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/Luke's Pov/

I found a great place to train, it was near a lake, the wind and sun were very nice there, and the only problem will be on rainy or snowy days, so I will need to find another place soon. Most of the people that communed there were older students, so they found quite odd to see a kid working out there under a tree.

I think that being a Ravenclaw helped a bit, seeing that as most students here think we are weird/eccentric. There were some girls that giggled a bit as they passed me.

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After the training, I went to my room really quick to take a shower and then I quickly went to the library, and as I expected, there were a fair bit of students there, most being ravens, followed by Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, and lastly Gryffindors.

Speaking about Gryffindors, the only first-year student from their house here is our bushy-haired friend, Hermione, she had a stack of books on her side, if she likes to study this much, I really want to know how she wasn't sorted in Ravenclaw.

I took a bit of time selecting a few books, as I don't need a lot of them right now, I pick only three. Two about the disciplines we had today, Transfiguration and Potions, and one extra for the basis of magic. The transfiguration I picked was a theory book, the potions one was a compendium of the elementary potions and for the last one, I wanted to see if I find something about the correlation of intention, creativity, and emotion with magic. If it were just saying an incantation and swinging the wand the right way there would be a lot of world-class wizards right now, so I think my theory is on the right way.

I sat near Hermione, as she is someone I'm acquainted with, but after simple greetings, we didn't talk much, and quickly I immerse myself in the books. You can use a lot of muggle knowledge in magic, I think transfiguration is the subject that takes more advantage of it, as knowing more about what you want to transfigure helps wonders. For potions, it was really easy to just learn the process, but later I will try to find out the proprieties of each ingredient, I do not want to know just how to prepare the potion, but rather to know how each ingredient works and how to combine to create a specific potion. And for magic itself, it's not really confirmed if that correlation really exists, but it is believed that there really is some truth in that.

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After that, I went to my room, tried a few transfiguration spells until I was satisfied, in the end, I could turn a stone into a really beautiful porcelain bowl. Then, I took another bath and went to bed, but before I slept I read the book about magic theory again, I know it will benefit from it.

Next day was interesting, the classes were with the Gryffindors. The first class of the day was Herbology, where we were sorted into big tables with four people, there I actually paired with Neville, and was surprised with his knowledge with plants, and he was quite different when dealing with them, he knew what he was doing, and wasn't clumsy or even shy when talking about it. I'm glad that he already found his passion.

After that was Charms class, the professor was his House head, Filius Flitwick, and it was a blast, literally, a Gryffindor student named Seamus blew himself trying the 'Lumus' spell that was used as practice in a lesson. I didn't think it was possible to do that, how did he make combustion when trying to use such a basic spell?

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Either way, the class was really good, Prof. Flitwick was enthusiastic in teaching and I was very enthusiastic in learning, so it was a win-win situation, he even complimented me in my spell work, he also complimented Hermione, who looked really happy about it. I really don't understand how she wasn't sorted in Ravenclaw.

After that it was like yesterday, went to lunch with my friends, work out near the Black Lake, goes to the library and read a book about each subject we learned today and one about magic theory, try some spell at my room, bath read a little more and sleep.

Wednesday classes with Slytherin, I was really looking forward about the Defense Against Dark Arts (DADA) class, but sincerely Prof. Quirrel was a joke, he was the first teacher I found really incompetent in my life, he couldn't teach us a single thing, even Snape was better than that.

The second class was History of magic, and I don't know what I find more curious, the fact that our professor is a ghost, or that Daphne G. the blond girl, sat with me, I tried to talk a bit with her, but she just ignored me, but I can see in her eyes that she wanted to talk a bit, I guess she is just shy, so I told her that every day from 16:00 to 20:00 I would be at the library, if she wants to talk to me she will know where to find me.

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Lunch and working out was normal, but Daphne actually showed up at the library while I was reading a book about DADA (since our professor is bad, I will learn it myself), she just sat next to me and sent a glare to Hermione and me.

To be honest, I'm quite curious about this girl, I didn't even hear her voice, but her actions are amusing, I want to see when she will open up at least a bit, until then I guess I will have a silent companion if she starts to use our table in the library.

When it was time to go back to my room I said goodbye to both girls and even Daphne waved her hand for me a bit, to be honest, I wasn't expecting that, but after that, she sent a glare at Hermione again and went out too.

Practice at my room was good, Anthony joined me in that and both of us could do our 'Lumos' spell quite well, even adjusting the intensity of the light. After we were satisfied we went to bed, but I read a bit more about charms and jinxes, there were some I really want to learn, like the trip jinx, as it looks quite useful in a fight, especially so for such a basic spell.

Tomorrow will be my first flight class; I'm quite excited about it. I think it's everyone (that doesn't have height fright) dream to be able to fly, I mean, you must feel so free up there in the skies; I really want to try it tomorrow. Thinking that I felt sleep with a smile on my face.

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