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The three ghosts trapped here had left, but matters here were not over yet.

In the tragic wedding scene, the guests lying in pools of blood were still ready to make trouble.

The bride whose temple was stabbed by the groom and the groom whose neck was pierced by the bride were still gazing at each other affectionately in their dying states.

But now, their eyes followed the emcee, who had the face of a dead man, until they both fell onto Ye Zun.

Not only the malicious spirits who acted as ruffians, but the ghosts who acted as the victims also looked at him resentfully, as if blaming him for not being able to save them.

Ye Zun stepped back, his eyes lingering on them. With those eyes without rationality and emotion, there was no way to communicate.

“Get away!” 

Mo Fei, who had gone missing before, stood on the stage that was set up. He held a bucket of liquid in his hand, and after Ye Zun moved aside, he threw the contents on the crowd of ghosts below him.

Ye Zun climbed up the stage and saw Mo Fei throwing a lit lighter down the stage.


The two sprinted towards the peach blossom forest on the other end. In the sea of flames behind them, the wedding march swelled passionately.

The emcee continued, as did the words of love and the crazed slaughter.

Ye Zun looked back while running. Over there, it looked like a sea of blood-red flowers was blooming.

Very soon after their getaway, they disappeared under the layers of peach blossom trees.

Fear lingered in Ye Zun’s heart. He looked at Mo Fei, who still had a pleasant smile on his face, not appearing a little bit frightened. The man opened his mouth slightly to reveal his white teeth, letting out a laugh that sounded like a satisfied sigh.

“How is it? It’s so fun ba!” Mo Fei raised his eyebrows at him, his smiling eyes seemingly affectionate.

Eyes that were obvious to everyone that they liked you, the lazy and low curve of the lips, the words and tone of voice. It all reminded Ye Zun of someone.

Even though he knew it was impossible, he still went into shock for a split second.

Before, even if he knew that Mo Fei and the two other people plotted against them and kidnapped other people, he didn’t feel afraid when facing Mo Fei, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a trace of fear towards the person in front of him, and took half a step back.

“What’s wrong, why are you looking at me like this all of a sudden, en? Didn’t I save you just now? We’re companions, aren’t we? We should help each other where we can, don’t you agree?” Mo Fei tilted his head and looked at him, wanting his answers. Although the smile on his face was still present, the darkness and complexity in the background of his expression that brought up feelings of unease gradually faded away, and even his eyes became clear and soft. He spoke lightly.

Ye Zun pursed his lips, wondering if he was thinking too much, and faced him with furrowed eyebrows. “What about the rest of them? You’re the one who kidnapped Faye, Chen Qianqian and the others, aren’t you!”

Mo Fei smiled innocently and in surprise. Without providing any excuse, he said, “I’d have thought you would ask me where Ye Zi is first.”

Ye Zun also wanted to ask this, but the one who took Ye Zi away should be the sick and perverted girl just moments before ba.

“Do you know where they are?”

Mo Fei stood there calmly with his hands inserted in his pockets, raising his chin in front of him. He looked at Ye Zun, and said in a low and elegant voice, “Don’t know ah, but they must be in this forest, so we will definitely meet ba.”

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Ye Zun heard his soft and slow tone when he spoke and slowly backed away, increasing the distance between them.

He swallowed once, his eyes moving slightly, and without saying anything, he turned around and continued walking forward.

“Wait, let’s go together ah.” The person behind him caught up with a few steps, walking forward by his side.

This time, Ye Zun did not dare to say something like ‘everyone walks different paths, stay away from me, otherwise you’ll get me killed’.

He didn’t even dare look to his side.

But the eyes of the person beside him was attentively focused on the outline of his face profile. With his fingers lightly pressed against his lips, he frowned and thought for a moment.

——En, did you notice something? Probably not ya, my acting skills are pretty good ah.


“What the hell is going on? Why can’t we get out?”

“Don’t panic, you need to be calm and think positively. We are all here together, it’s going to be fine.”

“President, Asker, Shen Yuan, Ye Zi, they are all missing. There’s only four of us. I’m scared.”

A group of people walked through the peach blossom forest side by side.

The two female influencers supported each other while Chen Qianqian held up Yin Xiaoyu, who was a nervous mess.

Chen Qianqian strained to remain calm and lowered her voice. “I feel like something is off. Do any of you still remember how you appeared in this place?” 

The two female internet celebrities shook their heads in a daze. “I think we were knocked out, I don’t remember.”

Chen Qianqian looked at Yin Xiaoyu who was bleeding from the head. “Me too, I was knocked out from behind.”

Faye nodded. “It’s that grandmaster who has a problem ba. The grandmaster and the others are the same team as the peach blossom spirit.”

——Is that all? I keeping feeling like I’ve forgotten something important.

Yin Xiaoyu’s footsteps suddenly stopped. “Ah!“

Everyone was spooked by her voice, immediately stopping in their paths and looking ahead.

Someone was lying on the grass not far away.

“It looks…like Asker?”

“It’s definitely him!”

Faye immediately ran forward. “Asker, hurry, wake up.”

With Faye’s slaps to his face, Asker opened his eyes. “You’re all here ah.”

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He looked like he had drowned, his face was pale and sluggish, but at least there were no fatal injuries.

After finally finding an acquaintance, everyone cheered up a little.

“Let’s keep moving, maybe we can quickly come across other people who got lost.”

Everyone asked what happened to Asker as they walked.

As they walked, Yin Xiaoyu suddenly called out nervously, “Don’t you guys feel like we’re missing someone?”

Faye and Chen Qianqian glanced at each other doubtfully, looking around at the people around them. “Nope ah, hasn’t it always always been the four of us?”

Yin Xiaoyu’s eyeballs kept turning. “There’s the four of us, but why do I feel like someone is missing?”

Asker said with a smile on his pale face, “You’re too nervous ba, there are only so few of us, who can be missing?”

“Xiaoyu must be thinking about the president ba.“

Yin Xiaoyu was growing frantic, clutching her bleeding head, her expression gloomy and repressed.

“Maybe we will find them very soon, don’t worry too much. Didn’t we find Asker like that?” Faye comforted her.

Chen Qianqian also nodded, but her heart became suspicious.

——When did we find Asker? Why do I feel that, for a long time, our group has consisted of four people ah. Then, before Asker, was there anyone else in the group with us?

“I also feel, it’s as if, it’s as if we’re missing someone,” said Chen Qianqian, hesitantly.

Pitter patter.

“It’s beginning to rain!”

Everyone paused, then suddenly went into a frenzy. If it rains here, they won’t be able to find shelter for a while.

“Yi, it looks like it’s only raining in this area.”

“Ah!” Yin Xiaoyu screamed again. Her nerves were extremely fragile and she was easily startled, stuck in a constant state of fear.

Everyone was frightened by her scream. The hairs all over their bodies stood straight. “What’s wrong?”

“Blood! Blood!”

Everyone looked at each other, the rain hitting their faces. Perhaps the drops of rain were stained red by the peach blossoms, leaving big and small, deep and shallow red spots on their faces.

Everyone stretched out their hands and touched their faces as if bewitched, seeing the colour of blood on their fingers.

“It’s just the rain being stained red by the peach blossoms…”

“Ahhhhh!” Yin Xiaoyu screamed, her fears amplified to the maximum.

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Dense ‘raindrops’ fell down. Blood, minced meat, and then limbs.

Her eyes were blown wide, looking up at the high branches. Everyone was frightened by her screams, but they saw nothing. They could only watch her, their own faces pale in horror.

“Xiao, Xiaoyu, don’t scare us, what did you see ah?“

Yin Xiaoyu stared up at the peach tree in front of her like a fool.

【 Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, I’m here ah. 】

【 Don’t leave me alone, it’s so dark ah. 】

A cold female voice, like a shadow, seems to enrobe the peach forest far and near, as if next to her ears, an existence that is present incessantly.

Yin Xiaoyu’s eyeballs rolled around neurotically.

There were bloody, mutilated limbs all over the ground, but they couldn’t see, only her, only her.

The miserable female ghost on the tree watched her with a dead stare.

【 Are you pretending you can’t see? 】

【 It’s okay, you will all be like me. 】

“Ahhhhhh…” Yin Xiaoyu gripped her ears, bloodshot eyeballs inside stretched sockets.

This was not screaming, it was utter dread that could only be expressed in tears. A mental state on the verge of collapse, unable to say words, only being able to muster such a sound like a small animal.

She finally couldn’t take it anymore, she stumbled over and dug under the peach tree in a craze.

Everyone glanced at each other, unable to ignore her, but also not daring to get too close to her.

Chen Qianqian hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, then began to dig with her, her own body trembling.

Most likely because of the rain, the soil was looser than they thought. Even so, digging with bare hands still brought about the pain of splitting nails.

Yin Xiaoyu moved like a madman, as if she couldn’t feel it.

Chen Qianqian’s movements paused. “You two, come over here and help. There seems to be something in the soil.”

Faye found a few branches and came to help, and Asker also went over and squatted down.

Very quickly, something in the soil was exposed.

The moment they clearly saw what it was, Faye and Chen Qianqian screamed one after another and fell backwards.

Only Yin Xiaoyu was still digging, crying with a sound like she was falling apart.

What was discovered in the dug-up soil was a fresh human head.

The face was angled up and Faye’s branch had stabbed into its eye when she was digging. There was even blood oozing out.

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Despite this, after a large part of the soil was dug away, everyone still recognised the face.

It was the other female influencer who had originally been with Faye, always at her side.

It turned out that the missing person was her.

“Stop digging, run ah!” Chen Qianqian pulled Faye up by the hand, and the two of them dragged the collapsed Yin Xiaoyu with them as they ran.

Running and running, until you can’t run anymore.

“What’s going on? What the hell is going on?” The three girls clustered together, but no one could explain the strange happenings before them.

The people around them disappeared without them knowing, leaving only one head buried in the soil in front of them. The girl as beautiful as a flower died such an ugly death, and no one knew whose turn it would be next. Everyone was afraid and shivering.

To the side, the corners of Asker’s lips raised strangely and fell down just as quickly. No one noticed.

“Have any of you ever heard of this story?”

They hugged each other and shed tears, looking at Asker who was still in the mood to tell stories and shook their heads.

Asker sighed. “Three years ago, there was a second year senior sister, who was revealed to have had a relationship with a married teacher, and even threatened the ex-wife to divorce him. After her reputation was ruined, she was expelled from school, and then she disappeared.”

Chen Qianqian rubbed her tears. She had heard about this affair in the files of previous victims; it seemed to have happened during 2006.

It wasn’t just Chen Qianqian. When Ye Zun listed off the suspected past victims, everyone was in the club president’s villa.

“But, what does that have to do with what we just saw?” Faye held Yin Xiaoyu tightly, fearing that she would suddenly disappear.

Asker said regretfully, “Actually, after that senior sister disappeared, there was a rumour circulating in the school, with unknown origins. Apparently, the senior sister and the teacher were not in love. That teacher was so old, how can young girls fall in love with him? It is said that the teacher was the one who threatened and terrorised her, that if she did not become his lover, she would not be allowed to pass the year, by blocking her scholarship and various evaluations. In fact, many people knew about this, it’s just that they didn’t bring it up.”

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Asker nodded. “In her second year, that senior sister started wanting to resist, and she made it clear that if the teacher didn’t let her go, she would go to the Education Bureau to report him in her own name. But in the end, she was too young and her methods too immature. When the teacher heard this, he naturally acted first. As a result, the teacher’s original partner came out to make trouble, turning the unspoken rules between student and teacher into a case of a homewrecker becoming a mistress. After that, it was useless for her to say anything, everyone would only think that she was seeking revenge after being abandoned by the teacher.” 

Girls were more likely to empathise, and even in this terrifying atmosphere, they felt sympathetic to that senior sister.

“How could that happen?”

“If it’s true, it would be too tragic.”

“Is that why she is missing?”

Asker’s expression was a bit weird, frowning and having a hard time deciding whether to smile. “Missing? Actually, there has always been a rumour that the girl is not missing, but came to the door to fight with the teacher, but the teacher and his wife worked together; one covered her mouth and restricted her hands and feet, the other strangled her neck and smashed her head to death, and then the couple took advantage of the night to dismember her body, and the body was buried in this peach blossom forest. Her going missing was just a cover-up.”

“Ahhhhh!” His words immediately sent everyone screaming in terror. “Stop talking!”

“You’re sick in the head ah, telling horror stories at this time.”

Asker’s face slowly changed, pale and dismal, wearing a treacherous smile on his face, watching everyone with eyes like black holes. “Ghost stories? It’s not ah, it’s real. Also, although the teacher is old, he is in good physical health, because he likes to go for runs in the morning and evening. Every time he runs here in the dead of night, he will check to see if the soil has been buried well, if the rain or wild dogs cleared any parts away, and if he sees that someone discovered his secret…”

Behind the three girls whose eyes were blown wide in horror, stood a middle-aged man in a raincoat, an old shovel in his hand, raised high in the air.

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