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/Minister Fudge Pov/

'This is most unexpected, after a millennia the Pendragon family have a magical heir hmm, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Let's wait and see, I just wish I can use this in my favor in some way, wizards doesn't like changes, neither do I, but with this? I'm afraid that with him and the Potters kid, the-boy-who-lived, change will come some way or another, the blood purists will not be happy about this, what is the best course of action? Hmmm…' I muse to myself after reading the latest document,' this is a tricky situation, the royal family coming to the magical world again, I need a connection, the wizard world needs a connection right now we can't afford to be in bad relationship with the muggle royals, it could be catastrophic we didn't quite recover yet after You-know-who reign, I guess we should be able to send someone to be a friend so even if something bad happens he won't blame everyone for the error of few, at least that's what I hope.'

I pack up the necessary documents and decide that I need to meet Dumbledore; it's obvious that he will go to Hogwarts, he will know what to do.


/Maximillian Pov/

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'It's been a few hours since I last spoke with my brother, I know I have to say sorry to him, but I don't really know how, it's unfair to me that he is Mr. perfect. He should at least be considerate for me, he makes me look bad in front of everyone, even the staff in the palace talks behind my back as if I'm unwanted and a blemish in the royal line, it's not like I'm any worse than my ancestors, I guess I'm even a bit better than dad, but just because of Luke I'm treated like I'm an inferior breed, and it's all because that training, that thing is rubbish! I would like to call it inhumane, but I guess its possible now, my all so perfect brother could do it. It's really vexing, being called the trash of the family for something others did, even my friends prefer him, and they all like him without even meeting him! Even my Nat wants to know him better, he doesn't do anything and he already stole my friends and the girl I like, just like he did with mum. It would be great if he had not been born.. Wait what did I really think that? He doesn't have the fault really, but it's true that my life is worse because of him… Yes almost everything bad in my life is his fault… I will say sorry this time, but if he continue to make me looking bad I will stop talking to him, the one thing I'm better than him is making friends, he never had one his age, just me so if I stop talking to him he will be alone and will know how bad of a brother he is.'

I will go to his study now, he almost always is there, he just study every single day until its really late, and there isn't even the need anymore, who the hell needs to know how to speak more than 10 languages? And what about science, mathematics, physics? We are kids for god sake; well I do understand the need of history and geography, but the rest? It's all rubbish I say, rubbish!

/Luke Pov/

'It's a few months after my little debacle with my brother, but in the end all is well, he came to me the same day and said sorry, I know he still resent me a bit tough, but it's not my fault that he couldn't cope with the training, or if he is a bit jealous of the results of it, but it's just that, a bit of envy, even I have that, every time I see him playing with his friends I got envious of him, but it's alright I still have time for that, now even more, I finally ended the training the book told me to do, now I have so much free time that I don't even know what to do, I still exercise and study, but not as much as before, there is no real need, apparently it was all to develop my potential, now I have to find something to use it, but what?'

I think the heavens heard my thoughts because just a few moments later a owl came to me and handed me a letter with in my name, in there says.


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Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Pendragon,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mc Gonagall

Deputy Headmistress.

There was a second page to the letter, but it was a list of materials that I would need. I admit that I was a bit confused at the beginning, even though it was a prank, but then again the book told me I would go to a special school if I could complete the training, I guess I as a kid just have one option right now, go ask gran about it, even if it's a prank at least it gave me a motive to go to gran's room. I smirked and went there.

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"Hey gran!" I tackle her as soon as she opened her door for me, "I got this letter, even though it's weird and fantastic enough to be deemed false I would like to know your opinion." She smiles and takes the letter.

"Ah it finally came, my dear, this letter is true, you may not know but you're a magical little boy indeed." I don't really like to be called a little boy, but that's gran privilege she can call me whatever she wants and she knows it, even abuse it sometimes, but what can I do? It's the fate of a grandma's boy.

"It's true? Really!? I was thinking it was rubbish just a cool prank, wait what, there is a magical world? OMG there is a lot of new things to learn!! I didn't know what to do anymore after the training, it really have a second part, now I'm relieved, wait a bit, did you know? Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked like a machinegun.

She smiles affectionately. "Calm down Luke, everything at its time, I will explain it all at the dinner with your father and brother, just know that I didn't tell you because I didn't want to influence your training, I know it would make your head to be in another place and I bet it would be hard for you to finish it that way."

Well that makes sense for me, and I know gran would never do something bad for me so its ok. Magic is real, I can't even imagine the possibilities, what would it be like, how it is to learn it. My grandma gives an affectionate chuckle while I start to daydream about magic and my future.

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