Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss

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Ye Zun looked at the president, now lacking a smile. Ignoring his suggestion of cooperating, he continued to explain to everyone, “You guys don’t need to understand, and you don’t need to care about why they are doing such things. You just need to know one thing: the president and the two staff downstairs, they want to kill us. We must act first and put them in our control, otherwise, everyone will die.”

Asker hesitated a little. “I never understood what you all were doing from the beginning, but Shen Yuan, do you have any evidence? As long as you have even the smallest evidence, I will definitely stand with you.”

Chen Qianqian had already run to Ye Zun’s side. “What evidence do you need at this time, didn’t you hear what the president said? How is that different from a confession?” 

The two female internet celebrities also ran over following Chen Qianqian.

Asker scratched his hair. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, after we tie them up like this, if there is no evidence, what if they sue us for assault?”

Ye Zun nodded. “I should have recorded their conversation. But now is not the time to look at the evidence. Everyone, we must act quickly and put them under our control first, otherwise the consequences may be unimaginable.”


The door to the lounge suddenly opened.

The grandmaster’s two disciples stood at the doorway, heads peeking into the room and looking at everyone in confusion. “What are you all arguing about? Ah, why did you tie up the president?”

Chen Qianqian immediately pulled them in, closed the door, and motioned for them to be quiet.

Then she quickly and succinctly filled them in on the current situation.

The female disciple listened and stammered in shock, “So, so, not only is there a ghost, but the president and his two men followed behind the ghost and killed six people?”

Ye Zun nodded. “We can’t say for certain about the others, but there are at least four deaths that were definitely not the doing of the resentful spirit. He and his people did it. They admitted it themselves; I heard it.”

“But, why ya? Why would he do such a thing?” The male disciple was also shocked and confused. “He even asked my master to help you exorcise the ghost. What’s their motive for killing?”

Ye Zun sighed, unable to explain the game or its rewards to them.

“You can treat them as insane ba. In short, let’s all work together to catch the two people downstairs. They have already planned to kill Ye Zi and the two of you tonight. As for the remaining seven of us, I’m afraid we’ll be left behind as sacrifices for the spirit.”

“What, they even want to kill the two of us?” The two disciples were dumbfounded.

When the three internet celebrities, who had no association to Ye Zi or the two disciples, initially heard how the president and the others only planned to kill the three, they also panicked.

Compared to being killed by another person, being sacrificed to a ghost sounded far more terrifying.

“Then what are we waiting for, we should quickly get them ah.”

Of course, it was unwise to rush up to the culprits, not to mention that there were three girls present who couldn’t physically compete with two tall adult men.

In the end, they agreed that the two female influencers would stay here to watch the president, and to explain the current situation to the hostess Yin Xiaoyu when she woke up.

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The female disciple was responsible for telling the grandmaster about what was happening in the villa and to call the police along the way.

Ye Zun, Ye Zi, Asker and the male disciple took Chen Qianqian out to find the two staff members downstairs.

“Chen Qianqian, pretend to pour drinks for everyone. When you meet with them, talk to them naturally. Pay attention to whether they have any weapons around them. If they do, ask if they want to drink coffee. Otherwise, offer tea. Their targets are the grandmaster’s disciples and Ye Zi. Chen Qianqian will be safe for the time being. They will know that you are going to pour drinks. Since you have been out for a long time, someone will definitely come looking for you, so they definitely will not choose to attack you so suddenly. Only you can lower their vigilance, can you do it?”

Chen Qianqian took a deep breath, an indication that she was up for the job.

“Ye Zi is their target. After receiving the okay from Chen Qianqian, Ye Zi will be responsible for standing by their route and leading them to the corner. Once they get close to you and are about to strike, the three of us will go up from behind to suppress them.”

Everything was going according to plan.

Chen Qianqian walked downstairs to the kitchen while humming a song. She came across two men in black T-shirts, both of who were wearing white hats with a baseball bat in their hands.

“Dage*, you’ve worked hard. Do you want some coffee? I’m just about to get everyone their drinks, I can bring some over to you along the way.”

[T/N: big brother(s)]

“No need. You can go back after you’ve finished ba, don’t walk around by yourself.”

“En en, okay.”

——Coffee, meaning there are weapons.

Everyone swallowed nervously.

Ye Zi was gentle and weak. Even if he was nervous, nothing could be seen on his cold face. Facing Ye Zun’s concerned eyes, he nodded then walked to the corner of the stairs alone, and looked down the balcony.

As expected, the two’s patrolling route ended up in this area. They paused slightly, and looked at each other.

“Why are you here by yourself?” One of them asked casually, walking in his direction.

Ye Zi’s long hair blocked his profile. Raising his hand and gently tucking a strand behind his ears, he glanced at them coldly. He noticed the baseball bat in their hands and frowned slightly, taking a step back subconsciously as if he was very vigilant.

“I’m heading back now.” Saying that, Ye Zi moved his feet and began to walk upstairs.

“Wait, there’s something I want to ask you.” 

The two men glanced at each other and quickly chased after him.

Ye Zi’s feet stopped. When he turned his head back, he saw them following him. His footsteps were a little chaotic as he sped up.

The two people also quickened their pace to catch up. “Wei, you, don’t run ah.”

Just after the turn in the stairway on the second floor, three people jumped out of the hidden place to the side.

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Ye Zun directly grabbed a person’s baseball bat and slammed his hand into the corner of the wall. The man subconsciously let go of the bat in the sudden pain, and was instead knocked on the shoulder by Ye Zun who now had the bat. His legs immediately staggered underneath him.

Immediately after, the second bat was confiscated, but because the other person stood up suddenly, the bat that should have contacted the shoulder had hit the back of the head when the moving hand couldn’t be stopped. The person immediately fainted.

Ye Zun was startled, for fear that he had hit him too hard and killed him. He subconsciously checked the other person’s breathing.

At this time, the second person was also quickly taken down by Asker and the male disciple. Probably because he saw Ye Zun’s actions, he hesitated for a while, then knocked the person unconscious with the bat.

The two were passed out and were tied up together. The plan was executed perfectly.

The male disciple and Asker were panting. “Xiongdi, we did what you said and tied them up. Where is your evidence? We don’t want to carry any guilt and make it into the news.”

Ye Zun nodded. “I know. If something happens, just push the blame on me.”

After these people are all tied up, they can go directly to get the live broadcast equipment, and they won’t have to be afraid of scaring the snakes.

Ye Zun played the recording he took using the live broadcast equipment, which already had footage of the two staff members setting up the test of courage, and the clip recorded by him, where the president and the two of them secretly planned to kill three more people. He played them one by one, letting everyone listen for themselves.

The sound of the recording was a little low because the equipment was separated by a wall, but it was enough to hear those few death-laden keywords clearly.

Even though Chen Qianqian always believed in Ye Zun, when she heard them outright say that they wanted to kill Ye Zi, and originally planned to kill her, but temporarily decided to spare her life so as to fill the vacancy after killing Ye Zi, she froze in fear for a good while, with a chill seeping into every single pore.

“These people are deranged!”

Ye Zun looked at everyone, faces all full of horror. “Let’s bring these people back first ba, we’ve been out for too long.”

When they returned to the lounge, they found that the president was missing.

Bloodstains showed the signs of fighting in the room, and the ropes that tied the president were scattered on the ground. Not only the president, but the two female influencers who were guarding the president were also missing, and Yin Xiaoyu, the hostess who was sleeping indoors, was also gone.

The male disciple frowned in annoyance. “You tied someone up and you didn’t bother checking if he had any tools on him?”

“Sorry.” It was also the first time Ye Zun had done such a thing, so he had no experience.

Asker scratched his hair. “Don’t blame Shen Yuan. Everyone was so surprised at the time, and we kept asking questions one after another. He was forcibly distracted to answer us. It’d be weirder if he did think of that.”

Chen Qianqian sighed. “If everyone didn’t insist on asking him for evidence, we may have gotten back in time before anything happened.”

When they were speaking, Ye Zi stood to the side, watching them quietly, without a sound.

It was obvious what the current situation was. The president successfully attempted to untie the rope and kidnapped the three girls along the way.

It may also be that after he deceived Yin Xiaoyu, he and her kidnapped the other two girls.

“What should we do now?”

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Chen Qianqian bit her lip. “He’s only one person, and there are six of us.”

Ye Zun, Ye Zi, Chen Qianqian, plus the grandmaster and his two disciples, there are indeed six people.

Ye Zun looked at the male disciple. “The grandmaster was invited by the president, will he help us?” 

The male disciple grew a baby face and said honestly, “He’s going to kill me and my shimei*, Shifu* won’t turn a blind eye to that. Now that the ritual has been prepared for, Shifu will also complete it, so you all don’t have to worry about that part. The main concern is that we don’t know if he has other helpers.”

[T/N: Shimei: junior (apprentice) sister// Shifu: master]

Ye Zun’s expression did not loosen much.

There should be no helpers that are players, but whose to say if the President hasn’t found any native NPCs to help him.

After all, the president’s identity in the instance is a very rich second generation.

There was one more thing Ye Zun didn’t understand. The president’s identity was obviously a player, and it was very likely that he grabbed the protagonist’s role.

His motivation to collaborate with the two players to kill other players was easy to understand; it was for exclusive rewards. But, why did he deliberately leave seven people alive?

The seven people he left naturally had something to do with customs clearance, and it wasn’t wrong to say that the people were to be offered as sacrifices to the resentful spirit. What Ye Zun didn’t understand was how the president planned to use them, and what kind of sacrifice method was it?

The man-made disaster had been resolved, but the ghost was still waiting.

The male disciple walked over and roughly shook the two fainted staff members awake.

“Wei, does the president have any other accomplices besides the two of you? Why did he want to kill us?” 

The two players sneered.

“Frog at the bottom of the well*, you don’t understand even if we tell you. In our eyes, you are just NPCs.”

[T/N: person of limited outlook/experience]

“Fuck, so arrogant ah, this has got to be some kind of cult, right? Everyone is human, NPCs and whatnot, what are you talking about? What kind of superiority complex do you have ah?”

The male disciple was right. The sense of superiority these two players had was overwhelming, and Ye Zun, who was also a player, couldn’t understand it. Compared with these NPCs, these people were forced to enter the Demon God’s Amusement Park to play an endless game of life and death, and are instigated to kill each other by the rules of the game. In the eyes of the demons, you are a piece of meat they can eat whenever they want to, a pet that pleases its owner. Is their existence not lower than these NPCs? Why can they still look down on these normal people?

Ye Zun walked up and looked at them with no emotion in his eyes.

“Please understand your situation. In this situation, it is best for everyone to choose to cooperate.”

The two players had wounds on their faces, but they still looked at Ye Zun fearlessly. “Don’t think that victory is in your hands just because you’ve caught us. As long as the president is around, you can’t win.”

Ye Zun stared them down, unwavering as he equipped the【 Evil Spirit’s Eye 】. “Is that so? I can’t beat him, because he took the role of the protagonist. Before the plot is in action, I can do nothing to him. But, you two are not the protagonists ba.” 

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The two grinning players finally stopped smiling. Their faces turned ashen, as if they had seen a truly terrifying being.

“You…what do you want?”

Ye Zun seized one man’s collar and leaned in close, looking at him with cold eyes. He said softly, “The remainder of the rewards will be divided equally. I think it will be very good to have two less people. I can presume he wouldn’t mind the recipient of the rewards changed from you two, to me.” 

The player’s face twitched as he glared at him, saying, “Quit trying to scare me. With you, who doesn’t even dare to kill NPCs, do you dare to kill people?”

“That’s right,” the man beside him also raised his voice. “You think you’ll scare people just by pretending to be fierce? Have you ever seen blood? This is not some kind of TV show, where the most handsome one is the boss. A little white faced* scholar like you, do you think you can be a great demon lord?”

[T/N: meaning a man who is indoors all the time, without the tanned skin of physical labourers]

Ye Zun said calmly, “There are many ways to eliminate players in the game, you don’t necessarily need to kill people yourself. For example, I can send you to prison. Once you violate the rules of the game, you will die all the same.” 

The player burst into a crazed laughter. “Do you have any evidence? We have alibis. You can’t be that naive to think that we would do the killings ourselves in a haunted instance ba! There’s been so many deaths, but do you see any ghosts taking revenge on us?”

The other also shouted after, “Don’t forget that this is a world full of resentful spirits. If you dare to kill Laozi, Laozi will immediately turn into a ghost and tear you apart! None of you should even think about surviving!”

“Call the police ah, as long as you dare to call the police, I promise that the president will have you all locked up until the instance is over! Let’s see who violates the rules and gets eliminated!”

Ye Zun looked at them. They were really not afraid at all, smiling arrogantly in pure confidence.

They didn’t even care about angering Ye Zun at all.

“I understand. You think that you are the only ones who dare to kill people, the only ones who have the ability to kill without leaving a single trail.”

Ye Zun loosened his hands, not angry, and not saying another word.

Behind him, Chen Qianqian and the others looked at them, puzzled, unable to understand what they were talking about.

It was unknown whether the Demon God’s Amusement Park modified the information they heard, or if they really heard these words and just didn’t understand.

Ye Zi stood there quietly. His soft and enthralled eyes moved from Ye Zun’s face to the two men. The pair of clear eyes dropped with his eyelids, and the clarity in those eyes swirled into a depressing, dark deathly aura, sweeping over the bodies of the two people.

The author has something to say:

This is not some kind of TV show, where the most handsome one is the boss. A little white faced scholar like you, do you think you can be a great demon lord?


An isolated* Ye Zun, equipped with【 Evil Spirit’s Eye 】, whose nature was still seen through.

Ye Zun was bullied, and the real great demon lord was very angry.

[T/N: 自闭, which can mean ‘to isolate oneself from society’, or ‘autistic’. I don’t like using ‘autistic’ as a descriptive word for someone (fictional or not) who is not on the spectrum]

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