Heart-to-heart talk

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Ye Zun walked along the bluestone path, doing his best to ignore the presence at his side that gave off a faint sense of oppression.

But the more he wanted to ignore it, the more he was aware.

At some point, Ye Zun lifted his head, and then paused. In the peach blossom where he had been unable to escape all this time, he suddenly saw an exit.

The end of the path turned into a main street, and ahead were many teaching buildings.

Ye Zun couldn’t believe it until he walked out.

Did he really leave the peach blossom forest?

The forest behind him still existed. It looked perfectly normal, except for the scorching dark red swaying in the cool wind, a colour so deep that it left people’s hearts pounding.

“Is it almost time for class?” murmured Mo Fei, still standing next to him with a rather loose smile.

Ye Zun looked over and saw students walking towards the classroom one after another.

“Let’s head over too ba.” Mo Fei smiled and glanced sideways at Ye Zun, before walking forward first.

Ye Zun paused for a second, but still followed him towards the teaching building.

Most of the seats in the classroom were already taken.

“Come and sit ah.”

Speaking to Ye Zun, Mo Fei, who was sitting in the middle desk of the second row, tapped on the table with his fingertips.

Although he was unwilling, the other person looked at him with a smile in his eyes, bright and direct, making it impossible to refuse.

It’s as if, if you refuse, there will undoubtedly be consequences that you can’t bear. It was those kinds of eyes.

Ye Zun lowered his eyes to avoid his line of sight and sat quietly beside him.

Mo Fei smiled a little, lying on the desk as if he was in a good mood, peering up at him with a smile in his eyes.

“What’s wrong ah, why do you always look like you have no energy?”

Ye Zun flatly replied, “I have always been like this. It’s you who has too much energy.”

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Not only was he energetic, he was simply abundant with energy anytime and anywhere, maxed out in vigour, as if he was bipolar.

“Oh, when someone or something I’m interested in is in front of me, I get excited instinctually. If I don’t get the thing I want, I will always be this excited.”

It sounded like a wild beast watching its prey.

Ye Zun didn’t reply. He pursed his lips and lowered his eyes, trying not to look at him, not letting his mind think about what exactly he was interested in.

Something suddenly touched his eyebrows.

Ye Zun shuddered from the scare, shrinking back.

Mo Fei laughed, his shoulders trembling slightly. He looked very happy, and his eyes moved as the light within them went soft, as if surprised. “It’s because I saw you frowning. How is your reaction so cute?”

Ye Zun restrained his expression, not letting himself show the slightest emotion. “Don’t touch me out of nowhere, I’m not used to it.”

“Oh, oh oh——” Mo Fei nodded, still grinning. His head was tilted, and those clear smiling eyes stared at him, whispering softly, “It’s not intentional. Because your eyes are very beautiful, when you frown, it’s like your eyes are wet with dew. You look very troubled, and you look so good. I can’t help wanting…”

“…can’t help wanting to pluck them out and lick them.” Behind him, the low voice belonging to a boy suddenly sounded.

Ye Zun froze, hairs standing on their ends.

Mo Fei’s clear eyes were also evidently wide open, looking even more surprised than him, still facing him with a smile.

His lips parted slightly, with an innocent expression that claimed: he didn’t say that, it was someone else who was spouting nonsense, it had nothing to do with him, these unfounded rumours were attacking his reputation for no reason, and he himself was also quite surprised.

The perverted words of picking out eyeballs and licking them were indeed not said by the person in front of him. Ye Zun understood this undoubtedly.

But even though the other man had a shocked “who is saying all this nonsense ya?” expression, the bright look on his face that couldn’t help hold back a smile didn’t seem to think that there was anything scary about that sentence. It even seemed like he was purely delighted, for there was nothing wrong with saying that.

Ye Zun followed Mo Fei’s teasing and surprised gaze and looked back, and saw a couple sitting diagonally behind them.

The girl’s head was lowered. She was trembling slightly, but constantly.

The boy held onto her hand with no intent of letting go, leaning over and watching her very closely, whispering morbid words of love into her ear.

“My darling, you are so beautiful, I love you so much…you must not be thinking of leaving me ba!“

He gently lifted the girl’s hair with his empty hand, putting his full attention on sniffing the aroma wafting off the hair. “So sweet, every part of your body is in line with my liking.”

But the girl, with her hair lifted to reveal her face, was white in her face and lips. Her expression was full of terror and stuck in a trance, shivering with fear.

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Ye Zun looked on in shock. This girl looked very much like Chen Qianqian.

He stood up, going around tables and chairs, and walked up to them.

Without saying a word, he dragged the boy out and separated them by force after taking the girl’s hand, standing between the two.

Ye Zun positioned himself in front of the girl and directly faced the boy. “What are you raving about?”

Mo Fei also followed after Ye Zun. At this time, he was standing behind him with his hands inserted in his pockets, unbothered. Hearing Ye Zun’s words, he couldn’t help showing a surprised expression, eyes wide and eyebrows raised as he watched Ye Zun, as if he didn’t expect him to be so violent and direct.

The girl hid behind Ye Zun in fear. Even her fears seemed to have been suppressed for a long time, and she finally dared to express it with a choked sound from her mouth.

The boy was furious immediately, his face flushed red, and his eyeballs were also burning red. He stared at Ye Zun with cannibalistic eyes, and instantly entered a beserk state. He pointed at Ye Zun with his index finger. “Piss off! Or I’ll kill you!”

The blood in Ye Zun’s hair had not dried yet. He faced him coldly with lowered eyes, and saw that the boy’s other hand was reaching into the pocket of his windbreaker.

“What’s in the pocket?”

The boy stared at him with a nasty grin. “Why don’t you have a guess ah, you little white face. If you’re right, you’ll get a prize.”

Ye Zun raised his eyes, with a steadfast look inside them. “Sulfuric acid? Alcohol? Or is it petrol? There’s no obvious smell, and the size can fit in a pocket, so it appears to be sulfuric acid.” 

“Sulfuric acid?” The boy showed a crazed grin, his delicate face growing excited and hideous in an instant. “Wrong! Go to hell ba!“

As he spoke, he swung the sharp blade at Ye Zun.

If he was being honest, Ye Zun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was just a knife. If it was really sulfuric acid, it would be hard to dodge.

Before the other party had taken out the weapon, Ye Zun had already prepared himself. Supporting himself on the table, he jumped up and swung his long leg directly towards the other’s abdomen.

“Run!” Without turning his head, Ye Zun spoke to the frightened girl who looked like Chen Qianqian behind him.

The girl screamed as if she remembered she could run away only when she had been reminded, and ran back in a panic.

In university classrooms, the seats were all fixed into the floor and could not be lifted to be used as weapons, which was highly disadvantageous to Ye Zun.

The opponent was armed.

Ye Zun jumped onto the table directly and sharply stared down at the boy from above. This way, the other party could only swing the knife at his legs, which was much easier to dodge.

However, as soon as the boy saw Chen Qianqian running away, he immediately gave up attacking Ye Zun and turned around to chase Chen Qianqian.

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It was a good thing for Ye Zun that the opponent changed his target.

His eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly leapt across rows of tables, catching up with the boy in just a few steps.

Then, he jumps straight towards the boy’s back, using the impact force to pin him to the ground.

The boy gritted his teeth and grinned, cursing the girl who left him as well as Ye Zun in the same breath, waving the knife in his hand like a madman.

There were many people in the classroom, but not a single sound. No one came to help, watching their struggle like they were just props.

Ye Zun knew the strange happenings of this place, and he never expected these ‘people’ to help. He simply used all his strength to seize the hand that wielded the knife.

Unable to slice Ye Zun after several attempts, the wild blade finally gave up, before the hand flung it away and towards Ye Zun with as much force it could muster.

Even Ye Zun didn’t expect this move. All the strength in his body was suppressing the opponent, and even sweat was bleeding out. There was no room to dodge at this moment. He could only watch the knife flying towards him with open eyes. He subconsciously turned sideways to prevent his vitals from being exposed to the range of attack, and prepared himself for the pain.

At the critical moment, a hand stretched out effortlessly and grabbed the knife that missed its target in a natural manner.

Ye Zun froze in his stance. It wasn’t until that moment that he realised he had ceased breathing, with cold sweat covering his entire back.

Grasping the knife, Mo Fei bent over slightly, raising his eyes and looking at Ye Zun first. The bright and happy expression that was on his face just a moment ago disappeared. Those slightly pursed thin lips, shadowed face, lack of expression, his demeanour, they were even more dangerous than the blade in his hand.

Ye Zun was startled suddenly, the Adam’s apple on his throat rolling without stopping.

If the other man’s hand turns around and stabs him in the neck right now, he will definitely not be able to dodge it. What should he do?

Mo Fei looked down at the knife in his hand, fingers playing with the knife as they performed small tricks. He tilted his head to look at the boy lying on the ground.

“We’re all classmates, why did you bring this kind of thing to class?”

Ye Zun: “……”

Even Ye Zun felt that it went against the laws of nature for this person to say such a thing, and instead creeped people out even more.

But Mo Fei only frowned, having a serious look on his face and saying with a patient tone, “These things are very dangerous. Classmate, what do you want to use this for?”

He raised his head to look over at Ye Zun, his clear eyes gentle and sincere. “You’re worried about that girl, aren’t you? It’s okay, you can go and check on her first. Me and this classmate have similar minds, I want to have a small heart-to-heart talk.”

Ye Zun stood up, lips still pursed as he looked at the other man.

Mo Fei’s gaze was gentle, his light eyes clear and pure. “Don’t worry about me, I think he just went on the wrong path on impulse. It’s such a pity, he’s still so young. Let me have a few words with him, maybe he will know his mistakes and reform himself. Don’t you think so, classmate?”

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The boy narrowed his eyes provocatively, baring a nasty grin at Ye Zun without sparing Mo Fei a single glance.

If he had looked over, he probably wouldn’t be smiling at all.

Ye Zun looked at Mo Fei and was a little confused for a moment. He subconsciously felt that while it would not be a surprise for this kind of person to say anything and do whatever, it was impossible for him to say such philosophical* words.

[T/N: 三观/three views: outlook on the world, outlook on life, and outlook of morals]

But the other party’s eyes and attitude were very normal, too normal, so much so that it made Ye Zun himself seem not normal.

Was he thinking too much? Perhaps, this person had nothing to do with the scary person he was thinking of, and he just happened to have some similarities in certain demeanours.

Ye Zun nodded. He was also really worried about Chen Qianqian, so he walked out quickly.

Just when he was about to leave the room, he looked back at Mo Fei with some self-control. “You, be careful.”

Mo Fei pursed his lips, smiled at him, and blinked. His eyes were clear and gentle. “En.”

Watching Ye Zun walk out of the classroom, Mo Fei raised his right hand, and whacked it with a force that wasn’t too heavy or light across the head of the boy who was about to get up, sending him staggering.

The boy laid on the ground and tilted his head to furiously glare up at Mo Fei. “Are you looking to die?”

Mo Fei tipped his head to look at him. The second those silent eyes met his, the dark and lifeless look in them made the boy lose his voice.

His fingers pressed against the floor gripped the surface. He was in pain, but would rather maintain a stiff and unnatural posture, not moving a single inch, giving up all thoughts of getting up.

Mo Fei levelled a solemn look at him, the knife in his left hand poking at him from above, those drooping eyes making him seem a little downcast and unhappy. “How could you go around with a knife, swinging it around ah?“

“Wh, what?”

“Did you just want to use it to paint your girlfriend’s face? Ah, do you like the ugly ones? Even birds know that their beaks should only attack rivals during courtship. How did you come up with this idea, can you tell me about it? To be honest, I don’t really understand how human beings fall in love, I’m a little curious.”

“How, how is that any of your business? That’s my woman, mine, I can do whatever I want.” The cowardly boy showed a fierce appearance, glaring at him, but his body shuffled back on the floor.

Mo Fei frowned slightly, looking at the knife with an indescribable dejection and abnormality, muttering, “How disgusting, I thought I could have some fun, but in the end, is there only a failure who only dares to do things to women? But having said that, you really shouldn’t have swung this knife at him just now. I don’t really like other people leaving marks on him, I really do hate it quite a lot. Things like knives are not meant to be played with like this. Classmate, do you want me to give you some pointers?”

“You psycho!” The boy finally climbed up from the ground, using his little movements from before to take out another knife hidden on him and taking a direct stab at Mo Fei with a savage grin. “I’ll send you to hell too!”

The author has something to say:

If it was the real Mo Fei, perhaps he could succeed.

It’s not written outright, but everyone should be able to tell who he is from his demeanour in the descriptions, right?

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