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~I took a bit of creative liberty with the classes schedules in this chapter.~

/Luke`s Pov/

What can I say about our potion classes? Well, it was different to say the least, the class was in the dungeons, but the unique part was the teacher, Professor Severus Snape, and as the name 'Severus' indicated, he was a pretty serious guy. He looked like he disdained everyone and everything; he is a bit scary though, I don't really have any problems looking into a person's eyes, but his? Just one time and no more thank you, it looked like he could pry into my mind, and it made me very uncomfortable. Other than that, the only thing I would complain was in how he never gave any house points.

His first class was quite memorable for me, when it was the exact time for the class to start; he entered the classroom giving his speech "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making, as there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." I bet he says that on every first class, don't get me wrong it's a good speech, it really does its job, it packs a punch and even tell us about how the subject is.

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His teaching method was the most basic kind, he just speaks to us and expects that we keep quiet and write everything, I won't say that I'm happy with this, but it's not like I'm displeased either, he sure know about what he is talking. He also didn't ask any question, I like to believe that he finds asking a question in a room full of Ravenclaws is unnecessary. In the end, the class was just theory, but he warned us that next week we will brew one of the elementary potions.

In conclusion, I liked the class, it probably won't be one of my favorites (the subject will, just not the class), and with just the wonders of the art of potion making the class is more than interesting enough for me.

Shame that my fellow ravens couldn't say the same as Anthony said and I quote "The teacher is a stuck up prick and his whole class is rubbish!" Padma, Terry, Michael and even Sue Li agreed with him, and if they were still in doubt if they considered me mad, well when I told them that I didn't dislike the class was the last nail on the coffin.

"Haha, no need to look at me like that guys, it's just my opinion, I admit it could be better, but while Prof. Snape can be a bit dry, he got his job done, I had worse teachers than that, now let's go eat lunch, all morning having classes made me quite hungry."

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We talked a bit about our classes; they were still impressed with my performance in Transfiguration and were a bit excited talking on what if Ravenclaw wins the house cup since Slytherin won the last six years.

As we entered the common hall and started to eat our lunch, I started thinking about my new schedule, I mean, here in Hogwarts, there is a lot of free time. We only have classes four days a week, and it's only in the morning (except Astronomy), so looking at that I can infer some things about what the professors want of us. The first being that they want students to make friends between houses, that can be seen as we are always in a class with another house during a class, being those Hufflepuffs on Mondays (Transfiguration and Potions), Gryffindor on Tuesdays (Herbology and Charms), Slytherin on Wednesday (Defense against the dark arts and History of magic) and on Thursdays we are all together in flying lessons and Astronomy. The second is that they expect a lot of self-study, which can be seen with how we have a lot of free time, if you don't count doing your homework, they pass a lot of it, which is necessary as I believe a lot of people would stay behind on their studies being either by laziness or procrastination.

And lastly we don't have any form of Physical education (no, flying doesn't count), and the consequences of that are much more drastic than it seems. A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind, and I believe almost all wizards are too proud to move a finger if magic can do that for them, they are still powerful, yes, but they don't have much stamina, I bet their style of fight is just pointing the wand to one another casting some form of attack, that's really basic in my books, as I learned in my fencing classes, you have to keep moving, predict your opponent and that its generally better to dodge than to block your opponent attack, and while I know magical and no magical fights are different, I believe a lot of the strategies are the same, or at least similar, so having a fit body certainly gives you an advantage.

With all that said, I will have to make my own schedule later, with enough physical and magical training, in theory, and practice, maybe I can even make a group for it, disregarding houses, anyone would be able to join, I want to especially call that Neville fellow, as he kind of needs the confidence boost, Hermione I think would join even if it's only on the study part, the same could be said of my fellow ravens, as for the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins I don't really know, as I don't really know any of them. Maybe that blond girl, Daphne would participate, but that remains to be seen.

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At least, for now, mine will be something like this:

06:00 – 08:00 -> Wake up, read some of the graduated Ravenclaw students left behind and wait for my friends and go eat breakfast.

08:00 – 13:30 -> Classes (Physical training when there is no class).

13:30 – 14:30 -> Socializing and Lunch.

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14:30 – 16:00 -> Physical training.

16:00 – 20:00 -> Theory reading at the library.

20:00 – 22:00 -> Practical training somewhere (probably my own room) or Astronomy class.

22:00 – Sleep (before 00:00) -> Relax.

This is still subject to change, and I will probably discard it if I can really make the group study, but for now, it's good enough. All my life I followed a schedule, I was feeling weird already for not having one.

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