Two boyfriends

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The sound of wind appeared behind their heads.

Chen Qianqian noticed Asker’s eyes first, then turned back to look.

The shovel fell.

Everything played out like a silent movie in slow motion.

She yelled with her mouth wide open, and unable to vocalise the words fast enough, she waved her arms and shoved Faye forward and away from under the shovel.

The body fell, and the iron shovel that had fallen to target the head and neck stabbed the girl’s shoulder and arm.

The earthy edge mixed with fresh flesh and blood, like tearing apart a bunch of peach blossoms.

With open mouths crying for help, the girls fell to the ground, their dishevelled hair flying around and faces tilted up to reveal clear and terrified eyes.

The shovel was raised again, up high, ready to kill again.

There was a treacherous smile on the corner of Asker’s mouth, and his dark eyes remained motionless.

Yin Xiaoyu’s eyes that fell apart in horror widened, focused, and became ruthless.

Gritting her teeth, slender and well-maintained fingers clawed into the soil on the ground. Arching her body, she slammed into the man fiercely like a beast.

Chen Qianqian, who was in a panic, looked around with her eyes open. The shovel was right above her head, there was no way to avoid it, and nowhere to go to survive.

Under the sudden impact, the man staggered back, the shovel fell into the air, and he loosened one hand to grab Yin Xiaoyu’s hair.

With tears in her eyes, Chen Qianqian’s trembling eyes remained firm, and she gave up the thought of running away. She threw herself at the man with all her limbs, grabbing his arm that held the shovel with both of her hands, and opened her mouth, biting down on the arm with all her strength, not letting go.

Faye, whose shoulder and arm were injured, cried out in pain. Tears and fear smeared her entire face, and she froze in complete terror, until she saw the two girls desperately resisting.

She scrambled up, crying, trembling and shouting, and crawled to the side to escape.

The man shook Yin Xiaoyu away vigorously, and grabbed Chen Qianqian who was biting his arm with his loose hand, then raised the shovel again.

Yin Xiaoyu climbed up again and rushed towards him, ramming into him with a head covered in blood, and the three of them fell to the ground in a heap.

Above his head, Faye, who crawled away and came back, raised the rock in her bleeding hands and arms high in the air, then smashed it with great force into the man’s head and face.

Crying, wildly, indiscriminately smashing it down, once, twice, thrice…

Standing to the side, the strange smile on Asker’s face was frozen in place, but then it suddenly twitched, changing into a dazed and ignorant expression, as if he suddenly awakened from sleepwalking.

He looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, stepping forward to stop it, and grabbed the shovel that the man was swinging around and threw it into the distance.

He yelled, waving to stop Faye, who was bringing the rock down in a crazed state, intent on killing.

Yin Xiaoyu and Chen Qianqian forcefully pushed Asker away, exerting their strength to suppress the struggling middle-aged man, shouting for Faye to continue.

The middle-aged man on the ground twitched and struggled. Blood spurted and sprayed into his eyes, like mottled peach blossoms.

On the tall peach tree, the eyes of the dismembered ghost stared at him, crawling towards him from all directions, opened its black mouth, and devoured him.



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Dust settled.

Looking at the man’s unrecognisable head, Asker was beyond terrified. He backed up while retching. “Are you all insane? Who is this? Why are you killing people?” 

The three girls collapsed on the ground exhausted, each covered with scars and panting; but they were not weak, only tougher than they had ever been before.

Chen Qianqian climbed up and used her hands, trembling from exerting too much strength, to help Faye stop the bleeding.

Yin Xiaoyu’s frightened and mad eyes did not become any more clearer, but grew more crazy and ruthless. Her eyes wandered to the left and right, as if there were countless ghosts surrounding her.

“I’m not afraid of you! I’m not scared of you! Go away! Move ah!”

Faye cried, hugging her with bloody hands. “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

Chen Qianqian bit her lip, forcing herself to calm down. Among the three, she was the only one who was mentally and physically sound, and the only one who could take matters into her own hands.

“Everyone calm down, don’t be scared. All the strange things happening here have shown up in the files. As long as we stay calm, we can definitely solve it.”

Everyone had read the files, and those who haven’t had heard about it from Ye Zun’s analysis.

“What the hell is going on?” Asker was appalled and at a loss.

Chen Qianqian took a deep breath, trying her best to restrain the trembling born from fear. She calmed herself down, and explained to him what happened just now.

“From now on, we must not split up. If you get separated, you absolutely must remain calm, you need to save yourself and call for help in time.”

The three girls braced each other.

Asker had just been possessed by a ghost so everyone didn’t trust him, but they didn’t dare to leave him alone.

He had no choice but to walk at the front and find a branch for the three girls to hold onto.

As Chen Qianqian walked, she guarded against her surroundings, thinking about the horrors she may encounter next.

——If it is certain that we will encounter an incident from the files, compared to the senior who committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake and the girl who disappeared on the way back from the library, the most terrifying is the case of the girl who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend.

The peach blossom forest became more and more dense, and the bluestone paths on the ground became less and less clear, covered by fallen flowers and mud.

“You guys, slow down a little, I can’t keep up…”

Chen Qianqian felt that her legs were as heavy as lead, but the people around her were walking faster and faster.

“Let’s take a break ba.”

She looked to her left and right, then at her companion who had been holding on to her hand without letting go all this time. The moment she saw the other person, her entire body froze.

How the hell can it be those two girls? The one holding her hand was clearly a charred mummy dressed in pale white clothes like a shroud.

The mummy’s face turned to her. It opened its mouth and rushed towards her.

Boundless black and blood red engulfed her vision.



“Qianqian, Qianqian, wake up ah.”

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Chen Qianqian came out of her sleep and opened her eyes. In the quiet and beautiful peach blossom forest, flowers floated down without the help of wind.

She stretched out her hand and easily caught a petal.

With her head pillowed on her boyfriend’s lap, she raised the petal and looked up.

Across the petal, the young man’s face was bright and handsome. He watched her, smiling and combing her hair with his fingers.

“What’s wrong, are you not fully awake? It’s like you don’t recognise me anymore.”

Chen Qianqian was at a loss for a moment. Her reaction was a little slow, as if she was still tired. “I think I had a nightmare.” 

“What kind of nightmare?”

“I don’t remember anymore.” 

Her boyfriend patted her head, helped her sit up, and let her lean on his shoulders. “Don’t be scared, I will protect you. That person came to pester you again, maybe that’s why you had a nightmare?”

That person? Came to pester again?

Chen Qianqian was confused, and slowly recalled that there was indeed a person who had been bothering her constantly. She had already said that she didn’t like him, but that person was still harassing her.

What is that person’s name? Probably because he was so hateful, she even forgot the other person’s name.

She looked at the boyfriend in front of her and opened her mouth. She obviously knew him very well, but even after viewing this face for a while, she couldn’t call out his name.

——Did I sleep so deeply that I forgot?

Her boyfriend looked at her with gentle and doting eyes. “What’s wrong, you keep looking at me like this?”

Chen Qianqian stupidly said, “I forgot your name.”

The boyfriend looked at her seriously. “That won’t do. I won’t remind you, I’ll punish you to keep looking at me until you remember.”

But she just couldn’t remember. The name was on her lips, but she couldn’t say it out loud.

“Think carefully ah, the person you like the most.” Her boyfriend coaxed her with beautiful eyes. “You really can’t remember?”

Chen Qianqian stared at him in bewilderment, as if something was slowly condensing on the surface of the water when she faced this handsome face. “Chen Ming? Chen Ming!”

There was a little hesitation in the first call, but the second attempt was of pure joy.

Thinking of this name, the joy in her heart couldn’t stop overflowing, flowing together with the love for this person, just like the surprise and happiness she felt when they confessed their hearts to each other.

She took the initiative to open her arms to hug him, full of relief and joy.

Time is always fleeting for couples. Anyhow, it will be dark soon.

“Let’s go back ba,” she said sweetly.

After dawdling for a while, the two walked back with linked arms. The young man sent her to the entrance of her dormitory.

The dormitory building was very quiet. Everyone seemed to have gone to bed early, not knowing what time she would be back.

The roommates’ attitudes were very indifferent. No one left a light on for her, and when she went in and said hello, everyone laid on their bed with their backs to her, playing with their phones.

The light from their phones whitened their faces.

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Chen Qianqian took a quick shower and went to bed. She kept feeling that the dorm room’s door was not closed properly, and there was a chill through the night.

In her sleep, she had a dream all night. In the dream, everyone in the dormitory was walking around. The dormitory was like an archaeologically excavated tomb, and she slept in a corner of the tomb.

In the dream, everyone’s faces were ugly like a ghost’s, always looking in her direction with narrowed eyes, whispering, as if speaking ill of her.

She got up late in the morning, and there was no one left in the dormitory when she woke up.

The doors of the other dorm rooms were closed and the building was quiet. It seemed that except for their dormitory, no one else had classes, or those who had classes had left early.

There were people entering and leaving the campus, and there were long queues in the cafeteria.

Probably because the weather was poor and grey, everyone didn’t talk much, and the cafeteria was especially oppressive.

Chen Qianqian was a little uneasy, having a persistent feeling that someone in the crowd was looking at her with malicious eyes.

She was feeling flustered for no reason. It was almost her turn in the queue, but when she saw the food in the display window, she felt sick in her stomach.

Chen Qianqian hesitated for a moment, then simply stepped out of the line and went outside.

As she walked, she looked around.

Suddenly, a pair of hands extended out from the crowd, pulling her to run away.

“Wei!” Chen Qianqian exclaimed.

The person who was pulling her ran to the side of the small grove, with slight sweat on his face from nervousness.

“What are you doing, why are you dragging me around?”

The tall and thin boy looked at her seriously and with worry. “Chen Qianqian, did you go to that peach blossom forest? Listen to me, you must never go there again, and you cannot meet with that person again. That person is not human at all, he’s a ghost, he will kill you!”

Chen Qianqian faltered. The boy in front of her had clean eyes, he didn’t look like a bad person.

——My boyfriend is not a human, but a ghost?

Chen Qianqian looked at him warily. “Who are you ah?“

The boy’s face was full of confusion. “I’m Chen Ming ah.”

——What? He’s also Chen Ming? There are two Chen Mings?

Her eyes widened in shock. Not far behind this Chen Ming stood a woman with dense and long black hair, thick bangs, a dreary face that brought about a sense of déjà vu. Behind those thick bands and dreary face was a pair of pitch-black eyes, quietly staring directly at her, as if extremely resentful and enraged.

The eyes that struck terror down people’s spines, eyes that were unlike a human’s.

Chen Qianqian trembled in a moment of cowardice, taking a few steps back, lowering her head almost immediately, not daring to look for any longer.

——Who is she looking at? Is she looking at me? Is this a human or a ghost? I can’t let her know that I saw her!

As her thoughts scrambled in a flustered mess, she glanced at this boy who also held the name Chen Ming, then turned around and ran.

“Chen Qianqian! Chen Qianqian!”

“Don’t follow me, I’m going to class!”

She ran for her life, directionless, with her heart full of jitters.

“Qianqian?” A familiar figure stood in front of the teaching building, looking at her in surprise.

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Facing those beautiful eyes, Chen Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief. “I was scared to death just now, that person kept chasing me, saying, saying…”

She froze for a moment, remembering what the person said just then. His name was also Chen Ming, and, the boyfriend in front of her was not human.

The boyfriend looked at her, his attention drawn. “What did he say?”

It was strange, the campus was quiet early in the morning, and there were supposed to be classes in the teaching building, and yet not a single student appeared.

Only then did Chen Qianqian realise that things were a little strange.

A boyfriend whose name she couldn’t remember, a quiet dormitory building, a tomb-like dorm, and weird roommates.

Everything has been off since she woke up yesterday.

The boyfriend smiled, his eyes seemed to hold a deep meaning. “Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?”

An inexplicable fear seized her reason, and she suddenly remembered a ghost story she saw on the internet——

A group of people went to a snowy mountain, and suddenly one person came back and told the protagonist that her boyfriend was unfortunately killed in an avalanche.But then, her boyfriend suddenly appeared at night, pulling her and running away, telling her that after the avalanche, only he survived, and that the others were all ghosts.

At this time, who should the protagonist choose to believe?

Of course, Chen Qianqian chose to believe in Chen Ming, because Chen Ming was the person she liked.

However, there are two Chen Mings.

Only now did Chen Qianqian realise that the boy who grabbed and ran away with her in the morning actually looked exactly like the boyfriend in front of her.

But then, at the time, why didn’t she notice this at all?

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. Let’s go ba, it’s time for class.”

The boyfriend took her hand, smiled at her, and walked firmly towards the classroom.

——I can’t go, I can not go to the classroom with him!

A strong premonition came to mind, shouting at her.

She also wanted to break free, but fear had completely taken over. She couldn’t move, and could only be dragged towards the classroom.

——Someone, help me!

The author has something to say: 

My eight characters* may be very light. Once when I was in university, I went to check the balcony door before going to bed, took a look outside, and then lay happily on the bed waiting to fall asleep. Ten seconds into a vague sleeping state, in the boundary between dream and reality, I saw myself outside the balcony. A terrifying female ghost flew towards me from the shadows of trees. Because of my rich experience of nightmares, my psychological quality is very good, and my first order of business was to wake up from the dream and fall asleep from scratch.

Then I went back to my bed, but the female ghost in the dream also broke through the balcony and entered my bed, squatting in front of me and strangling my neck.

The sight before me was fully taken up by the dark red eyes of the female ghost, and it was like my body was put into a coffin, with nothing but blood-red in my eyes.

I woke up after counting my heartbeat to calm myself down. I was so scared that it was a prophecy from and to myself, and I only managed to fall asleep while holding my phone, which showed a talisman on its screen.

After waking up, I was queuing up in the cafeteria that morning, and suddenly felt something was wrong. I looked up, and a woman I didn’t know in the next line looked at me with a particularly resentful black hole-like eye.

That kind of feeling is real, as if I was the only one who saw her in the whole world. It didn’t look like the eyes that people would have. They were eyes carrying more resentment and far more and terrifying than the female ghosts in horror movies. To this day, I don’t know who she was, nor who she was looking at.

[T/N: eight characters/birthday characters used for fortune telling]

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