Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss

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Possessing personalities

“Why are you burdening yourself so much? Everything will be fine if you just kill him.”  The black figure in a windbreaker and a wide-brimmed hat spoke to the dying Ye Zun with the voice of the suspected dead house master named Hyde, as if talking to himself.

However, in the following second.

“Please, don’t say stupid things like Henry did, it makes me wonder if you should never have been allowed to join us in the first place.” An innocent and sharp female voice also came from the shadowed figure.

The shadow uttered the voices of both genders by himself, answering its own question.

“You really killed Henry because he was too stupid, I thought it was because Henry killed me.” The split male voice was mocking.

The sharp female voice said, “We have regulations, if you are exposed, you have to die.” 

The villa host’s voice was not happy. “Our regulations are, kill people according to the rules, and don’t break the rules because you are afraid of being caught. I didn’t violate the rules, but I died. And you lot are worried about being exposed, so you use me as a scapegoat.”

“It’s Henry’s fault.” The female voice did not hesitate to shirk responsibility.

Inspector Henry’s voice also came from the shadowed figure in an instant. “This is the fault of Detective-xiansheng. The police station sent people down suddenly and the situation became urgent. Who told you to tie someone up in such an untimely manner? Moreover, I was also killed.”

Inspector Henry and the host, the voices of two dead people were arguing from the shadowed figure, as if their final personalities resided in the body of the shadow after they died.

The innocent and sharp female voice giggled, as if amused by their antics.

She laughed and immediately changed the topic to Ye Zun. “Our new companion is really interesting, he says he knows who I am. What do you guys think?”

The voice of the host was low and oppressive, with eccentricity, “I bet he’s just saying nonsense to buy himself time.”

The female voice, “But he uncovered Henry, perhaps he really did uncover me as well.”

Inspector Henry’s voice, “If he really did uncover me, why didn’t he tell the police? He didn’t do anything, and even kept telling me about his itinerary and plans. I am certain he was just guessing blindly, I shouldn’t have spoken in the first place, of course he would know we were in it together as soon as I spoke.”

The female voice, “Don’t forget that you are dead, and your corpse is watching him right now.”

Detective Henry’s voice turned gloomy, “Speaking of which, you killed me because of him, right? You want this new companion.” 

The female voice firmly denied, saying slyly, “There are so many loopholes, how can only one death cover it up. I also did it for everyone.”

Inspector Henry’s voice was cold, “No one noticed the loophole. Obviously, as long as we kill this Detective-xiansheng, no one will find us. But I died.” 

The host’s voice was equally cold, “Since you killed me, and then Henry, you should kill him too ba.”

The female voice held back her anger, “The dead should learn to shut their mouths, we need new companions.” 

The two men let out mocking laughs. “We do not. Only you need it.” 

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The woman let out a shriek of vented anger, but as it was obviously seen, there was nothing she could do about the personalities of the two dead people living inside.

Suddenly, all sounds stopped abruptly.

The tall and thin black shadow suddenly trembled, and the whole figure froze.

The sound of a sharp object piercing the neck rang clear.

There was a person standing behind the black shadow, strangling the black shadow’s neck from the back, pushing the syringe in their hand to the very end.

“Your companion is right, you should have killed me right from the start. My dear mistress*.”

[T/N: female homeowner]

The wide-brimmed hat on the shadow’s head that concealed their face fell to the ground, revealing a beautiful face, although the figure’s attire made the face look neutral. It was the face of the gentle and innocent hostess of the villa.

Her face was taken over by scorn, anger, ridicule, and resentment all at the same time, an expression like Inspector Henry’s and the host’s.

Her gaze focused on the floor, where Ye Zun, who was supposed to be lying on the ground on the verge of death under the influence of the thick smoke interlaced with drugs, had disappeared.

Ye Zun’s cold voice sounded behind her, along with the sound of the needle pulling out.

“Why didn’t you believe me?”

With a slight push from Ye Zun, the black shadow fell to the ground.

When sitting slumped over on the ground, at such a perspective, one will find that the No.8 carriage full of bodies is worthy of the name of Hell. It is the hell they created.

Seeing this, the black shadow began to giggle. The sharp laughter was mixed with the voices of Inspector Henry and the villa’s master, twisting into a terrifying sound.

The person who looked down from high above turned into a dying victim.

Ye Zun had no expression on his face, but she only realised now that, ever since he noticed the abnormalities on the train, this person’s expression stayed like this the entire time. Even when he saw Inspector Henry’s body and heard Inspector Henry’s voice from the speakers at the same time, even when he should have been horrified, he still had this same expression.

At first, she just thought that this person was good at hiding his emotions, but only now did she realise that the other person really did not give a damn.

“I’m really curious,” the hostess said with a smile, holding her neck, “When did you begin to suspect me, why did nothing happen to you?”

It wasn’t that Ye Zun’s face was expressionless, but rather, it was an expression slightly colder than ice. He looked at her indifferently. “From the very beginning.”

“Ha?” The hostess showed a face of disbelief. “That’s impossible, I have no flaws.”

Ye Zun: “I already told you, there is actually no difference in your intelligence.”

Her breathing quickened, growing vicious. “Nonsense! That idiot Henry must have betrayed me, were you already prepared for this?”

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“You shouldn’t blame him. Out of all of you, the most stupid one is you.” Ye Zun lifted his chin slightly and looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Is it so hard to understand? Your husband did nothing wrong, the only mistake was that he was too slow. I waited all night, and even had to throw myself into the trap the next day before you were willing to make a move. It really was far too slow.” 

The hostess: “……”

The voice of the host did not sound happy. “What are you saying, you almost died at my hands, but you blame me for being too slow?”

Ye Zun took out plastic gloves from the pocket of his windbreaker, pulling them on easily without the pressure of time.

As he slid the gloves on, he said, “I know you like to peel people’s skin off, the ones with a delicate texture. The skins of girls are the best, but you did not learn the art well, and the corpses you discard are all dripping with blood. You have not graduated properly yet. Is it because you lack the opportunities to practise?”

The voice of the host was tight, and he suddenly raised his voice, “How do you know? Who the hell are you?”

Ye Zun did not answer and adjusted the position of his gloves, saying as if muttering to himself, “Do you know how I like to treat my prey? I am different from other people. I enjoy the process of hunting far more. I locate the target through the works left by the prey, and then I follow the clues to find the prey who is in the middle of the hunt. I don’t like being too direct and rough. The prey that is hunting is the most lively and interesting. I much prefer to watch the moment when the prey thinks the hunt is successful, and when they are handling the spoils, I reappear in front of them.”

He walked up to the hostess and placed his finger on her neck.

He looked at the hostess’ contorted and complicated face, carrying anger and disbelief, then a gradual fear. “Just like the expression now, it’s wonderful.”

The voice of the host was demented and vehement. “Wait, speak clearly, you let yourself be caught by me on purpose? You already knew about me?”

“En.” Ye Zun raised his eyebrows. For the first time, his face revealed a cold and haughty expression. “She is your mentor, yes? Your newlywed wife was captured by them. They turned her into an artwork, but kept you, absorbed you as a new member, taught you how to skin a living person, and replaced your wife’s identity to show to others.”

Laura was wrong. The other person who had similar looks did not replace her brother, but her brother’s wife.

The expression on the hostess’ face was constantly changing, as if the expressions of countless people were alternating on her face.

“She is very skilled, isn’t she? That is because she can not kill people. The personalities of the people she kills will transfer to her, just like how you two are right now, haunting and tormenting her always, so she does not dare to kill. She can only torture them alive. But you do not have this restriction, so it is no wonder that your techniques were rough.” 

The male host stopped talking entirely.

Detective Henry’s guarded voice came from the hostess’ body. “Who the hell are you? You’re not the detective!”

Ye Zun sighed softly. “That is why I said, the most stupid one in your group is this woman. Why did you kill Inspector Henry? He is the only one who suspected my identity and even investigated me. If you had moved just a little more slowly, maybe he really would have found out.”

Moros had given Ye Zun the blood-stained kraft paper bag, The so-called important information inside the file was nothing but the results of his investigation on Ye Zun.

The woman gritted her teeth, and finally realised that she had been tricked before everything even started. “You knew our identities when you came to us, from the very beginning?”

Ye Zun’s nod was indiscernible.

His memory was unclear at first. He only remembered that he was standing on the rocky beach by the river, with a box containing the corpse beside him, and a letter addressed to Detective-xiansheng.

All memories were blurred by something, but strangely enough, he subconsciously knew what he should do.

He knew where he should go, which was to make a report to an inspector named Henry. The other party would definitely suspect him, but it was okay.

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“When I saw you, I already knew you,” Ye Zun said.

The hostess’ face was taken over by such extreme wrath that it became ugly to look at. “Those things you said to me…”

“Ah, when I told you, that your husband has a rather antisocial personality so you should be careful, it was just a part of the hunt. I originally thought that you would probably go as the whistleblower, so it would be logical for me to be selected by your group as the target to silence. Who knows why you did not do that.” 

Indeed, the hostess did not make that move. She pretended to be a kind villa mistress who was unguarded against outsiders and pretended to trust Ye Zun at first because the host’s performance was really undisguised, so she wanted to change the kind of gameplay.

Going by the rules of general movies, the stubborn, kind and weak villa hostess is blinded by the villains, and the upright and kind detective will do everything possible to return to the dangerous setting to save her, and then, when the detective thinks he has succeeded, when he realises he is actually caught in a trap with no escape as she reveals the truth, the other party’s disbelieving expression at that time must be very interesting.

However, she did not expect that the honest and kind Detective-xiansheng seemed to be a more dangerous being.

“It’s okay ah,” Ye Zun said, “You play better than I thought. Although Hyde-xiansheng is handsome and elegant, he does not know how to hide his ability, which is average at best. And you, playing the innocent and gentle villa hostess all day long, you are tired of it too ba. Thus, you wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of this unsatisfactory companion, so you just secretly reported to the police behind their backs.”

Ye Zun sighed softly, “You and Inspector Henry’s hearts are linked as one, when he learned that the police were sending reinforcements in your directions, he immediately decided to kill Hyde-xiansheng as your scapegoat, so as to end the police’s suspicions on you. But this was not in line with your expectations. From your point of view, I should have also come to suspect Inspector Henry, and sooner or later, he will would be exposed. His behaviour of killing his companions to prevent himself from being exposed sent you on high alert, so you simply killed him.” 

The hostess smiled silently, without remorse or guilt, and even a little proud of her masterpiece.

At this moment, the other two personalities did not make a sound, as if they couldn’t believe that their own companion would do these things behind their backs.

Ye Zun said, “When you killed him, he was unaware. He was dead with just one shot; your marksmanship was good, but your brain was not. You pretended it was a robbery and fired in a frenzy to empty the gun, but in the eyes of an expert, the scene was full of loopholes.”

The hostess made a giggling sound. Her neck was in Ye Zun’s hands but she raised her head nonchalantly, looking at Ye Zun with seductive and teasing eyes.

“As I expected, I was not mistaken. You are the most suitable companion for me. But, do you really think I’m afraid of being under suspicion? It’s useless even if the police catch me. There is no evidence to prove that I killed anyone.”

Inspector Henry’s voice reappeared, furious and seemingly unwilling, “Since you knew our identities a long time ago, why did you still contact me and tell me your entire itinerary without a care?”

“Why else, it is of course because I was waiting for today, or to say, for this moment now.”

Ye Zun said, “I was originally waiting for Inspector Henry to silence and kill me. Who would have known that this lady would move too fast and kill you first. But, this journey she arranged is very interesting, so let’s end here ba.” 

The hostess’s neck under the cold plastic gloves began to find it impossible to laugh anymore.

The voices of all the personalities killed by her came out at the same time, “I understand. You are not a detective at all, you are someone who specialises in killing people like us. You really are the same as us.”

Ye Zun was not in a hurry to end her life. To the side, he spotted the corpse who walked out of the suitcase.

At first, he couldn’t understand why the corpse kept following him. If he couldn’t advance the case, the corpse would threaten to assault him and the living people around him.

But, he understood later on.

Ye Zun started to wake up when he was kidnapped by the villa’s host.

Why did he know who they were the first time he met them? Why did he provoke them, intentionally or otherwise as if he really wanted them to make a move, but without trying to ask for help? Why was he so confident?

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When he was tied up in the dimly lit screening room with the looming fate of being skinned at any time, he remained calm and knew how to escape, as if he was experienced.

If it wasn’t for the hostess who wanted to get rid of her companion and call the police, and if Inspector Henry never showed up, he would have tied the villa’s master to that chair and two people’s identities would have been swapped.

Ye Zun gradually realised his true identity. The hostess was correct, he was not the ‘Detective-xiansheng’ brought by Moros’ acquaintance at all.

The hostess and her companions are serial killers, and his identity is a serial killer who specialises in hunting down serial killers like them.

It was likely that the corpse in the box on the riverside was the real detective.

Ye Zun didn’t know who killed him, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he very much suited the identity of a murderer.

At this moment, the corpse was standing next to Ye Zun, looking at him with eyes like dusty glass beads.

Ye Zun looked at him carefully, and noticed for the first time that the corpse in the box actually looked a lot like himself.

Therefore, just seeing the corpse walking towards the river, he could judge that the body was more than 1.8 metres tall and weighed 70 kilograms.

“How about it, you really wanted to catch them ba, so have been following me all this time. Do you want to do it yourself?”

Ye Zun loosened the hand that gripped the hostess’ neck and spoke to the corpse.

Ye Zun led the corpse by the hand and placed it on the hostess’ neck.

“What are you doing?” the hostess asked suspiciously. There was clearly no one in front of her, but she suddenly felt that she couldn’t breathe.

The corpse in the box had its fingers around the hostess’s neck, tightening them little by little, strangling her to death.

Not only her, but also the personalities of the other two serial killers within her.

Ye Zun looked at the corpse who stood there at a loss, and said gently, “Your mission has been accomplished, you can go.” 

As if it had lost the very last of its faith, the corpse turned around and followed along the train carriages piled up with bodies and blood, walking forward.

The author has something to say:

I already said at the beginning of this instance that there is a reason for Ye Zun’s abnormal personality. There is a problem with his mental state. The personality instilled in him is not that of a detective, but a higher-level serial killer who hunts and kills serial killers.

The setting for this instance, every person is a villain.

So I tried to avoid bringing up his mental activities.

But in a previous chapter, when he was asked about justice, his silence, and the dialogue between him and Inspector Henry about justice after the death of the villa’s host, already hinted that something was off.

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