Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss

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Fight back

“You all have to be careful, because you are the spirit’s final target.” 

The president’s gaze wandered around the room, resting on Asker and the two female influencers, and he instructed with such concern.

Asker smiled, but his eyes were reserved. “Will we be safe if we stay here?” 

The president nodded and smiled at the two girls who were a little scared. “Wait until tonight. After the great master’s ritual, you will be completely safe. Where’s Yin Xiaoyu?”

“Sleeping inside, she said she was tired.” 

The president nodded, leaving to let everyone rest well.

The three people in the room exchanged looks at each other briefly.

Asker cursed in a low voice, “What the hell is this? Even if there is a ghost, wasn’t he the one who lured it out? Why is he pretending to be a good person now? I keep feeling that he’s keeping some evil tricks* up his sleeve.” 

[T/N: 坏水/bad water: evil intentions]

The two girls were still half-doubtful and thought that the whole event was a reality show, that the ghosts and corpses were all actors and in the end, they all had to watch the performances of their contracted coworkers.

They wanted to discuss things with each other, but they were afraid that there would be cameras nearby, so instead they just thought to themselves about how to perform in this show to gain fans.

But at the same time, they were very flustered, and from time to time they would wonder, what if it was true? What if there really is a ghost?

However, that person clearly told them that everything was a performance ah, so should they even take the time to verify it for themselves?

The president left the lounge, turning his body around and walking out.

His phone rang at this time, but he didn’t open it to check. He didn’t seem to be afraid of not replying and provoking the killing intent of the ghost on the other end of the phone.

He walked straight out, away from the crowd, only stopping when he arrived at a hidden and quiet place.

The bandaged hand pulled out a cigarette. When it was lit, the wound was agitated and the pain made his face twitch.

“Have those three been dealt with?” 

Speaking out of nowhere, the president exhaled a smoke ring.

On the other side of the balcony across the wall, someone responded to him.

“En, just finished. A clean job.” 

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The president nodded. “No one noticed you guys ba?” 

The other side lowered their voice. “No. After listening to the master’s words, those three people thought they were safe and went back to school. Just a little meddling from us and they were tricked outside. Their bodies are hanging in the peach grove, with the other three from this morning.”

If someone stood in the peach blossom grove now, they would see a ghastly expanse of pink miasma, and seven corpses hanging neatly in the forest.

Every one of them was hanged there to die. The first was Jiang Yucheng, followed by the two men and one woman who died this morning, and then the couple who had just left the villa not long ago, the ones who the great master claimed to be safe from any entanglement with the resentful spirit due to their locked hearts.

All the bodies had their eyes open, staring straight ahead with a weird smile on their faces, as if waiting for their next companion.

The president turned on his phone, appreciating the photos sent by the other party.

“It’s already the third day, so it’s best to clean everything up tonight. Usually, on the fourth day, the resentful spirits begin to act out of control.”

The person on the other side quietly replied, “If everything is fine on your side, everything is fine on ours.” 

The president was unconcerned. “Those four are obedient as hell. Let them do as they please, they can’t run. Even now, some still think it’s a reality show. This plan you came up with at that time is a good one. But——”

A shadow overtook his face for a moment. He raised his eyes and, as though he were gnashing his teeth, said, “The one called Ye Zi should also be a player. Have him killed tonight as well ba.”

The person on the other side quietly said, “Don’t forget the most important thing. The one called Shen Yuan, you should be keeping an eye on him.”

The president’s face turned unpleasant. “Do you think you’re my teacher? I have other uses for Shen Yuan, and I will let you guys deal with that Ye Zi!”

“Understood. You should go back first ba. At this time, people will draw attention to themself if they are alone.”

The president pressed out the cigarette on the windowsill, took a deep breath, adjusted his expression and walked back.

After he left, the conversation continued on the other side of the balcony across the wall.

“Has he left? What kind of stimulation did you get this time?”

“Forget about him. For now, he’s still easy to use, so let’s just listen to him.”

As soon as they entered this instance, their lot and the president discovered each other’s identities. Since the president got the protagonist’s identity and had to go through the plot, he couldn’t be killed at the beginning. After the identities were discovered, the three quickly reached a consensus.

Establish a new Ghost Stories Club, take the initiative to attack starting with the strongest, and formulate a plan to kill other players and get the exclusive rewards.

In order not to attract the attention of the players, but also to hide themselves, the Ghost Stories Club will deliberately expand the number of members and bring in some native NPCs, so that those stupid players will think that they can hide themselves and think they are safe.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether they hide their identities or not, because they didn’t plan to distinguish who is a player and who is a NPC. They will just kill them all, one by one.

This morning, only two people had actually triggered the death conditions.

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But it didn’t matter. They slaughtered a single survivor and hung him in the peach forest with the others.

Anyway, since there was a ghost going around killing people, no one would have thought they did it.

“Wasn’t it our original plan to leave the seven most beautiful people and just kill the others? What’s the plan now?”

“Shen Yuan, the two female internet celebrities, that Asker, Yin Xiaoyu, the president. That one called Ye Zi, if the president wants to kill that Ye Zi, he can kill him ba. We can leave the one called Chen Qianqian to take his place, seven people should be enough.”

“If we get to it now, will we accidentally alert them*?”

[T/N: literally, beat the grass and scare the snake]

“Wait a little bit ba. If we kill three more, the timing will be just right by tomorrow.”

“Let’s go back first ba. Don’t be discovered, or else new problems will keep coming up*.”

[T/N: literally, a new branch growing out of a knot]

Another person swore in a low voice, as if he was irritated about having to temporarily suppress his murderous intent.

Two sets of footsteps left.

On the sloped side of the stairs not far away, Ye Zun covered Ye Zi’s mouth and hugged him in his arms from behind.

Ye Zi obediently didn’t struggle, but Ye Zun’s fingers didn’t loosen either. He was too nervous.

It wasn’t until the last of the two people’s footsteps disappeared that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zun let go of the tight grip he had on Ye Zi’s hand, his fingers trembling slightly. “Did I scare you? It’s just me. I was afraid that you would be found, I only did that since I was in a hurry.”

Ye Zi looked at him with quiet and pure eyes full of trust. “Oh.”

Ye Zun leaned against the wall. His mind was still tense, and he kept an eye on their surroundings at all times, for fear that someone would suddenly appear.

The knot on his throat rolled up and down slightly as he adjusted his breathing.

Ye Zi stared at his Adam’s apple attentively. “It’s so scary ah, did they really kill everyone?”

“It seems so.” Ye Zun was nervous all over. “They even want to kill you! You can’t stay here anymore, you need to run away.”

Ye Zi looked at him, innocent and docile. “If I run away, Chen Qianqian will be killed ba.”

Ye Zun was thrown into a daze.

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Ye Zi stared at him quietly. “Moreover, the spirit will not let me go. In the end, I will still be caught.”

Ye Zun took his hand, his expression changing slightly and slowly growing steady. “You’re right. Running away won’t help. Let’s go find the others and stop them before they do anything else.”

Ye Zi pursed his lips and smiled.

Ye Zun pulled him to the area where the influencers were, cautious the entire way.

Ye Zi was relaxed the whole time, his face calm and unhurried with a faintly happy expression. There was no care to the fact that someone was preparing to kill him. He just focused on watching Ye Zun holding his hand and the other person’s face.

They went all the way back to the leisure area on the south side of the second floor.

Ye Zun knocked on the door of the lounge.

The door was opened by one of the female internet celebrities, Faye.

“Is the president here?”

Faye was a little puzzled and confused. “He is ah, just came back.”

“I have something I need to discuss with him, can I come in?”

Faye immediately reacted. “Ah, yes, of course. I’m sorry, I’m a little nervous.”

She moved out of the way and let Ye Zun and Ye Zi walk in.

The lounge area was not small, and the karaoke bar was readily available.

The president was sitting on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand. When he saw Ye Zun, he even showed a hint of a rather inexplicable smile. But then he saw Ye Zi behind Ye Zun, and the corners of Ye Zi’s lips that slowly rose, yet still indifferent. His face suddenly changed and he sat up.

Ye Zun let go of Ye Zi’s hand and walked towards him with large strides.

“Were you looking for me? What’s the matter?” 

The president stood up, having just put down the wine glass in his hand, and Ye Zun, who had already walked in front of him, put his fingers on his shoulder.

The president was stunned for a moment. He had always been a little cold. Someone who kept a distance from others suddenly took the initiative to make close and physical contact with him. Even if he knew that he was thinking too much, his subconscious still made up strange thoughts.

At this moment, the president’s body suddenly became lighter, accompanied by a girl’s screams. When he came to and realised what happened, his body was already pressed into the sofa with his hands against his back.

Ye Zun threw the president onto the sofa, kneeling on his back, pressing on the back of his neck with one hand and grabbing his elbow with the other.

“Ye Zi, bring the rope here!”

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Ye Zi naturally cooperated very well, standing obediently and quietly in front of the president, a pair of eyes silently observing him. Even though there was no expression on his face, the president could see a happy smile on the inside.

The president was angry to the point of going mad, but he grinned through gritted teeth. “Shen Yuan, what are you doing? You actually attacked me?”

The three internet celebrities around them were also dumbfounded.

The two girls hugged each other and trembled, inching away from them.

Although Asker felt that the president was not a good person, Ye Zun’s actions were still too violent.

“Xiongdi*, what is this? Why are you this angry all of a sudden? If you have something to say, you can just tell me.”

[T/N: brother]

With Ye Zi’s help, Ye Zun calmly and patiently tied the president up on the sofa. Only after checking that the man couldn’t break free did he relax slightly.

“Let me explain. The three people who just left not long ago have been killed, and the culprits are the president’s people.”

When these words came out, everyone only froze in shock.

“You…what are you saying, are you for real? The president sent people to kill them?”

“But why? How do you know? Why did the president do this?”

“What the hell are you guys playing at ah?”

The president was clearly very angry, but there was still that smile on his face. Ye Zun looked at everyone solemnly. “It’s not a reality show, it’s not a live broadcast, it’s not a game. It’s all real. Seven people have died so far, and just a few minutes ago, the president discussed with them to kill three more. I heard everything.”

Chen Qianqian was originally sleeping nearby, but she was awakened by their scuffle.

She knew that Ye Zun seemed to have realised something and went to find someone, so without a doubt, she immediately believed what he had heard.

“Who did the president discuss with, who did he tell to kill three more? Could it be that the people who died before were not done by ghosts, but by them?”

Ye Zun looked at each of their expressions. “The two people who discussed the killings with the president are the two staff members who are patrolling downstairs. They lied before and made us think that the three who were seriously injured in the car accident were hiding behind the scenes to plot against everyone. But in fact, they were seriously injured and lying in the hospital. It’s highly possible that they have already met their ends. The ones who have been doing the test of courage with us, following the president’s arrangements in the peach forest, knowing the characteristics of the victims and that the resentful spirit might attack from the beginning, advising the president on how to rope us in; it can only be these two staff members. They are the ones working behind the scenes.”

The president behind him spoke up in a distant voice. “What’s the use of telling them? They aren’t players, they won’t understand no matter how much you explain. You are a detective, right? Let me go, we can cooperate. So far, six players have died, and only four of us are left. We can work together to clear the level and share the rewards equally.”

The author has something to say:

Working hard every day

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