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Everyone was abuzz and patiently waited to form a destructive array and destroy the barrier. Grandmaster Mo busily attending both the Wind Prince and Fire Princess while ordering to managed everyone in helping.

Yan Ji almost went mad waiting here for hours, she looked at Prince Chen Tian talking to the old geezer. When a young lady wearing a flowy dress came and greet Yan Ji. Everyone recognize her as the pendant hanging on her slim waist indicate the heirloom of the Water country.

"This Water Princess greets Princess Yan Ji" A mocking smile form on Wan Fei lips. "Princess Ji seems not minding her sister's death and blatantly flirting with his Prince something. Princess Ji is really something" Her tone was not loud but for cultivators it's enough to hear it loud and clear.

Yan Ji's face darkened "What the hell is this b*tch doing here?" As an acting white lotus Yan Ji pitifully look at Wan Fei "Sister Fei Fei, don't so cruel! I know you hate elder sister a lot. My sister and I always respected you so how can you say those words" she squeezed out few crocodile tears and eyed her full of grievances "You know His Highness loves elder sister a lot and as her only sister, his highness grieved and can't let anything happen to me, so he invited me out of respect for elder sister!" Yan Ji cried, her complexion become pale everyone noticed how painful it was to mention the previous crowned Fire Princess.

"This two-faced!" Wan Fei inwardly sneered. She was about to rebuked when a masculine voice interrupted "Princess Wan Fei, don't bully 'our' princess." Prince Chen Tian came forward and pulled Yan Ji to his embraced.

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Wan Fei eyes narrowed 'only people with 3 brain cells could stupidly think nothing happened between these two. Oh, Yan Rou, till your death your so called sister still playing with you' Wan Fei sighed. Everyone knows that Princess Wan Fei and Princess Yan Rou are mortal enemy because of the fierce competition between them, but when she heard the news about her downfall she knew the mastermind behind this.

Prince something smiled formally "Princess Wan Fei, We all know how you hate Rou'er but you can't direct it to Ji'er. I have my respect in you so please be careful" He smiled calmly but the underlying words are evident.

Wan Fei only want to aggravate this two-faced but she went stumped by this Prince. She looked at them both carefully 'what a perfect couple. Both are two-faced'

"Hmph!" Wan Fei snorted she had no other choice but to back down. As Yan Rou's enemy she was not glad or sad about her death. In fact she feels she lost a friend. Because of their personality and competitive behavior both have disagreements but still no one cross the line to kill. 'A pity. A pity, Yan Rou even in death those two won't let your soul have a rest.'

The other spectators snickered with the confrontation but the highnesses didn't mind and keep doing their business. Soon, the sky began to dark as many people keep coming to check out and watched. A scene were crouching tigers and hidden dragons have gathered waiting for their lucky chances.

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Meanwhile, Grandmaster Mo feel ecstatic when they successfully obliterate the barrier. He immediately report it to Prince Chen Tian causing his mood to lighten.

Prince Chen Tian enjoyed his beloved snuggled in his arms "Ji'er the competition for entering the secret sect is fast approaching, my purposes for bringing you here is to get a suitable treasure for you and the chances of your winning rates will be absolute" Prince Chen Tian dotingly gaze at Yan Ji, while Yan Ji was moved and felt the excitement when she heard the secret sect! Her Prince was outer disciple of a secret. Though being outer disciple means nothing but being accepted in a powerful secret sect will change your fate.

"Big Brother really cares for Ji'er! Ji'er will do her best to meet your expectation" Within 4 months the competition for the secret sect especially her contender are the geniuses of Water, Earth, Wind and the powerful Thunder countries but she was confident. Not only her high leveled indigo soul but with the help of The Chen Tian's helper she will surely get to the top.

Her greed was very obvious in her eyes and she hide it. She calm her nerves and sweetly smiled at Chen Tian, the blooming face and full of loved made the prince become more obsess.

Unexpectedly a light flown, attracting everyone's attention. They rushed towards the light because they now see the barrier opening itself.

"Look the barrier is opening itself" Everyone was alarmed. They rushed and run towards the opening when a fire sizzled and the people who had rushed were burned to nothing. They didn't how they died when the fire engulfed and eat them. The ones who rush was only 4 Qi condensation, they become cannon fodder without knowing.

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The cultivators was alarmed they inspect the fire and a dangerous feeling run through their bones.

"What a powerful Fire! Is it from the Fire Country!? No impossible! A Fire like these containing a threatening aura must be an expert! Everyone back down! The Fire is no ordinary, it will burned every life form" Someone exclaimed, even the powerful experts was terrified, they hurriedly invade the fire and runs towards the safe perimeter.

The spectators distance themselves when they notices an ominous aura coming from inside.

Prince Chen Tian narrowed his eyes, he felt a bad premonition so he hug Yan Ji and ordered his guards to protect them.

At this moment a lady with a breathtaking appearance emerged, everyone held their breath not because of her aura but the downfall appearance she possessed.

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Prince Chen Tian stared at the lady with a blazing aura, his body quivered and a sensation to possess the lady invade his mind. In his entire, he never seen a lady like these, every ladies he have all elegant and pure in nature but the lady emerging was like a phoenix from the tales, her red hair is flowing, and her translucent skin was smooth made every girl gaze with envy. Including Yan Ji who was dumbfounded, her heart skip a beat when their eyes met, she can't erase the familiar feeling with those gaze but what's more she envy her because Chen Tian was gazing fervently at the lady. A great hatred contain in her eyes.

The lady noticed it and she grinned and stared at Yan Ji with dead eyes. The gaze made Yan Ji shiver down to her spines.

She tightly hug Prince Chen Tian, she didn't know why she was scared, and she was a born genius! No one under the heavens rivaled her Indigo grade soul, she was a unique existence that even Gods love and favor her. However, the gaze contain a faint killing intent made her shiver.

The next moment a petite boy appeared in front of Yan Ji, Chen Tian and the guards who guarding her jolted, the next moment the boy smiled at her evilly, everything happens so fast , Yan Ji felt a heavy boulder in her abdomen, before she could react she was smashed between the big rocks. She cough mouthful of blood and fainted.

Ryze kicked her and left his position like he teleported and stand beside the beautiful lady.

They look at Ryze like they saw a ghost, he smile at the Lady who patted his head made him giggled. He was like a cute obedient child than a ferocious beast who suddenly attack the fire princess.

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