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/Lukes Pov/

"I'm really glad that the first class we will have is transfiguration. It's the subject that I'm most interested about." I said. "I heard its one of the most difficult classes we have, transfiguration and potions." Anthony added.

"I get that transfiguration is cool and all, but why is it the one that got your attention? I think the majority here are more interested in charms." Padma asked me while the rest of the first years nodded.

"Well, it's not like I'm not interested in charms, on contrary I really am, it's just that I'm a bit more interested in transfiguration, both have limitless potential, but the ability of changing matter for me is really appealing, even more as a muggle-born as I studied physics and chemistry at home, and if you compare them with transfiguration there is a lot things that don't add up, and I find it fascinating, also it's a pretty useful subject and I want to try and transform into a animagus in the future, it seems pretty neat." I answered.

"Animagus!? But that is really hard; I read that there are only seven registered animagus, and that it's really dangerous, you can end half-human, half-animal." Sue Li said entering the conversation. "And it takes a lot of times, and it isn't even that useful, I bet you can use your time better than trying that." Complemented Padma.

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"Well, I admit that maybe it doesn't look that impressive to most magical born, but for me the implications of being capable of turning into an animal is amazing, if it's an useful one of course, imagine you transforming in some sort of bird and doing so you can fly without a broom, and in a book I read on the subject, it seems an animagus can even communicate with the animals they take form, it's really more useful than it seems."

They seem convinced, at least a bit. "But still, it really takes too much time and is very dangerous, so make sure to be cautious if you try something." Anthony said a bit concerned but rapidly grinned "And it will be great if you waste your time in this, more chance for us to win our bet!" Everyone laughed a little.

We talked a bit more of what to expect on the first day of class, Terry complained that we have potions today too, making the two most difficult subjects on the same day, and making it even worse on Monday. I didn't really care for that, but the others agreed with him.

With that, we entered our classes; there are some annotations on the board, but no sign of any teacher, just a cat on the table looking at us. I stare at the cat for a bit, the fur around its eyes was a bit funny to me, looked like the cat was using a spectacle and it was there I had a revelation.

"Guys, remember when we were talking about animagus? I think our teacher is one."I said barely containing my excitement. If that's true then it will be much easier for me to transform into one!

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My classmates looked at me with weird expressions that seemed to ask why I assumed that from just seeing a cat, but before they could ask me that, the cat jumped and transformed into our teacher, Prof. Miverva McGonagall, everyone in the class gasped.

"Mr. Pendragon, may I ask you how did you know I was an animagus?" She said as she walked towards me.

"I'm really interested in transfiguration and the animagus transformation was the thing I read more about, and in 'A guide to transfiguration' said that all animagus have something like a mark on their animal form that is caused by something on their human body, so when I thought it was curious that the cat had spectacles markings, I realized that it was highly possible that you were a animagus, and it looks like I was correct." I said.

"Your observation skills will help you very much in your classes Mr. Pendragon. " She looked impressed, almost everyone in the class did. "And ten points for Ravenclaw, for not only discovering I was an animagus but for the explanation as well."

"That's the way Luke, great job man!" said Michael giving a slap on my back, but just one stare from McGonagall and he went stiff.

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After a few congratulations from my friends we get to our tables, we had to sit in double, making me and Antony a pair in this class.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." McGonaggal started the class.

The class was alright, it was mostly the basics, which I already read about, but an hour or so. Prof. McGonagall gave each of us students a match, and told us to transform it into a needle.

This is one of the simplest spells in transfiguration, if I couldn't even do this, it means I'm not talented, even if I know the theory if I can't apply, it doesn't mean anything. And I'm really interested in this branch of magic, so I concentrated a lot.

It took me three times to make it right, on the first one I made a metallic matchstick, on the second it was a bit pointy but not enough, and like they say 'the third time's the charm' I finally could make it.

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As we had a bit more time in class I tried to modify the match/needle even more, changing the color, engraving some marking, things like that. In the beginning it was quite hard, but after a time I could do it, the engravings were pretty ugly at the start but as it became more fluid, made the needle quite beautiful forming a eagle`s feather, for the color I made it blue and bronze. Making the needle a homage for my new house Ravenclaw.

As I finished, Minerva was quite impressed with my work. Even saying "Looks like Ravenclaw will be a treat in this year house cup thanks to you Mr. Pendragon, great work and mentality, trying to better yourself even after you completed the task, the details was great, and the time you needed to better your work was outstanding. Ten points for Ravenclaw."

The first years all looked impressed, even some of the Hufflepuffs that had the lesson with us congratulated me. Twenty points for the first class, that's a great beginning.

After class was over, Anthony said "Amazing Luke! Maybe you really be able to turn in the eight animagus, you really have talent for transfiguration!" Padma nodded "It was really great, I could only make my matchstick gray.. How did you do it?" she asked eagerly.

"First, thanks Anthony, second, eight animagus that we know of, I bet there is a lot of unregistered animaguses, and third, about how I did it, well I just used my imagination, magic is something intent based, if you can use your imagination to form a needle in your mind and intend to transform the match into it, it becomes really easy, to the point you can even add details into it, like I did."

Both of them nodded in understanding, "I will try it later!"They both said at the same time, "don't copy me!"They said at the same time again glaring at each other a bit. I just laugh a bit and told them "Well let's go, we still have a bit of time until our potions class, but it's better to be safer than sorry. You two can try to do it later." They nodded and we leave the class.

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