Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss

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Ye Zun walked away from the two people, eyes slightly lowered. He didn’t look at anyone, and there was no emotion on his face.

Chen Qianqian and the other two glanced at each other and looked at him with worry, but didn’t know what to say for a while.

“I need to think. Please keep an eye on them.”

Ye Zun walked out of the door, passed through the living room, and keeped walking until he reached the balcony.

Ye Zi followed him silently and also arrived at the balcony, standing to the side and quietly looking at his face.

“Are you unhappy?”

Ye Zun seemed to be in a bad mood. His closed-off face showed no expression, but in fact, his eyes revealed a slight burnout, and his handsome eyebrows that were slightly hidden by long bangs gave off a melancholy feeling.

He glanced at Ye Zi, then withdrew his gaze and looked out beyond the balcony again.

“Sorry, I don’t really want to talk right now.”

His white shirt had been stained with blood when he took down the two people before, so he changed into a black shirt when he went to get evidence afterwards.

A clean and handsome face, and the outline of the slender, jade white neck was in Ye Zi’s unobstructed view. Every change in expression, every angle of that face was firmly imprinted in the depths of his pupils.

Ye Zi’s black and bright pupils dilated slightly. From before until now, he has been watching without blinking; an attraction that was not voluntary, but compelled. He could only hold his breath, his eyes carefully tracing every detail.

He had always known that this person was very well suited to wearing a white shirt. It was the first time he realised that in fact, he was more suited in black.

The noble and pure rose that has not yet bloomed, growing in the dark and dense purgatory, can still maintain his pure, unblemished nature.

Waves of clarity were interlaced with the dullness existing in the bottom of the black eyes, layer upon layers of indulgent love and joy. As if being hypnotised, he stared at Ye Zun almost as if he had lost his sense of self.

“I think you are very good, you are already very good as you are now. There is no need to doubt yourself because of them.”

Ye Zun looked into the distance with a slightly empty expression, unaware of the kind of eyes the person beside him was looking at him with.

He didn’t reply.

He was not a cold person, but as long as he wasn’t speaking or looking at others, it’s like he was living in another world, one where no one can enter.

Ye Zi slowly approached. The jut on his throat moved slightly, and raised fingers gently and slowly landed on his shoulders, like he was feeling out the other’s reaction. Only when he was not rejected did he continue little by little. Even so, every action was carefully carried out.

“Is it because you feel frustrated? You feel that you are not strong enough, not enough for people to fear you.”

Ye Zun did not answer, but the eyes that looked into the distance slightly drooped.

Ye Zi’s fingers caressed his shoulders. The contours of the neck dipping into shoulder blades were smooth and luxurious, like a fine stroke of writing, or an exquisite piece of art. Once fingers fell on them, it was impossible to lift them away.

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Every aspect of this person’s existence firmly captivated him. A fatal captivation, as if he will melt and die at any time.

“It doesn’t matter, even a lion can do nothing to the mosquitoes and flies that surround him. There is no need to pay it any mind.”

Ye Zun shook his head and said faintly, “I am not a lion, and they are not mosquitoes or flies.”

It is precisely because they are human that he has no idea what to do.

“They killed so many people with no repentance, no fear, nothing to limit their actions or punish them. This behaviour may even be correct in the Demon God’s Amusement Park. I don’t know.”

“I’m not like how they describe me to be, someone with no way to get to them. I can also kill them, punish them… I don’t know. They are clearly tied up, but it seems that the person who is tied is actually me.”

“It’s easy to just get a knife and stab them, and I have attacked evil spirits without hesitation before, but now… I’m not afraid that after I kill them, they will turn into ghosts and come find me. I already vaguely know how to deal with resentful spirits. As long as there is no fear in my heart, I can cut off their source of power. Evil spirits are not invincible.”

Ye Zi gently stroked his shoulder and whispered softly, “What are you afraid of?”

Ye Zun was silent.

What he was afraid of, Ye Zi himself couldn’t understand.

He unknowingly entered the Demon God’s Amusement Park, entered a world nothing like his own, and was forced to play terrifying games. He watched others kill and be killed, watched those evil ghosts and the innocents murdered by them. It was like he was ignorantly walking in the dark night, through swamps filled with dried skeletons.

It is important to live, it is important not to be killed, but before he knows it, he will become the evil ghost that is chasing to kill him; he will become like those people. What should he do if he is pulled into the swamp?

When the time comes, how can his transformed self keep walking in the dark night with no end in sight?

——You don’t understand, no one can understand. My body being murdered, my original self being murdered, turning into a being that I hate and fear. Or even more terrifying, to be erased from existence. It will be me who completely disappears from this world.

……”You are very scared of me, aren’t you? But, do you really know what you are afraid of?”

……”You are afraid that I am right. You, too, tend to me, just as I tend to you.”

Up to this point, the existence that brought him the deepest fear was that demon named Shen Yuan.

The other being’s words at that time were not just the touch of a dragonfly’s wings upon water, but a stone thrown into the heart of the lake. The stirring ripples have continued to this day and have not subsided.

Ye Zun did not forget him for a single moment.

The reason why he took the pseudonym of Shen Yuan for himself was because he was reminding himself not to forget that fear. He wanted to face his fears.

If today, in a moment of anger, he killed those two people without hesitation, then tomorrow he will get used to cleaning up those who are unpleasant to the eye, those who deserve to die. Perhaps the day after tomorrow, he will start actively looking for prey.

Of course, those two people deserve to die; they killed so many people. But, does he represent justice himself?

Wasn’t he the same? He knew from the beginning that someone would die, but he did nothing. He only cared about hiding his identity to protect himself.

Punishing the murderer hypocritically, after the main event. Does he really have the qualifications to be a messenger of justice?

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If there is a higher, more innocent messenger of justice, can they also punish him in contempt for idly standing to the side?

However, he is only human. He has done everything he can to save himself and the people around him.

It took him all his effort just to maintain a clear mind, to not change.

He was not scared of this world, nor was he scared of the games in the Demon God’s Amusement Park. He was even less scared of death. However, he was afraid of becoming an evil spirit and continuing to live in a way he loathed.

Anger, shame, resentment, fear… All kinds of emotions were pulling at him, turning into the two men who laughed madly, provoking him to go ahead and kill them.

Those two people could no longer be considered humans.

Just like Shen Yuan said, they have unknowingly walked on the road to self-destruction.

——But, I will not let myself become like that. Before I turn into that, I will kill myself.


Back to Chen Qianqian and Asker, who were left indoors to guard the two people.

“Tsk, this is the first time I’ve seen a murderer who killed four people in person. Why haven’t the police arrived yet ah?“

Asker remembered something and jumped up immediately. “I almost forgot, I have to check if there are no weapons on their bodies that can cut the rope. If they escape again this time around, we will all die.”

Chen Qianqian looked at the baby-faced male disciple with a simple and honest smile. “Didn’t your junior sister go to your master to explain the situation and call the police? We haven’t heard from her or anyone for so long, haven’t we?”

“How can there be an accident?” The male disciple was puzzled at first, then slowly frowned. “Logically speaking, Shifu isn’t far from us, so why hasn’t there been any movement after so long? Putting Shifu aside, what about Shimei?”

Chen Qianqian had initially just brought it up as a conversation starter, but thinking of the president who escaped and the two missing girls, her face suddenly turned bad. “How, how about you go and have a look?” 

The male disciple grew a little antsy. “Then will you guys be okay if it’s just you two watching over these ones here?”

“We’ll be fine.” Chen Qianqian raised her spirit. “When you go out, get Shen Yuan and Ye Zi and have them go with you, and be careful ah. But, those people probably aren’t deranged enough to attack even your master ba.”

“The more you talk, the more nervous I get.” The male disciple hurried out.

Chen Qianqian stared at the two tied up staff from time to time, growing restless the more she waited.

She fiddled with the Ghost Stories Club’s live broadcast equipment.

——”Have those three been dealt with?” 

There was sound coming from the equipment, which seemed to be Shen Yuan’s recording of the president talking to these two people. She must’ve just accidentally reversed the recording.

Chen Qianqian let out a “yi” and glanced at the two. “You guys were obviously recorded, but you are still stubborn. How do you plan on quibbling when the police arrive?”

She continued to play the recording.

——”Has he left? What kind of stimulation did you get this time?”

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——”Forget about him. For now, he’s still easy to use, so let’s just listen to him.”

Suddenly, Chen Qianqian’s expression became grave. She paused the device and rewinded, listening to the two sentences again.

Taking out her phone, she recorded several sections of the conversation for comparison.

Her expression gradually changed. Her eyes widened in shock, her face turned pale with her mouth agape, and her pupils were full of terror.

“It’s wrong, the voice is wrong!”

Behind her, from the inner side of the villa bedroom, a figure walked out quietly at some point.

The two bound people saw the figure first. Their eyes widened, but they didn’t let out a single noise.

The figure’s fingers rose to their lips, gesturing for them to remain quiet as they approached silently, step by step.

Behind Chen Qianqian, Asker, who was closest to the room, fell silently to the ground at some point.

When Chen Qianqian finally saw through the secret hidden in the recording and was about to exclaim, the shadow approached her and covered her mouth instantly.

Chen Qianqian only struggled for a moment, knocking over the live broadcast equipment and her phone with the recording to the ground, before buckling over.

The two tied up players showed crazed grins, so triumphant that it was almost savage.

“Did the president get you to come? Why did you only get here now? Untie us first, that little white face dares to threaten Laozi, just wait and see how I kill him!”

Under scattered beams of light, the black shadow slowly approached the two of them.

The person who was grinning maniacally froze for a moment, his smile turning somewhat flatteringly. “I’m just running my mouth, I know the president is interested in that little white face, I won’t actually touch him. But this person really is a bit arrogant, scared this Laozi that my legs went weak just then. You, what are you doing?” 

The black shadow walked to the accomplice next to him, sliding on plastic gloves calmly and indifferently before covering the man’s mouth with one hand. In his yelp of disbelief, the cold and sharp dagger slashed across his neck neatly. Blood sprayed and sputtered, and the sliced throat emitted the blowing sound of wind. In the silence surrounding them, it was very pleasant to hear.

The crazy grin froze on the man’s face. With the sudden change in front of him, he almost became unresponsive.

After being rendered frozen for a while, he suddenly began to struggle in anger and fright. “You…you dare…you…why…the president, he…”

This time, the figure walked up to him. Their fingers seized his hair, adjusting the position and feeling in no hurry.

The arrogant expression immediately twisted into pleading. “No, don’t kill me! I didn’t say anything… I never mentioned you guys…”

But the figure ignored him, gripping his hair and pushing his head back to expose his neck.

This time, instead of using the same technique to slit the man’s throat, the knife dripping with blood was lifted in the air and stabbed straight into his throat, over and over.

Like a child tearing off the wings of a dragonfly, piercing the body of a bee, wondering if there is honey hidden inside.

The blows of the blade piercing into the neck was delivered with almost the same strength every time; pure movement executed without any subjective emotion. 

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The world is black and red, alternating moment by moment.


There was a black shade.

There was red blood pouring out of the corners of the mouth. The man turned his head and saw the girl he hung on the peach tree, saw the eyes that died with regret reflecting his own face.

So it turns out to be this. Has it always been following him, looking at him?


Without empathy, only when you die yourself will you realise how much pain you have brought to others.


There was a black shadow.

Chen Qianqian and Asker’s fainted bodies were dragged out of the room by their ankles, like dead pigs.


There was a red mark.

Bloodstains disappeared from the scarlet carpet outside the door.


In the deathly silent room, a bloody sentence was left behind:

【 You know whose turn is next. 】

The author has something to say:

While people’s souls experience torment and torture at their own hands, and the great demon lord stands at the side with obsession* in his eyes.

[T/N: 花痴 (obsessive lover) can also mean anthomaniac (someone obsessed with flowers), since Ye Zun is the lotus in Shen Yuan’s eyes]


I rewrote the last murder scene twice, I hope it wasn’t too violent that it scared you all (patting your head).


As for who is the killer…uh, see you tomorrow

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