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/Luke's Pov/

While eating, I could see that Padma looked a bit sad; she was observing her sister at the Gryffindor table. "You can still talk to her you know?" I said, bringing her back to reality. "What?"She asked.

"I said you can still talk to your sister." I repeated. She looked unsure"B-But now we are in different houses." She mumbled. "And? What's the problem? It's not like you are strangers now. If you want you can always go there and talk to her. Maybe it's better to wait a few days, so she can make some friends in her house, but after both of you are settled down, you can be together again, even if it's less time than you were before.

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"Thanks, Luke, I-I guess I will do that, wait a week or so and talk to her, it's just that I never spent so much time without her, we`re twins so we were always together." She said.

Twins huh, that reminds me of Max, I miss him, just remembering that he hates me now makes me sad. "What happened? You suddenly got sad, did I say something wrong?" Padma asked a bit worried.

"No, it's nothing, I just remembered a bit of my own twin brother, we were never really close as we walked different paths, but when he got to know I'm a wizard while he isn't, our relationship turned sour." I shake my head. "But anyway, changing the subject a bit, I'm thinking of creating a study group, maybe next week or so, there is no need to be just us of Ravenclaw, with that you would have an excuse to be with your sister, and maybe even help her with studies, what do you think?" I asked.

"That would be great! Thanks again Luke!" Padma said excitedly. "But if we help other houses too, that would make things harder for us? The way our house gains points is by getting good grades If the others join in that, wouldn't that put us in disadvantage? And even between us, as we have our bet, wouldn't it be better if everyone tries his best alone?" asked Michael, Terry nodded, clearly agreeing with that.

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I shrugged "What's the point to beat someone that is not at his best? I believe in myself enough that I won't need any kind of handicap for me to get the best grades, and in my opinion, while all houses have their quality and defects, they also synergize together, think with me, we from Ravenclaw represent intelligence and wit, but without ambition and cunning (Slytherin), we wouldn't put it to use, without bravery and courage (Gryffindor), we wouldn't dare to innovate, and without hard work (Hufflepuff), even if you have the brains, you're just wasting your potential. What I said now is just from our perspective, but they need us just the same as we need them, and the school actually want us to mingle together, it's just that it doesn't happen very often."

"Why do you say the school wants us to mingle? We have the house cup, doesn't that means that we are rivals?"Terry asked.

"It's simple enough, just look at our schedule for classes, every day we study together with a different house until the last one that everyone gets together, with that you can see intention the professors have to us, and about the house cup, you're right, we are rivals, but in my opinion the good kind of rivals are the ones that grow together, that inspire each other to be better, not one that is superficial and just there for ego boosting." I said.

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Looking at their faces, only Padma was satisfied with what I said, maybe because of her sister, the rest looked a bit conflicted. "Sigh, it's just an idea for now, and I don't even know if I will be able to convince people of the other houses, also there is no need to join if you don't agree, I will just do what I think is good and hope for the best. It's also good to make friends with more people." Not that I'm very experienced in making friends but they don't need to know that.

In the end, as I expected, only Padma readily agreed, Anthony told he will think about it, the rest opted for the wait and see strategy. It could be worse I guess.

"Well, it's time for me to find a good place to work out, see you at the library or at the common room later." I said as I got up and waved goodbyes.


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/Anthony's Pov/

If someone told me last week that the strangest person I would meet was a prince, I would not believe, but now? I already believe so. I'm not belittling him, it's the opposite, that man, Luke, is bloody brilliant, I met him for less than a day and I already know that. In our transfiguration class, he was the only one who could do anything useful, and putting salt in our wounds, it's not like he knew beforehand how to do it, no, it was his improvement rate, it was fast, frighteningly fast.

He is also very perceptive; he even got house points for that, now that I stopped to think, he was the only one today that even got house points putting our house in first place, I don't know if we can keep up with that, but sure is nice to hear people talking about Ravenclaw being first place after years.

And while perceptive, I find funny that he can also be a bit dense, it's obvious that he draws attention everywhere he goes, but it seems that he doesn't know that, wait, maybe I'm wrong, what if he just dismiss it as normal? It would make more sense, he is a prince, it's obvious that he is already used to it.

One could look at him and be lost on the fantasy that he is a perfect guy, a charming prince of muggle fairy tales. But I know that he is also very human, he has his regrets, the look on his face when talking about his brother said it all. And I think it's because his failed relationship with his brother that he wants to make the study group, I think that he is a bit lonely, even if he doesn't know it himself, and that's why he wants to make a group, that in a way he finds his equal, his rival or something like that, I read one time that its lonely at the top, and while he is far from the real top, age wise he already is. Academically he would be the one who gains less doing this group thing, but I think what he is looking for is different, and he is a great guy, so it's decided, I will become a part of this study group too. The only thing is, I will never work out as he does. I'm a wizard, not a bodybuilder.

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