I know who you are

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Intertwined with twilight, the looming afterglow of the setting sun under the thick clouds disappeared on the other side of the mountain. The wasteland was covered with stalks of wheat, and only a long steel snake-like train could be seen lying in it.

Among the scattered stalks, one could vaguely see the hand of a man holding a cigarette, collapsed in the grass. The ground was soaking with blood.

On the empty train, loose luggage was strewn across the carriages.

The body of the train conductor was lying on the control stand, and the body of the train attendant was slowly being dragged down the empty aisle into the bathroom together with the carpet, leaving a trail of glistening blood on the metal floor.

Outside the window of the stalled train, Ye Zun saw a familiar corpse standing in the dusky horizon above the wasteland.

The dusty glass bead-like eyes, even from a distance, seemed to be visible in full clarity, staring at him who was trapped in the train without a trace of emotion.

It was the corpse that walked out of that suitcase.

In carriage No.9, Ye Zun and Moros stood by the train exit that could not be opened, when they suddenly heard the voice from the train’s broadcast.

An emotionless mechanical voice, welcoming them to hell.

The door to carriage No.8 opened suddenly, and the rolling sounds of the dining cart wheels could be heard.

With the sounds of approach, the dining cart appeared in their field of vision, entering the No.9 carriage at a relatively fast speed then coming to a stop near the centre from friction.

The white curtain covering the dining cart fell from the inertia of the cart stopping, revealing what was hidden underneath.

A person sat on top of it, or perhaps it was a corpse.

The corpse’s eyes were open. It was someone Ye Zun knew.

The speakers sounded again, and Inspector Henry’s voice came through:【 Detective-xiansheng, are you surprised to see an old friend? 】

The body on the dining cart was none other than Inspector Henry.

Inspector Henry’s body, which was supposed to stay in the church, awaiting burial, appeared on the train stalled in the wilderness.

The body was in front of Ye Zun and the other man, while the voice appeared through speakers, vividly lifelike.

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Making every hair on one’s body stand on its tips.

Ye Zun didn’t speak.

Moros swallowed slightly and shifted closer to him.

【 Looks like you’re not ah. Since Detective-xiansheng is apathetic, we’ll start the game immediately ba. 】Inspector Henry spoke.

The automated broadcasting voice:【 Every time a question is asked, and you answer one correctly, a ‘life door’ will open. 】

Ye Zun: “……”

Moros held Ye Zun’s hand tightly with slightly trembling fingers. Ye Zun didn’t shake them off. His eyes were fixed on the No.8 carriage.

Inspector Henry’s voice:【 Detective-xiansheng did not speak, so that means he agrees. We’ll start asking questions ba. 】

The broadcast:【 First question, is Detective-xiansheng righteous? Or do you plead guilty? 】

Ye Zun didn’t answer.

Behind them, the door to carriage No.10 suddenly closed and locked itself. The sudden sound was enough to make someone afraid and anxious.

Inspector Henry’s voice was insincere:【 If you don’t answer, it is wrong by default. If Detective-xiansheng wants to live, he must actively participate in the game ah, otherwise, there will be less and less paths to your survival. 】

The broadcasting voice was cruel:【 Second question, does Detective-xiansheng think he is the same as us? 】

“No.” This time, Ye Zun answered.


The connecting door to carriage No.8 opened.

Ye Zun fixed his eyes on the No.8 carriage, pulling Moros by the hand to quickly move forward.

The broadcasting voice continued while they were walking:【 Third question, does Detective-xiansheng kill people? 】

Ye Zun walked into the No.8 carriage with Moros before the announcement finished its sentence.

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There was blood everywhere.

The bodies of men, women, and children were piled up messily on their seats, the backs of chairs, the luggage racks. Blood that had not fully dried was splattered over the windows and walls of the train.

Ye Zun swept his eyes over this scene, his attention only on the entrance to carriage No.7, but the door was closed.


The lights in the train went out.

【 If you keep silent, there will be fewer and fewer paths to your survival. I have already told Detective-xiansheng this, but unfortunately you don’t seem to take it to heart. 】Inspector Henry’s voice was full of regret.

The broadcast:【 Fourth question, Detective-xiansheng, take a guess, how many people are alive on this train?* 】

[T/N: can also mean “how many people (will be) left alive on this train?”]

Ye Zun: “Three.”

【 Incorrect. 】The ruthless mechanical voice said,【 There is only one. 】

Ye Zun: “……”

The broadcast:【 Detective-xiansheng and Inspector Henry killed my companion, I need to find another companion for myself. From the two of you, only one will live to be my companion. 】


Inspector Henry tried to persuade:【 Does Detective-xiansheng want to live? If you want to live, just kill the person beside you ba. 】

Ye Zun remained indifferent, still facing the No.7 carriage.

Moros held his hand nervously. His pure eyes were wide open, looking at him in concern.

The broadcasting voice:【 Don’t feel embarrassed. Detective-xiansheng should remember what the police said. This person was baptised for a long time in the dark and enclosed theatre, and he is no longer who he used to be. His soul is already close to ours, but it is too late for him to practise. How about it, Detective-xiansheng, kill him. just like how you killed my companion ba. 】

“I was not the one who killed your companion,” Ye Zun said.

The broadcasting voice said ruthlessly:【 If you hadn’t shown up, he would not have died. 】

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Ye Zun stared at the No.7 carriage. “The police already had their eyes on you…”

Detective Henry’s voice suddenly said: 【 Detective-xiansheng, why play dumb? Do you really not know why I died? 】

Ye Zun: “……”

The broadcasting voice:【 I have never liked stupid people. Henry died because he was too stupid. And because Henry is dead, Detective-xiansheng is expected to live. If you are smart enough. 】

In the airtight carriage, something was lit on fire. Smoke continuously permeated the air, making it hard for people to breathe.

Ye Zun immediately ripped off his coat and wetted it with the water cup on the table next to him, then covered his mouth and nose along with Moros’. However, if they couldn’t find an exit, they would sooner or later suffocate to death as time went by.

The broadcasting voice applied pressure: 【 Detective-xiansheng, please answer, why did Inspector Henry die? This is a chance for Detective-xiansheng to live, please cherish it and answer honestly. 】

【 That is right ah, why did I die? 】Inspector Henry’s voice said,【You should have the answer ba, why don’t you say it? 】

In the gradually engulfing smoke, the corpse standing in the wilderness walked in from the No.9 carriage behind him. For the first time, he approached Ye Zun with the threat of danger.

Ye Zun pulled Moros to back away until they leaned against the door leading to the No.7 carriage.

“Because Henry…cough cough…Inspector Henry was also your companion.”

He said the answer he had never voiced out loud before.

“Inspector Henry took me to the villa at the beginning…cough…because he thought I was investigating the case of the abandoned corpse, but I was actually aiming for you all…cough cough, cough…he wanted me to disappear completely there.”

The corpse stood one metre away from Ye Zun and stopped moving.

The broadcasting voice:【 As expected, I am right. Henry is an idiot. He actually thought that he hadn’t been exposed, and believed that as long as he killed Hyde and let Hyde bear all the charges, he could be exonerated. 】

Hyde is the name of the dead master of the villa.

Ye Zun coughed lowly and finally found a safety hammer that was covered by the corpse. He strongly struck the four corners of the windowpane.

The broadcasting voice: 【 You don’t know ba, there were so many loopholes, but he still had no sense of crisis. He even wanted to kill you to end it all. 】

“So you killed him.”

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【 I don’t need a stupid companion. He was exposed, so his existence is meaningless. 】

“If that is the case, your existence, is also meaningless.”

【 What are you saying? 】

“I’m saying, you are almost the same as Henry, the same amount of stupidity. Henry exposed himself when he killed Hyde, and you exposed yourself when you killed Henry.”

【 …… 】 The broadcasting voice paused,【 Are you provoking me? 】

“You don’t like smart companions, you just like companions who make you feel like you are not stupid. But the truth is, there is no difference in your intelligence.” Ye Zun’s voice was steady, an emotionless indifference.

【 Then let me see just how smart you are… 】

“I know who you are.”

Ye Zun interrupted the mechanical voice, and at the same time, pulled the unconscious Moros up and leaned him against the broken carriage window to breathe the air outside.

“I know who you are, I have always known.” Ye Zun also inhaled heavily, repeating himself in a calm tone.

He raised his wettened right arm to block the thick smoke in the air.

WIth his sharp eyes looking at the No.7 carriage in front of him, his legs went limp and he collapsed on the floor. The drug in the smoke finally rendered him useless enough to stop him from escaping.

The thick smoke slowly dissipated.

After a long time, the door to carriage No.7 opened.

A tall, slender figure stepped out from inside, wearing a black windbreaker with a high neckline and a wide-brimmed hat that covered almost the entire face.

The black shadow stood in front of Ye Zun’s dying body, looking down at him.

“Why are you burdening yourself so much? Everything will be fine if you just kill him.” An elegant male voice, sounding like the dead master of the villa.

The author has something to say:

Today is short, because I was not satisfied with what I wrote in the latter half, so I’m posting the first part.

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