Having the Same Name as the Demon Lord of the Abyss

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He wants to feed on you

Ye Zun came back to his senses, his eyes focusing on the only other survivor besides him.

Moros, who was pale and unconscious, had his head resting on the broken train window.

He was very careful at that time, making sure that angelic face was not scratched by the shattered glass in the slightest.

Ye Zun walked towards him, step by step.

Behind him, in the blood filled hellscape of the train, the body of the serial killer who died just a moment ago stood up staggeringly.

Ye Zun turned his head back to look at them and let out a low, unconcerned sigh.

The newly reanimated corpse had three heads: Inspector Henry’s, the villa’s master and the mistress.

The three stiff heads watched him in unison, slyly snickering hee hee hee*.

[T/N: literally like ‘xi xi xi’]

Ye Zun walked towards them, but that thing didn’t move. When he got close, it instantly appeared in a place farther away, always keeping a short distance from him.

When Ye Zun tried to catch them, it even appeared directly outside the car window, staring at him through the window.

No, to be exact, it wasn’t a corpse, because the hostess’ body was still lying on the floor.

The three-headed monster was just a grey ghostly mass without substance.

They couldn’t pose a real threat to Ye Zun, but Ye Zun couldn’t kill them again.

They just followed him, whispering from a place not far or near, making noises that pissed people off.

【 Hee hee hee, kill him as well ba. 】

Ye Zun walked up to Moros and looked down at his pale face.

【 Pu pu pu ha ha ha ha*, he already knows your true colours, he is just pretending to sleep right now oh. 】

[T/N: don’t know what kinda laugh 噗噗噗/pu pu pu is]

【 If Detective-xiansheng wants to hide his identity, he has to kill them to silence them ah. 】

They incited and cajoled with undisguised malice:【 Kill him ma…kill him ba… 】

Moros’ long and thin eyelashes twitched slightly, and those eyes opened without any trace of drowsiness, looking at him wide awake and calmly.

The eyes were pure as a pair that belonged to a deer in the forest, like streams of water. He didn’t try to hide that he was awake, nor did he have any fear.

Ye Zun’s Adam’s apple rolled once, and the fingers wrapped in plastic gloves subconsciously covered the man’s eyes.

【 Hee hee hee, kill him! Strangle him! Yes, just strangle his neck, just like this! 】The ghost’s stimulated voice screeched excitedly, a distorted sound.

【 Why hesitate? Want to try peeling his skin? I can teach you the technique, but you have already investigated us, so you should also have a deep understanding of it ba. 】

Those malicious voices, talking and whispering incessantly, like the grey mist of the surrounding world, an ever present existence.

Moros, whose eyes were covered by Ye Zun, did not move. He also raised his fingers and fumbled around to confirm Ye Zun’s position. In the darkness, he touched Ye Zun’s eyes and traced the outline of his face.

As if he was not a single bit nervous or afraid, as if he had never considered whether the person in front of him would hurt him.

“Don’t worry, I’m here,” he said.

Ye Zun felt puzzled, submitting to his strength as he retracted his hand.

He looked at Moros’ clear and moist eyes, but he didn’t want to see his own expressionless face in the reflection.

Moros grabbed his arm and stood up, without looking at the body of the mistress behind Ye Zun. Those eyes were only on Ye Zun from beginning to end.

“Let’s go ba.”

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He took Ye Zun’s hand and led him away from this bloody train.

They walked along the abandoned railway tracks in the wasteland where every surface was buried in stalks.

Twilight fell, gradually turning darker.

But there was light on the horizon ahead.

When Ye Zun came back to his senses, he realised that at some point, those malicious whispers had disappeared.

He looked at the outline of Moros’ face in the dark, not surprised why this man was so calm, nor did he wonder if the man was going to do something to him.

He had no curiosity, no desire to think; he was like a robot. When the order has been executed to completion and he goes into standby, he simply watches.

That face really was like an angel’s, perfectly flawless, elegant and gentle.

The angel took Ye Zun out of the dark wilderness and into a brightly lit home.

In the house, two children were playing games.

The little girl laughed and violently dissected the doll into eight pieces, then clapped her hands and looked at the little boy with happy and innocent eyes. “Gege, my work is done, it’s your turn.”

The little boy then carefully located various other toys, using them to hide the remains of these dismembered dolls.

It was a horrifying game.

Laura-xiaojie was busy alone in the kitchen, not interfering with the children’s playtime.

Nor did Moros, who just walked in.

He only had his eyes on Ye Zun, and saw Ye Zun subconsciously frown to avoid the dim light in the room.

Just like the innate aversion to light that the creatures who live in the dark have.

“Are you uncomfortable? It will be a little darker over here.”

He led Ye Zun to a dark corner of the living room and let him sit on the sofa.

Ye Zun sat there, looking into Moros’ eyes without emotion.

Those eyes smiled softly, pupils carrying a gleam and a smile. Warm, clear, and pure, but very deep.

The whispers and murmurs in the room reappeared.

Ye Zun couldn’t see the ghost, but heard the countless voices.

Men, women, children, elderly, the living and the dead, people buried under houses and people walking by outside of the house.

【 Those children should be killed as well ba. They have already learned the ideologies and methods to kill from their parents at such a young age, and they will very quickly take action. 】

【 You are also killing people, what is the difference between you and us? 】

【 Kill this man as well. So you really think he is completely innocent? Have you not suspected and investigated him? Perhaps he is a scarier being than all of us. 】

Ye Zun didn’t move. In the depths of his eyes, there was the faintest trace of weariness.

Moros raised his hands and gently covered his ears, lightly moving his chin to rest on his shoulder, like a hug.

His voice was heard through the palm of his hands, blurry and vague, as if blocking all those treacherous and malicious voices.

“Do you feel lonely, are you not at ease?” 

Everywhere around him became quiet.

Ye Zun was like an old man in his twilight years, like an out-of-service robot with programming issues, sitting there motionlessly, losing all desires and thoughts about the world.

The angel hugged him. His body was warm and his skin was soft.

Placing thin kisses on his eyes and lips, forehead pressed to forehead.

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A calm and soothing voice, as if he had all the patience in the world, “Everything is alright, I will stay with you, I will always and forever be by your side.”

Ye Zun did not feel lonely, nor was he afraid or ill at ease. Those ghost-related things just made him feel bored.

He was far more used to the boundless darkness, so he felt like he was resting when he sat alone like this.

However, when this person hugged him, when this person looked at him, although he felt nothing, he didn’t refuse at all. It was as if he was condoning it, allowing him to do anything.

Laura took the two children upstairs for their bedtime.

Standing on the spiral staircase, the little boy looked back at him, his black and quiet eyes in dead silence.

Ye Zun was still sitting in the darkness, and under the even darker night, his energy gradually awakened and revived.

——Going to kill them?

There were obviously no longer ordinary people anymore. Sooner or later, they will do the same thing as their parents. Perhaps even tonight, they will be unable to hold back their urges and end up putting their hands on Laura.

He sat there without moving a muscle, letting the angel push him down until he was laying on the arm of the sofa, letting the man kiss him.

He even opened a small gap between his tightly pursed lips, as if withdrawing all defences from a border.

The choking sound of helpless breathing in the darkness was unfamiliar.

He was a little puzzled. Who made those sounds? In hindsight, it was himself.

——It was like seduction.

In the dark, the angel who suppressed and conquered him still had a beautiful and innocent pure face.

The sound of shaky breaths, like the shivers of a hunt, like the sigh before dying, mixed with the depraved eagerness in the darkness.

Speaking to him.

“I will not leave you, I will be with you forever, do not be afraid.”

He did not have the emotion of fear. He felt as if his soul was sinking to the bottom of the ice cold water, watching the angel. His body was stripped of all defences, like a sacrifice.

Those whispers and murmurs seemed to be faintly discernible after waves and waves across the water.

【 Kill him ah. 】

【 He wants to feed on you. 】

【 Are you sure it is a real angel? The feathers that have fallen are all black. 】

——He can ah.

He briefly imagined killing this man.

Fingers placed on the angel’s slender and moist neck, wet with a thin layer of sweat, like strangling and destroying the beautiful artwork.

The angel was smiling at him, with pure, attentive and loving eyes, or perhaps, they were cold, gloomy and seductive eyes.

He was sure that he could tighten his grip without hesitation, letting this person die in his hands, until the light in his eyes went completely silent and dull.

The man didn’t retaliate. He just stared at him with clear eyes, as if promising he could do anything to himself.

It was like the thought about whether he would hurt him or kill him never crossed the man’s mind.

The person just repeated the same words with the same warmth, like a whisper, “My dear, I will stay with you, don’t be afraid.”

——I am not alone, nor do I need a companion.

He was a little confused. Hasn’t he already told him this more than once?

“I am here, I won’t leave you by yourself.”

“I love you ah, do you feel it?”

Ye Zun’s hand tightened around his neck, hearing his voice trembling and sighing as he neared death, transmitting words of love to Ye Zun’s own body through their inseparable touches.

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In a shiver of pain and emptiness, he saw the grey world.

The blurred view of the pedestrians, the trees, the church and the graves.

And the one real thing in his vision, the clear and enthralled sight of the angel under the dreary lights and shadows, the warm and smiling deer-like eyes, and the black feathers behind him.

Ye Zun embraced that person tightly, with a cruel position and the intensity of confinement, as if he wanted to snap him in half, pressing the back of that person’s neck until it adhered to himself.

“Do not leave me.” He heard his own calm, emotionless voice, “Together, forever.” 

The angel’s soft, rosy lips slowly curved. “Okay ah. We will be together forever.”

“Thank you.” Ye Zun closed his eyes, and answered to another kiss from the man with his own.


Like being buried in a coffin, a period of time passed in the grey world of the undead.

Ye Zun opened his eyes. The train was still moving rhythmically.

The people in the carriage seemed to wake up from a brief and absurd dream, just like him. They quietly spoke amongst themselves.

Ye Zun leaned on the priest’s shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he could clearly see the skin of the man’s neck and the delicate Adam’s apple protruding out.

The priest was wearing a shirt as he usually did, button done up to the very top. He clearly always had a noble, gentle and polite demeanour, eyes clean and wearing a smile, but he gave off an unmistakably cold feeling.

Ye Zun looked at the skin on his neck from a close distance; the flawless milk-white skin gave off the same feeling as the owner they belonged to, it seemed to be more delicate and cold than jade.

He took a deep breath.

The aura on the priest’s body was almost nonexistent, like the breath of icy snow and some kind of mysterious tree, reminiscent of a bottomless no-man’s land.

“Are you awake? Did you have a nightmare?”

Ye Zun’s breathing was suppressed and restrained, and the priest naturally heard it.

“En, a somewhat scary dream,” he softly answered.

The man raised his hand and stroked his hair lightly, politely and restrained, taken away after just one touch.

“Although it was just a dream, you still feel a little uneasy because you just woke up ba. You can talk about it. If you do, you will slowly forget about it.”

“En.” Ye Zun leaned on his shoulder, positioned like a hug he was unaware of. His drooping eyes were half closed.

“I dreamed that I was a bad person, who did many horrible things.”

“A good boy like Ye Zun must have been very lonely in such a dream.” The priest’s voice was gentle and considerate, as always.

“In the dream, I didn’t feel that way.” Ye Zun’s voice was very light and slow, a calming weight that was quelled to the bottom of a valley. “The whole world was like that. No matter what you do or what you encounter, it feels normal in the dream.”

His ‘self’ in the dream was very unfamiliar. In the past, Ye Zun had seen many times in countless literary works how the killers are described as cold-blooded, but he didn’t have any first-hand experience.

Ye Zun in the dream was like this; his blood seemed to run cold, unflowing, with no mood swings, no corresponding emotions when encountering anything.

He wasn’t surprised when he saw the corpse in the box, he wasn’t scared when he saw the corpse crawling out of the box. When he saw the video of the perverted killer kidnapping the victim and skinning them, his disgust and sympathy were superficial necessities, but in fact there was no fluctuation in the bottom of his heart. 

Even though it was the corpse from the box that strangled the mistress in the end, if he was asked to do it himself, Ye Zun in the dream would kill her without hesitation.

He even seriously considered getting rid of the two children who developed the tendency to kill under the influence of their parents.

In the dream, his hands were placed on the young priest’s neck. In the middle of nearly strangling him, his fingers were always steady, without any regret or hesitation.

Although he gave up in the end, it seemed that it wouldn’t really matter if he really did kill the priest.

“An awful dream.” Only when he woke up did he find it awful.

It seemed that to a certain extent, if he continued to walk in the Demon God’s Amusement Park, that was what he would become one day.

In the end, he didn’t know, feel, or understand that he was actually lonely.

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In the grey world, accompanied by ugliness and ghosts, he walks on indifferently and in boredom, like another walking corpse.

So, he wanted to catch the angel.

He wanted salvation.

It’s just that he had even forgotten the feeling of loneliness and despair, and he didn’t know that he wanted to cry for help.

After waking up, Ye Zun already realised that in the grey world full of sin, there were many clues to prove that the angel may not be a real angel, but rather, the mastermind behind all evils.

Just as the ghosts on the hostess said, a being more terrifying than them.

Did Ye Zun in the dream also realise that?

But in the end he chose to be fed on.

Was it because the hopeless grey world was too exhausting and despairing?

“It must have been scary, but you are awake now.” Lin’s voice was deep and slow as he stroked his hair with light touches. “Don’t be afraid ah, I am here.”

Ye Zun closed his eyes, tears seeping out from under the lashes at the ends of his eyes. He did all he could to take a deep breath, restraining the trembling of his shoulders.

He didn’t say another word.

If he let out a sound, he might be caught crying, and that would be too embarrassing.

He just couldn’t control himself. He felt so tired, and lonely.

This person was obviously by his side, obviously very gentle, but he was untouchable.

Only in a nightmare full of darkness and terror would the demon who became one with the darkness meet him with affectionate and alluring eyes, watching him with a smile, chasing him.

Only the demon that appeared in the midst of extreme fear and dread would tightly hug him, want him, warm him, love him.

In the warm daylight, in the world he woke up to, the closest distance the priest would be with him was just this.

“Do you feel better?”

Why can’t the gentle Lin hug him, kiss him, love him?

Ye Zun buried his chin into the priest’s shoulder, wrapped his arms around his waist, and crossed the line.

The eyes of people around them unintentionally passed over them, and all were abashed and staring.

But the abstinent and restrained priest didn’t seem to notice. He simply sat there with modesty, with a rational and calm tone. His right hand naturally hung in the air, and his left hand gently stroked his head from a polite distance.

It will forever be like this, maintaining a gentle and kind appearance, when it was in fact a cold feeling of reservation and restraint.

“It really does sound like a very scary nightmare*.” Lin smiled faintly, soothingly whispering in a gentle and pampering tone, “Then, you can run away from it for a little bit.”

[T/N: I think there was a typo, the raws say ‘demon’ instead of ‘nightmare’, but it’s an easy typo to make since it’s phonetically similar, or maybe it’s intentional]

The curve of those rosy lips were of delight, exactly the same as the angel in Ye Zun’s nightmare.

He can run away from it, only for a little bit.

【 My dear, now you understand. 】

【 I switched identities with you, and came to understand the way I look at you. 】

【 You won’t run away or fear me anymore ba. 】

【 You should understand that when the Devil catches you, the only way to escape is to love him, and say to him: I will not leave you, I will always and forever be with you. 】

It’s okay if he hasn’t learned how; he has always been very patient, and he will teach his little dessert, forever and always.

But before that, he has to restrain himself. Under the light of the sun, he must keep his distance.

【 My dear, you have to love the real me, instead of sinking into fabricated illusions. 】

【 Even if you and I created this illusion together. 】

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