Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 538: Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Yu Dong had to suppress the curl of her lips with everything that she had, only then she heaved a sigh of relief before swallowing the laugh that was bubbling in her throat and then she was looking at the crying mer in front of her. I am not looking down at you and I am not going to call you stupid either.

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Liar, said Ye Liu as he glared at her, seeing he was in one of his kittenish moods, she sighed and stood up from her chair before pressing her hands on Ye Lius shoulder and helping him down on the chair where she was sitting.

She poured him a cup of cold water and then placed it in front of him before pushing it forward and saying, Drink.

Ye Liu looked at her with a nervous expression before he lowered his head and picked up the cup, he took a sip and then drank a mouthful of water before putting the cup back on the table.

Feeling better? asked Yu Dong knowing that most of the anger that was brimming inside Ye Liu was punctured right out of him and he must be quite embarrassed now that he was done with the tantrum that he was throwing.

Yeah, he replied without lifting his head, she could see that he was in one of his moments and didnt say anything instead she sat next to him and waited for him to speak.

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It took a little while for Ye Liu to open his mouth again, as he turned his head to look at her with a gloomy expression, the blush yet to be receded.

I did not want to get angry at you, but you shouldnt have snatched the book from me either, it was rude, he said sulkily.

Yeah, I guess, said Yu Dong as she leaned down on the table and snatched his hand from his lap before she started playing with his long, calloused-filled fingers. But you didnt have to hide it from me either, its not like I am going to make fun of you, I am better than that, arent I?

Ye Liu sniffed. But Ah Mi called me stupid for not knowing something so simple and even Brother Li got annoyed when I couldnt tally the accounts properly, I never saw him that angry before, not even when you drank an entire vat of wine and bullied Ah Mi.

Oh boy, was he going to settle the original owners account with her now? She has to change the topic as quickly as possible.

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He must have been tired after travelling for so long, Yu Dong tried to whitewash Shen Li a bit, she knew that Shen Li was the gentlest of all the husbands but his anger was also quick to rile up. Especially when he has to repeat one thing a countless number of times, she looked down at the notebook that was filled with criss-cross and understood that Shen Li must have gone easy on Ye Liu, if it was the naughty Chen Mi, he would have been beaten up by the wooden roller instead of getting scolded. You dont have to take his words to heart.

Ye Liu eyed her suspiciously.

You are just trying to coax me, he said, pearly tears welling up in his eyes rapidly as he looked at her with his sharp Phoenix eyes.

No honestly, I am being serious here, you are not stupid or an idiot, its just that you have a problem with the basics and nothing else, said Yu Dong trying her best to salvage the situation.

Dont lie to me, Ye Liu gasped, tears already flooding down his cheeks, as he flung her hand aside and threw himself on the notebook as he started howling. Do you think I dont know that you all are making fun of my poor calculations skills? Is it my fault that its so difficult? I am a mer why do I have to worry about stupid accounting like this? Cant I survive without them? If I was to simply waste my time in these accounts instead of using my brains to come up with new schemes for selling strawberries, will there be any accounts to tally? I am telling you its the skills that matter the most, not this bookish knowledge!

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Seeing him cry like this Yu Dong was reminded of her two brothers, they would cry like this too when she taught them mathematical tables. The second she asked them what two ones are two was, they would cry so loudly that her neighbours would call the zombie control department thinking that she and her brothers were under attack.

You are right, this is not important at all, no matter what Yu Dong thought at the moment, she had no choice but to cajole her husband first, after all in her world her colleagues always told her that their wives were always right, then in this world surely its the husbands who are always right.

She sucked in a breath and then patted Ye Liu on the back as she calmly, Its all right if you cannot do it, we will think of something else all right?

Ye Liu raised his head and looked at her with a hopeful expression on his face and asked, Do you mean to say that I dont have to learn these awful numbers?

Yu Dong: ..

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Thats going to be hard dont you think? she said with a hesitation-filled expression, after all, no matter what accounting was something that would pop into their day-to-day lives given that they are a family of merchants. If Ye Liu does not learn to calculate then it was going to be really hard for him.

Seeing that she didnt say yes, Ye Liu burst into anguished sobs and threw himself back on the notebook as he rolled his head and cried, I am done, I cant take this anymore! I am quitting!

Its all right, you will be fine, said Yu Dong as she helplessly poured another cup of water and helped Ye Liu drink it as she smoothed her hand on his back. You will be fine, honey.

Ye Liu sniffed before slowly drinking his water and then turned to look at Yu Dong. Dont tell anyone that I cried because of this this thing that you call maths.

Of course, she didnt have to say anything Ye Liu was so loud most probably everyone heard him already.

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