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“Has he arrived yet? Okay, I’ll pick him up when he does.”

After hanging up the call at the phone booth, Ye Zun walked out.

In the grey world, the streets were shrouded with desolation. Even in a big city, there are quite a few pedestrians coming and going, but they all walked in a hurry with blurred faces.

It was raining lightly, getting more and more gloomy.

Ye Zun held a black umbrella and walked slowly on the street.

He called the inspector back then. Moros’ train will arrive in this city tonight, Ye Zun agreed to pick him up.

But before that, Ye Zun needed to find a hotel to sleep for a while. He has not rested for more than 30 hours by this point and although he was not tired, he has business to do after Moros arrives, so he must let his body get the necessary rest.

After opening a room in a small hotel, checking the door locks, and setting up a simple device that will sound an alarm if something outside trespasses, Ye Zun took a shower and laid down on the bed, quickly falling asleep.

This time, from when he slept to when the set alarm clock rang, he didn’t dream. It felt like he just closed his eyes and lost his soul for a moment, then opened them the next moment. The time in between flew by just like that.

He opened his eyes and woke up. In any case, his energy was restored.

However, Ye Zun failed to pick up Moros at the appointed time. When he arrived in the waiting area, a uniformed police officer came over, watched cautiously for a while, then came to greet him.

“Excuse me, are you Shen Yuan-xiansheng?”

“I am.” 

The person who came over had a heavy expression. “We received a call from the local police station, your old friend* Inspector Henry was shot dead in his bedroom in the early hours of this morning. He made a phone call to you before the incident, and the local police station hoped that you could go and assist them in their investigation.” 

The inspector died.

He was shot dead in his bedroom, in his bed, in his own home.

After Ye Zun transferred trains, the inspector’s body was lying in a coffin in the church, and his relatives and friends were keeping vigil for him.

In addition to his white face, there were still traces of surprise left on his face, as if he hadn’t expected it.

Ye Zun didn’t see the inspector’s ghost, but he saw the corpse in the box in the crowd. Across the crowd, eyes like dusty glass beads watched him.

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The inspector’s colleagues from the police station were also at the site. After the moment of silence, Ye Zun exchanged words with them about the inspector’s murder.

“We surveyed the scene. The door lock showed signs of being brutally smashed in, and there was some monetary loss. It was only a one-sided shooting at the scene. The murderer emptied the magazine and the inspector died on the first shot. The other person’s marksmanship was not very accurate. Except for the first shot, only three shots were made after, and the rest all missed.”

From the report, it sounded like a burglary where the homeowner noticed the intruder and was shot and killed by the other party in a panic.

Ye Zun expressed his doubts. “There are many criminals who have made enemies with the police, and the inspector himself is outstanding. If it was just an ordinary burglary, he shouldn’t have been unprepared and let the person block him in the bedroom, dying without fighting back.”

The police officers glanced at each other. “Yes, we also have the same suspicions that this may be a revenge plan deliberately disguised as a burglary. I still remember the serial skinning murderer that Inspector Henry and you investigated together. At that time, we had the idea that there should be other accomplices in addition to the murderer. While looking for victims, they record videos of their serial killings, spread and share these video materials within a certain range, and cultivate potential partners. It should be a small established organisation, but unfortunately, since the murderer refused arrest, all our leads were cut off. We suspect that it was the serial killers in this organisation, who were worried that Inspector Henry had some leads, so they killed and silenced him to destroy the evidence while taking revenge on the police as a bonus. Detective-xiansheng, what do you think?”

Ye Zun said, “I thought so too. Are there any suspects?”

“Before the incident, Inspector Henry made several calls on his home landline, one of which was with Detective-xiansheng. May I ask what the two of you were talking about on the phone?”

“I met the inspector because of a case involving a hidden corpse in a suitcase, and even our involvement in the case of the serial skinning murders was unintentional, so after the murderer died and the case was closed for the time being, I still kept in touch with the inspector. On one side, the local police station he belonged to is still recovering the body, and on the other, I am investigating the case. The reason why we were on the phone yesterday was also regarding this case. But there was no progress in the investigation, he mainly told me that an important witness in the case will come to join me and appointed a time for me to pick him up.”

The police officer nodded, “It’s a young man named Moros, is that right?”


“Actually, he was the one who reported the death of the inspector yesterday. This man was kidnapped by a serial killer for three days, but in the end he did not suffer any real harm. If we’re talking about suspects… Detective-xiansheng is affiliated only with himself, so we will tell you straight. Usually, for serial killers like this, not only do they look for victims, but they also choose their companions. They have a special ability to accurately tell who is a lamb, and who is a monster like them, with just one glance.”

Ye Zun was slightly taken back. “You suspect that Moros was taken in by the murderer?” 

“There is at the very least some intention behind his kidnapping.” The police officer’s eyes were sharp and frank. “Think about it, xiansheng. A young man like a blank sheet of paper, in a dark, oppressive and fearful environment, coming into contact with the scenes of so many victims being skinned in such a short period of time, and even with the threat of his death at any time. His spirit must have been greatly stimulated and shocked. As a detective, you should also be more than aware that some criminals were originally survivors themselves. After being up close and personal with violence and sin, it is impossible to leave without being influenced.”

“Is there any real evidence?” 

The police officer shook their head. “That is why we will release him soon, but, in the coming days, we hope Detective-xiansheng will keep a close eye on him. We also hope he is just an innocent angel we feel sympathy for.”

Ye Zun went to the police station and picked up the angel.

Moros, with pure and clear eyes, was very confused when he looked at Ye Zun. “Uh, I just went to make a report, but why did they keep questioning me and not letting me go? It felt like I was released on bail. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to trouble you.”

He even thought it was because of the way he worded things that the police summoned Ye Zun, and Ye Zun had no choice but to come to the police station.

Ye Zun looked at him. “What were you doing at Inspector Henry’s house?”

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Moros looked at him with slight caution on his face, as pure as an angel. “Because of what happened with my brother-in-law, the local police station said all our movements should be relayed to them. You also said that we can keep in contact through the inspector, so I called the inspector and told him about taking the train to see you.”

Ye Zun nodded. “The inspector passed that on to me in full.”

Moros said, “But when I called the inspector later to tell him that my older sister wanted to move to the next city temporarily, at the end of the call, the inspector suddenly said that he had a document on his side that wasn’t convenient to talk about on the phone. He wanted me to go over to collect it and bring it to you when the time comes, so I planned to meet with him before leaving.”

Ye Zun was bewildered. “Did you tell the police about this?”

Moros shook his head and said, “Are you able to wait for a moment? Since the inspector said it was for you, I stored the documents somewhere before reporting to the police.”

They went to the inspector’s house, and in the bushes of a nearby park, Moros took out a file wrapped in kraft paper.

“Although I don’t know if this is the one the inspector was talking about, I found this at the scene. Because the inspector said it was very important, not to mention how he was killed so suddenly, I think it is better to give it directly to you than the police, since it was the inspector’s original intention.”

Ye Zun took the blood-stained kraft paper bag, pulled off the looping threads wrapped around it, and peeled off the sealing wax.

Inside were the results of an investigation, and the name of the person under investigation caused Ye Zun’s expression to shift slightly.

Moros’ eyes had a clear layer of moisture. “Is it something very important?”

“Yes, very important.” Ye Zun looked at him and said, “Thank you.”

Moros smiled. “It’s all right, as long as I am of help.”

Ye Zun took Moros to have a meal.

Then, he told him his own speculation. “The suitcase may not have been swapped on the train, but before you boarded. Someone probably swapped the body with the contents of your suitcase. It’s likely that the person who did it is someone you are familiar and close to.”

Moros was surprised and at a loss. “Really?”

“It is more likely than meeting a stranger on the train who happened to have the same suitcase as you.” Ye Zun said, “Recall your journey on the way to the train station, the people you met and the things you came across, try to be as detailed as possible.” 

Moros was very cooperative and looked at him with complete trust. “At that time, there were probably three or four other people in the dormitory with me. It was very hectic, everyone was packing their bags and getting ready to leave. I went out a few times during packing, but I needed to carry my suitcase down the stairs when leaving the dorms, and nothing felt out of the ordinary.”

Ye Zun said, “It’s not very strenuous for an adult male to lift 70 kilograms for a short time, so it is easy to ignore any differences. But it is also possible that your belongings weren’t swapped before you went downstairs. Try to remember, did anything strange happen on your way from the dormitory to the train.”

“You need to take a bus from school to get to the train station. There were many classmates on the bus and my roommate was also there. Everyone’s luggage was stored in the lower part of the bus, and when we needed to retrieve it we just go off the labels on them.” Moros gradually looked more confused.

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Ye Zun nodded. “Your case is hard to come across, did you buy it near the school?”

“Yes. The school has many classes where we sketch using nature as references, so I bought one. I’ve used it for a long time.”

“There must be many who the same suitcase as you “

“There must be,” Molos said, “but the acquaintances around me don’t have the same, and the style of the box is very old. The production of it stopped a long time ago.”

Ye Zun said, “The box that was swapped was also very old. If the murderer had the idea of framing you, he can acquire an old suitcase like yours from many sources and prepare them in advance. We’ll need to investigate the students and drivers who left school with you at that time. Someone has to remember how many of these suitcases were on the bus at that time.”

Moros stopped talking.

“Are you frustrated? Because someone close to you framed you, and most likely killed someone.”

“I thought every person was good.”

Ye Zun stayed silent for a long time, waiting for his mood to ease.

Moros looked at him. “Will you not comfort me?”

“I do not know how to comfort people if I can not lie.” Ye Zun said indifferently, “From the beginning, there is no way for people to get along well with each other, understand each other, cooperate with each other in order to survive. Even a group of companions who work closely together and share common ideas and interests will not hesitate to kill each other when necessary.”

Moros raised his eyes slightly. “Will you do the same?”

“I have no companion,” Ye Zun said.

Moros stared at him with pure eyes, fixated. “Do you want one?”

“I don’t need one.”

“Do you not feel lonely?”

Ye Zun stood up. “We should go ba, to your school.”

They first took the train to the city where Moros’ school was located, then planned to take the bus to school.

However, the train suddenly stopped halfway through its journey.

At first everyone thought it was just a routine intervention between the main roads and the train tracks, but after a long, long time, the train still didn’t move.

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The train they took had just left the first station of the route and the train hadn’t entered the big city yet, so there were very few passengers on the train.

In their carriage, there was only Ye Zun and Moros, along with two other men who were by themselves.

When the train stopped, it was almost dusk.

Because of Ye Zun’s chilling nature, Moros simply sat next to him. The two other strangers began to chat during the boring break and at this moment they agreed to get out of the carriage to smoke a cigarette.

Ye Zun closed his eyes in the beginning, and after a long while, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the time. “An hour has passed.” 

The hazy sun began to set. The light was dim.

The two men who went out to smoke had not come back. 

Ye Zun stood up. “I’ll go to ask the train attendant what’s going on.”

He paused for a moment, then turned back to look at Moros. “Come with me.”

Moros smiled a little. “Of course.”

He had already stood up when Ye Zun was talking, but the other man took the initiative to invite him, so he was very happy.

The pure and clear eyes shone brightly, dewy like a deer’s. When he smiled, he was like an angel.

Leaving their carriage, they began to walk to the front.

Their carriage was No.13. The three carriages they walked through were all empty without a single person.

When they reached the No.9 carriage, Ye Zun’s footsteps came to a stop.

This carriage was also very empty, but Ye Zun spotted a lot of baggage on the luggage rack.

“Get off,” Ye Zun suddenly said. He quickly went to the door where the two carriages joined but the door was locked. It could not be opened.

At this time, the automated announcement speakers on the train suddenly sounded.

【 welcome to hell. 】

Welcome to hell.

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