moment, so he hurriedly said, Why? Just go and sleep! Brother Li cooked some crab porridge for you with tomato soup, go and eat it.

But I want to eat something else, stated Yu Dong with a sly smile and that caught Ye Lius attention, he thought that she was tired of eating crabs so he genuinely asked, What do you want to eat?

You. She replied and just as she expected Ye Liu got so flustered that he let go of the notebook that he was clutching in his hands.

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Take advantage of your enemy when they are down.

This was the first thing that Yu Dong learned as an officer and she made use of this teaching to the best of her abilities as she snatched the notebook from Ye Lius hands when his attention was diverted and flipped it open.

Only then Ye Liu snapped out of his daze and looked at Yu Dong with a furious glint in his eyes. He knew it, he knew that he should not have trusted his wife, she always take advantage of his hot and cold attitude.

But before he could flare up at her, he heard her say, Liu, I didnt know that you were this weak in calculating expenses she blinked her eyes such that her long lashes fanned her cheeks before raising her head and looking at Ye Liu who covered his face in shame. You calculated the expense of just a month and ended up making mistakes at least thirty-seven times, are you sure if I leave you, you will be fine?

Ye Lius face was burning with humiliation this was why he didnt want Yu Dong to see the notebook! He did not know how it was possible as well, he was good at doing household expenses calculations but when it came to the expenses of the shop, he was seriously bad at it.

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Maybe it was because of the astronomical amount of taels going in and out of the shop but he couldnt tally the accounts at all!

SoSo what, I am good at doing household chores and I am good at coming up with schemes as well, said Ye Liu with his head lowered, body taut and fingernails digging in his palms. His face was burning so much that Yu Dong thought that he was going to transform into a badly burnt radish soon enough.

I am not saying anything, she said with her hands raised in surrender, she was worried that if she dared to tease him when he was this stressed then he might end up seriously crying.

And as the saying goes, the one who never cries is the one who ugly cries wherever they are pushed too much.

So, she might as well make sure that he doesnt end up crying or else who knows, she might spend the entire night coaxing him.

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I wasnt making fun of you either, she offered at once but she was a step late, Ye Lius shame fuse already blew up and he shook his head desperately before pointing at her and saying angrily, You are making fun at me, I bet you are laughing at my stupidity!

I am not, she surrendered as soon as he raised his voice.

You are, he sniffed loudly before raising his head and looking at Yu Dong with a burning red face and snot running down his nose with tears brimming in his eyes. You are going to call me stupid like Brother Li!

Yu Dong: . Dont laugh, Dont laughsure he looks funny but if he ends up crying it will be troublesome.

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