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/Maximillian Pov/

"… and yes, Luke will now study in Hogwarts, but remember Maximillian, you can't tell anyone about this, it is a magical school and magic is hidden from the common people, if anyone question you about Luke, you can tell he is studying out of the country, any questions now?"

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'I heard my grandma say, is this a joke? Really? Today was supposed to me my day, I got first place in my school, I thought this was some kind of congratulation party for me, but noo Luke have to be the center of attention again, I got the grades in the school, which was really hard for me, and what happens? Luke can do magic! Why not me? Of course it's him, everything good in this world is for him and him alone! And look at his face, not even putting anyone there, just looking down on the f*cking world! I didn't really like my brother for some time, but this just takes the cake, why I can't have anything nice? Something to get the upper hand with him? I can't even try to talk bad about him with my friends and they took his side, they don't even know him more than a few seconds of greetings for god sake! Everything I have, everything I am is rubbish in comparison to Luke, why am I even here?'

"Hahahaahaha ahahaahahahahaahahaaha" I started to laugh, "hahaahahahaaha hahahahahahahahahaha". "I can't f*cking believe, Luke you really are a monster, but not like the 'little monster' that people call you, no you're the bad kind of monster, a freak and you know that, you steal the happiness of others, you can't even pass a day without someone jerking your ego off! You look down on everybody and think you're better then everyone just because that book you use to train, today was supposed to me my day, that's all that I wanted, but noooo, you have to steal that from me too! You're not my brother, not after you killed mom, not after you made my life a living hell, go on then make your magic and disappear of my life!!" I yell and storm off the dining room, the last thing I ignored was a yell from my father that I don't even know what it was.

/scene break/

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/ Luke Pov/

'Wait what? What just happened? Max hates me? Why? I knew he was a bit displeased with the fact I completed my training, but that was it, was it worth all I did? What am I thinking? Of course it was, but I should have realized how he was feeling about it, talking more with him, be more of his friend, maybe use my free time with him instead of reading even more at my room, I think I'm crying, and where am I? Did I blanked again? No gran told us that day I really had a fit of magic because of my emotions, it happened again? So magic works with emotion?' I calm down a bit after analyzing my situation, my heart still hurts a bit but at least I'm calm now.

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I sigh to myself.' Now let's summarize everything I know, first my brother seems to hate me, not a good start on the list I guess, second I can do magic, third I already have a school to go and learn more about it, fourth Next week a Professor will come and take me to buy the materials I need, fifth I think emotion is an important aspect of magic and sixth the two times (that I know) I did accidental magic I teleported, I need to know if this is something common or not, and seventh I'm on my bedroom right now witch can mean the two times it happened I got to somewhere I feel safe.'

Satisfied with my logic I calm down even more, I don't really know what to do about Max, I feel like I failed him, but I never really done anything to hurt him except being myself, and I don't think I'm wrong for being myself, I guess I will just wait a bit this week and try to talk to him or anything, and all of this made me realize something very important, I don't really have friends, I like my teachers and all but he was my best friend, I guess I will have to work harder in that aspect , maybe it's time to research a little about what kids our age like to do, I bet I won't have it in my head after next week too many new things to learn and read, I hope I can still mend my relationship with Max tough, aargh lets stop thinking about that, let's see what to do, aha! I will train a bit of magic tricks that we do and show it all to my future friends, a bet they will find it entertaining, at least I hope; hmm I will need a set of cards and a lot of other things.

/scene break/

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'Well I couldn't even find my brother Max this week, apparently he refuses to be in the palace with me in it, odd with a place this huge there is plenty space for us two, but that is not the most important thing at the moment. Right now there is a wizard with me, a witch to be exact, a tall and severe-looking one, her name is Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and the one who wrote my letter of admission, and will take me to some place called 'Diagon Alley' where I will supposedly find everything I need and a bit more, after that I will have just two months until the begging of classes, so much to read, so little time.'

She must see that I'm a bit anxious and started talking to me again, "No need to be nervous Mr. Pendragon, for what I heard about you, everything will go just fine, but come with me we already got to our destination."

I found it odd to be honest, it looked like an old pub, and it's there, the entrance to the magical world? Well I expected something a bit different, but I guess the unexpected is more hidden, and I bet there is a lot of magic stuff to make it even more hidden.

This is it, this will be my first step into the magical world, what will happen I don't really know, but I'm excited to meet it all, I think the dangers and the new things to learn will all be amazing, and it was with a firm step and a slight smile on my face that I walked in my life.

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